My Plans for the Winter Break as a College Student
As a college student, winter break is the longest time that I will be able to get away from school all year, with the exception of summer. About a month away from school is not something that I plan to take for granted, time is precious. There are endless possibilities regarding how I can spend my time and I want to accomplish as much as I can. While my plans are not set in stone, there are a few things I will surely be doing. Service will be a major part of my break. As a Bonner Scholar, I have committed to finding a place to volunteer at for the time that I am home. Relaxation will also come into play, especially since I will have the opportunity to see people that I no longer see regularly. Along with this, I cannot neglect to get ready for next semester, some big things are happening to my life at College that I will need to be prepared for.
While I am at home, I will be completing my volunteer service at my old high school. The hours that I work will go toward my Scholarship requirements, as well as helping me complete my Americorps term of four-hundred-fifty hours. My service at the school will put me in a position where I can help in a stressful time, being that it is the holiday season. I will act as a sort of TA in that I will be available to assist teachers in whatever it is that they need to complete in the holiday season. I will also have the onnortunity to help the students hy assisting them with slackline, I plan on doing this everyday. Being alone is also an important aspect of relaxation. Over break, I will probably find some time to sit down and read a book. Reading allows you into an author's world and allows you an escape from your own.
While, I would like to spend a lot of my break living in the moment, without a schedule, I will still need to be thinking about the future. I have a big semester ahead of me and it would be wise for me to do some preparation. Next semester, I will be taking twenty credit hours because I was recently accepted into the Honors College, which also means I am moving to Jarvis house as soon as I retum Not to mention I will still have to complete ten hours a week of community.
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Conclussion. And committed to finding a place to volunteer at for the time that I am home relaxation will also come into play, especially since I will have the opportunity to see people that. And act as a sort of TA in that I will be available to assist teachers in whatever it is that they need to complete in the holiday. And happening to my life at College that I will need to be prepared for. And author's world and allows you an escape from your own.
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My Plans for the Winter Break as a College Student. (2023, May 29). Retrieved from
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