My Personal Experience of Friendship
In life many of us have friends who's filled with bad energy and two faced that choose to walk right into our life just to walk out as if we never met. Now days, you can't trust anyone because it's the least you expect who will stab you dead in your back and the ask why you are bleeding. Yes, it's good to have a friend who don't, but you don't need a friendship with anybody to move forward as an individual. A strong friendship is more than just saying, "that's my bestie," or "that's my sis/bro", A true friend is loyal, trustworthy, and dependable in my opinion. From things that I've witnessed, I would have to disagree with the statement that Woodrow Wilson once said, "Friendship is the only cement that will hold the world together."
In my personal experience I had with my family 5 years ago, I witnessed a young man whom my family loved dearly. He was one of my cousin close friends. This man literally was with my cousin so much you would have thought he was really blood related. We all considered him family because that's who he betrayed to be. He was so close that we were comfortable with him staying at the family house whenever he wanted to. He would come and go as he pleased, showered, cooked meals, participated in all the family functions and family events as well.
He came pass the house one day as he would normally do to sit on the porch with grand mom. He went to the store to buy her a newspaper and coffee and told her that he would be back later. Well 30 minutes later we got a call that my cousin had been gunned down and was lying dead in the street. Sad to say that this same close friend of the family is now serving a 20-year sentence for the murder of my cousin. Now if friendship was the only cement to holding the world together, why is it that your friend is taking you out the world instead of holding you together in the world? That's goes to show you that everyone that claim to be a friend, is not and cannot be trusted.
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On another note you think that everyone that's cheering for you to succeed is your friend, that's not the case. I had one girlfriend that I truly believed that we had the perfect friendship. She always mentioned how proud she was of me with going to school full time, holding two jobs, and all still while dealing with my son medical problems. We worked together at both jobs.
We always made sure that we scheduled ourselves together, bought each other lunch and dinner, made sure we both got to work so that it wasn't always one driving all the time. I always had her back and I thought she had mine, she had portrayed like I could trust, acted like she was so loyal while the whole time she was secretly trying to throw me under the bus. She heard that I was getting a promotion and I guess that didn't sit well with her. Instead of being happy for me her whole attitude changed.
She had did tum around on me in a matter of days. She started having an attitude all the time. When I would ask for help she would make excuses why she couldn't help me. We no longer took lunch breaks or anything together. She even no longer wants to ride to work anymore with me. It was later then I found out that she felt as though she should have gotten the promotion instead of me.
If it was the other way around I would have been happy and supported her because she was as good as an employee as I was. Friends are supposed to uplift each other not try to break them down. This world could not be kept together if you have friendships from people who want to try to tear you down. If you have friends that secretly want to see you fail that friendship is weak. Cement is a strong solid bond and I believe it takes a lot more than friendship to hold this world together.
God's kind of love can keep everything together just like he holds our life together. Now that's what I would call the cement to holding the world together. Anytime I'm going through a rough time instead of calling on a so-called friend, I'll call on God to help fix whatever that is because I know he wouldn't try to harm me, betray me, judge me, nor stab me in the back.
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