Report on the Importance of Multimedia in Holiday Resorts

Category: Media, Multimedia
Last Updated: 31 Mar 2023
Pages: 4 Views: 179

Report on Holiday Resort Introduction of Multimedia "Multimedia can be defined as the technology engaging a variety of media, including text, audio, video, graphics and animation either separately or in combination, using computer to communicate ideas or to disseminate information. " Multimedia programming or multimedia authoring is the final stage of multimedia project production.

The most Important phase of multimedia project design and development because the out put of the phase will be the finally render title that will reconsideration and redesigning ends with this phase. Creatures of Jurassic period though their time frame is unimaginable, are coming alive on the sliver screen with their huge roars and fusses. The Jet fighters seen to fly right above the heads in the new CD games and professional quality music is issuing out of the serious business.

Multimedia is no more a fancy, but a mandatory. Multimedia Programming VISA Multimedia Authoring Multimedia authoring refers to that process of developing a multimedia project, using specialized packages and utilities exclusively meant for this purpose. The developing of a multimedia project title, using PVC++ or developing a graphics editing footwear package like Paint Shop Pro can be called as multimedia programming. Developing a multimedia project title using Asymmetry's "Multimedia Tool box" can be Multimedia Authoring.

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Multimedia software project, using any typical programming environment/ Language or tool (mostly GU') and making use of various media files and integrate them. It doesn't demand expert programming skills or knowledge for project development. Step that precede Multimedia Authoring Process The final form of story board containing all interface designs, Nava Map structures and all the details-approved by the project leader should be ready. The media contents to be used in the Initial screens or frames like the background Graphics/ Digital Audio etc... Just be ready. As the Authoring process proceeds rest of the media contents can be developed. Decisions on which authoring environment / package to use have been finalized after all considerations. Authoring Methodologies Authoring tool, package, environment or platform uses some fundamental methodology, for developing the multimedia project. Some tools, even offer the flexibility to switch over from one methodology to another whenever the need arises. Frame or Page based Authoring Tools.

Data Verification. The general content sequence developed in the earlier phase of multimedia project design, must now be rearranged to suit the multimedia application development environment. This process, specifically called 'Mapping' or 'Navigation Mapping result in what's called a "Navigation Map' or 'Nava Map'. Linear Structure, Hierarchal Structure, Non- Linear Structure and Composite Media Content Design and Development Audio Eclipses, Graphics, Animation and Video Eclipses developed for a particular project, can be called as media content.

Audio vs.. Graphics, Animation vs.. Graphics, Video vs.. Animation and Video vs.. Graphics. Interface Design and Development Process The multimedia information, that's available in various forms, has to be presented in a amicable manner to the user. It's only with the help of interface design, that, one producer distinguishes his title from others because the nature of media content are almost the same - a few '. Wave audio files, '. Aviva' video files and many other bitmap graphics?the way in which they are presented, does the magic.

Back Drops Buttons and Icons Story Boarding Techniques Story Boarding technique for developing animations, even during the Story Boarding stage itself, he may have the opportunity to express his authoring or programming problems, if any. Sometimes, a design or display methodology that seems to be the best option, may invite some troubles in programming, and in other case, the media overhead may well exceed the permissible limit.

Delivery Design and Development The media, in which the project is going to be delivered, also forms a part of project design. Though, in most of the cases, the choice is limited to CD-ROOMS because of the sheer volume of the project material. In some rare cases wherein the size of the reject is small - without complicated video, animation etc. Even floppy disk can be used. Concerning Project "Holiday Resort" A resort is a place used for relaxation or recreation, attracting visitors for holidays or vacations.

Resorts are places, towns such as Newport, Rhode Island or Switzerland, or larger regions, like the Adirondack Mountains or the Jersey Shore. A resort is not merely a commercial establishment operated by a single company, although in the late twentieth century this sort of facility became more common. Such a self- contained resort attempts to provide for all or most of a vacationers wants while engaging on the premises, such as food, drink, lodging, sports, entertainment, and shopping.

Intend of project Resort is managed by Holiday Resort, an India based company whose head office is in Gujarat. Company started its operation in March 31, 2000. Our company provides all types facilities such as Casino, Games, Health & Beauty, Swimming, Golf, Restaurant, Meeting & Conference for attracting the visitors and entertainment them. Project Classification Holiday Resort multimedia project is a project that gives entertainment to the visitor's, they can enjoy there holidays by various types of motion provide by us.

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Report on the Importance of Multimedia in Holiday Resorts. (2018, Sep 19). Retrieved from

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