Misconceptions About Africa

Category: Language, United States
Last Updated: 19 Apr 2023
Pages: 2 Views: 203

Coming to America Paper In the movie “Coming to America” we can observe a wide variety of stereotypes, cultural differences, and language barriers throughout the movie. Now whether or not the stereotypes and cultural differences are accurate, it gives us a good idea of how America is difference then most countries around the world. In today’s world when people think of Africa they think of people who may not be as educated as Americans, and possibly people who grew up in the jungle or rainforest.

When in fact “only a small percentage of Africa, along the Guinea Coast, Congo, and in the Zaire River Basin, are rainforests. Most of Africa's forests, like the forests of Europe and North America, have been cut or burned by humans to create farmland. ” (MAA) We also witness language barriers come into play in the movie. When the Prince is trying to find a city in America to find his bride he says “what better place for a queen than Queen’s, New York”.

When in all reality Queen’s, New York is known for being to have a relatively high crime rate and high poverty rate in 1988 when the movie was released, which in American culture, would probably not be the best place to find your “queen” or girlfriend. Cultural differences, language barriers, and stereotypes, come up quite often in the movie. The movie tries to show Americans in a somewhat comedic way how Africa and America have different cultures.

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The cultural differences in the movie also suggest that it may not be very easy to transition between the two cultures, because American’s and African’s may value different things greater in one country compared to the other. Stereotypes, cultural differences, and language barriers will always be around, but it is up to the people of the world to educate one another, and help them evaluate and understand their differences, which will in turn help the coexistence of nations throughout the world. Citations "Misconceptions About Africa. " African Studies Center, University of Pennsylvania. Ed. Ali B. Ali-Dinar. Web. 05 Oct. 2010. . (MAA)

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Misconceptions About Africa. (2018, Jan 24). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/misconceptions-about-africa/

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