Informative Speech Outline on Addiction to Prescription Drugs
General-purpose: Addiction to prescription drugs
Specific purpose: To inform my audience about the growing problem of prescription drug abuse, some common drugs that cause abuse, and their effects and some common treatments.
Pattern: People living in today’s society must be aware about the dangers that prescription Drugs can cause them, as well as the people around them.
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- Attention : Is it possible that you or someone you love is addicted to prescription drugs? An estimated 48 million people according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, have used prescription drugs for nonmedical reasons in their lifetime. According to
- Credibility: It was a big epidemic in my high school and surrounding schools. Ive lost relationships with people close to me due to their prescription drug addiction.
- Drug addiction is growing rapidly throughout the united states and its effecting all age ranges.
- There needs to be more restrictions placed because people think because the doctor is giving it to them, it is safe to abuse them
Today im going to discuss what types of prescription drugs are being abused, how it effects your life and health, and possible ways to overcome the spread of the addiction.
Reason to listen:
Ive come to realize that unfortunately everyone knows someone who is addicted to prescription drugs. * . * Preview: * Types of prescription drugs * The harms they cause * Ways to overcome the spread of addiction
The three different classes of prescription drugs a. . opioids- used to treat pain-oxycodone, vicodin, roxicet b. depressants-used to treat anxiety and sleep disorders- Xanax, Valium, Klonopin c. . stimulants- used to treat attention deficit disorders- Adderrall, ritalin
The harms that prescription drugs cause d. . opioids can cause drowsiness constipation and long term could cause severe respiratory depression which is… or in highest doses, death. e. .anti depressants as well as anti anxiety they can cause sexual disfunction weight gain fatigue. with the use of these drugs it’s a chance you can be physically uncoordinated for the first few days until you build your tolerance. . .stimulants can cause enhanced brain activity increase and llertness in energy elevated blood pressure increase heart rate increase respiration and sleep deprivation…. Ultimately these three drugs possess the same long term affect when abused; high potential for physical dependence and addiction.
Ways for physiciaisn patients and pharamasists to all play a role in identifying and preventing prescription drug abuse. g. . physicians- ask about any and all drug abuse; screening for prescription drug use can be incorporated into routine medical visits.
Take note of rapid increases in the amount of medication needed. f. patients follow directions and be aware of potential interactions with other drugs. Don’t just change your dose without discussing with your doctor first. Never use another persons prescription. Transition: ..
Why is prescription drug addiction on the rise? 1. Why is prescription drug addiction on the rise a. Doctors don’t exactly know how many people are addicted to pain medication, but one of the reasons so many people are is the availability. b. Vastly more people have access to these medicines today than 15 or 20 years ago. " a. Responding to patients and pain advocacy groups, doctors may have become less restrictive in prescribing opioid pain pills. There has been a surge in prescriptions for opioids over the past decade -- and the creation of millions of potential drug stashes in medicine cabinets across the country. b. Teen drug abuse with opioids is now second only to marijuana in popularity. Almost one in 10 high school seniors report taking hydrocodone (Vicodin) within the past year.
Not by coincidence, many of their parents are taking it too: Vicodin and its generic form were the most-prescribed drug of any kind for much of this decade. Transition: .. C. . 2 . What are some ways that we can treat these prescribed drug addictions? h. .Some addictions, such as opioid addiction, can be treated with medications. i. . These pharmacological treatments counter the effects of the drug on the brain and behavior, and can be used to relieve withdrawal symptoms, help overcome drug cravings, or treat an overdose. a.
Although a behavioral or pharmacological approach alone may be sufficient for treating some patients, research shows that a combined approach may be best.
- Review.
- Types of prescription drugs
- the harms that prescription drugs can cause
- ways to overcome the spread of addiction
- People living in today’s society must be aware of the dangers that prescription drugs can cause them, as well as the people around them.
- Closure: Drug addiction is such a widespread epidemic and all of the people with potential are losing control of their lives by abusing these drugs.
Informative Speech: Fire Safety Imagine waking up in the middle of the night
Informative Speech: Fire Safety Imagine waking up in the middle of the night to the sound of a smoke alarm. What is the first thought that goes through your mind? Every year thousands of people die from House fires. I’m here to give you some statistics and some helpful solutions that may save your life. By the end of my speech I hope you will have a better understanding of Fire Safety and things you can do to prevent one in your home.
- In 2011 Fire Departments responded to 370,000 House fires (NFPA.
- Org) Of those 370k Fires A. 2590 People died (Not including FF’s)
- 12,910 People were injured
- 7. 2 billion dollars in direct damage On Average 7 people died everyday in the U. S
- Nov-March Fires more likely to occur
- 40 percent of house fires occur in homes with no working smoke alarms.
Leading cause’s of House fires
- Cooking 5-8 pm
- Heating equipment- Elderly population
- Arson
- Males account for almost double the total cost in damage and fire injuries over women at 4. 8 billion.
- Main two groups of people that are at most risk for causing and being injured by fires.
- Children 4 & under
- Children are curious about fire
- Children account for 35k fires per year
- 8k are in homes.
How to educate Children
- Teach Children that fire is a tool and not a toy
- Teach them not to hide during a fire
- Teach them to go downstairs and not higher (Heat and smoke travel up)
- Teach them Stop Drop and Roll
- Crawl low in smoke
- Teach them how to sleep with the door closed to their bedroom.
- Will account for 21 pct of population by 2050.
- Elderly Most prone to Fire.
- Accounting for 25% of all fire related deaths.
- More likely to misuse electrical appliances (Portable heaters, heating blankets)
- More prone to household accidents involving cooking fires, electrical fires and smoking
- Dementia and Alzheimer’s (forgetting to turn of stove or iron)
- 10 pct of elderly are living in poverty, causing them to use candles, space heaters, or even the oven as a heat or light source increasing fire hazards in the home.
Informative Speech on Yoga
Informative Speech
I want my audience to be informed about what yoga is, its history, and why it has become so popular in recent years.
I. “Yoga means “union” in Sanskrit, the language of Ancient India where yoga first originated. We can think of that union occurring between the mind, body, and spirit.
II. (Introduce topic) As you can see, yoga is an incredibly healthy practice.
III. (Establish credibility) I have just recently started doing yoga and I have already noticed a change in my life because of it.
IV. (Audience adaptation) Most of you may be asking yourselves: “How can yoga possibly help me? ”
V. (Preview main points) Hopefully I can help you answer that question by informing you about what yoga is, what its history is, and why it has become so popular in recent years. Body I. So what exactly is yoga?
- A. It’s basically a way to create balance in the body by developing strength, flexibility, spirituality, and emphasizing a non-materialistic lifestyle.
- B. Ann Pizer goes on to say that “’ Yoga’ is more accurately described by the Sanskrit word “asana” which refers to the practice of physical postures or poses. ”
- C. The yoga poses are essential to a yoga class. Most people go to a class because there are an instructor and other motivated people.
- 1. Rod Hutchings, a member of the Yoga Teacher’s Association of Australia, states in an article titled “What is Yoga” that “A class starts with breathing exercises, then begins with gentle asanas and works up to more difficult ones. ”
- 2. A class will usually exercise all parts of the body and will include breathing practices as well as guided meditation.
- 3. The poses are as diverse as the instructor and include: sitting, standing, forward bends, back bending, twisting postures, and upside-down asanas.
- 4. Classes are a good way to go for a lot of people but they do have their drawbacks.
The classes can be difficult for people with physical limitations. The classes can also be expensive and are not right for people who feel self-conscious in a large group. However, there are other options for people who choose to do a yoga program on their own. There is a wealth of knowledge online or they can watch a DVD. Plus, there are several different kinds of yoga, which are tailored to fit what the person is trying to gain from it. Hatha yoga is the most common form; it deals with physical postures and breathing. Karma yoga and Bhakti yoga are recommended for people who want a more spiritual experience. Transition: Yoga appeals to a lot of people because it offers flexibility and is an art form that has been around for thousands of years. Yoga can actually be traced back to 3,000 BC but many people believe that it began with the creation of man.
They are believed to be from the first civilizations in ancient India. ” The history of yoga can be broken down into four periods.
1. The Vedic Period is the period in which yoga began.
- a. It started with the early religion Brahmanism which was early Hinduism.
2. The Pre-Classical period is the second era.
- a. It is during this period that we begin to see a correlation between yoga and Buddhism.
- b. Siddhartha Guatama, who is considered to be the main Buddha, was the first to study yoga.
3. By the third period, the “Classical Period”, yoga becomes more structured.
- a. In the 2nd Century, Patan Jali attempts to define yoga in his “Yoga Sutra” which is an eightfold path of yoga.
4. The fourth and final period is referred to as the Post Classical period, which extends into the present day.
- a. Yoga was first introduced to the west in the late 1800s as an eastern philosophy class that most universities offer.
- b. Guru Swami Sivananda, a noted Malaysian Physician, modified Patan Jali’s 8 principles into just 5 that are still used today.
Transition: It is believed that if you combine all five principles, you will be in tune physically, mentally, and spiritually. Now you can see why yoga has become so popular in our society. Many of the reasons why it has become so popular are because yoga is extremely beneficial to the body Spiritual growth. Sense of well being. Increased strength and flexibility. Slowed aging process, and these are just to name a few. Julie Stachowiak Ph.D. admits in an article on ms. about. com last accessed.“When I have been dedicated to yoga, I have seen amazing differences in my strength and flexibility from week to week. I notice that I hold my body more erect, rather than slumping over my keyboard or leaning over the counter. I also notice that I sleep better. And many Americans agree with her, we have very hectic lives and find solace in activities that can take us to a so-called “higher place” both physically and spiritually. (Close w/impact) I am going to leave you with a quote that will explain yoga the way it was meant to be explained. It is a quote from Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, to his pupil Arjuna in the epic “Bhagavad-Gita”. “In the state of perfection called trance, or Samadhi, one’s mind is completely restrained from material mental activities by practice of yoga.
This is characterized by one’s ability to see the self by the pure mind and to relish and rejoice in the self. In that joyous state, one is situated in boundless transcendental happiness and enjoys himself through transcendental senses. Established thus, one never departs from the truth, and upon gaining this he thinks there is no greater gain. Being situated in such a position, one is never shaken, even in the midst of greatest difficulty. This indeed is actual freedom from all miseries arising from the material contracts.
- Bance, Shayne. “Yoga History. ” Abc of Yoga. 25 April 2006.
- Hutchins, Rod. “What is Yoga? ” Yoga. net. au. 18 Sept. 2007.
- http://www. yoga. net. au Lord Krishna. “The Bhagavad-Gita” Pizer, Ann. “What is Yoga? ” About. com. 18 Sept. 2007.
- http://www. yoga. about. com Scott, Elizabeth. “The Benefits of Yoga for Stress Management. ” About. com 20 Sept. 2007.
- http://www. stress. about. com Stachowiak, Julie. “Yoga and MS. ” About. com. 20 Sept. 2007.
- http://www.
Informative Speech Outline- Sleep Apnea
Working Outline Topic: Sleep Apnea General Purpose: to inform Specific Purpose: to inform the audience on Sleep Apnea Thesis: Sleep Apnea is becoming more of a dangerous disease that more people are starting to be diagnosed with. It is extremely important that Sleep Apnea is emphasized so that more people are aware of it.
“The National Sleep Foundation” says that a lot of people don’t know what sleep apnea is. Sleep Apnea is a dangerous disease that can lead to death while you’re sleeping. Body: I. There are two types of Sleep Apnea A. Central Sleep Apnea . Unlike OSA, the airway is not blocked, but the brain fails to signal the muscles to breathe due to instability in the respiratory control center. B. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) 2. The more common of the two forms of apnea, it is caused by a blockage of the airway, usually when the soft tissue in the back of the throat collapses during sleep. Transition: Sleep Apnea can affect anyone, even children. II. “The National Sleep Foundation” says that anybody can be affected by this disease. A. Being male B. Being overweight C. Being over 40 D. Having a large neck size (17 inches in men or 16 inches or greater in women) E.
Having large tonsils, a large tongue, or a small jaw bone F. Having a family history of sleep apnea G. GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux) H. Nasal obstruction due to a deviated septum, allergies, or sinus problems Transition: Wonder what causes Sleep Apnea? III. In “The National Institutes of Health” they say, Sleep Apnea is caused when you sleep because your muscles relax which narrows your throat. Normally, this narrowing doesn’t prevent air flowing into and out of your lungs. If you have sleep apnea, your airway can become partially or fully blocked because: Your throat muscles and tongue relax more than normal.
Your tongue and tonsils (tissue masses in the back of your mouth) are large compared with the opening into you windpipe. C. The shape of your head and neck (bony structure) may cause a smaller airway size in the mouth and throat area. D. You’re overweight. The extra soft fat tissue can thicken the wall of the windpipe. This narrows the inside of the windpipe, which makes it harder to keep open. E. The aging process limits your brain signals’ ability to keep your throat muscles stiff during sleep. Thus, airway is more likely to narrow or collapse. Transition: “National Institute of Health” has Steps on how to treat Sleep Apnea.
IV. “The National Institute of Health” suggests that Sleep Apnea should be treated with lifestyle changes, mouthpieces, breathing devices, and surgery. Goals of treating sleep apnea are to restore regular breathing during sleep and relieve symptoms such as loud snoring and daytime sleepiness. A. Lifestyle Changes Avoid Alcohol and medicines that make you sleepy. Losing weight if you’re overweight or obese. Sleeping on your side instead of your back to help keep your throat open. Keeping your nasal passages open at night with nasal sprays or allergy medicines, if needed. If you smoke, quit.
B. Mouthpieces 1. Oral Appliance C. Breathing Devices 1. Cpap Machine D. Surgery Conclusion: Learning that Sleep Apnea is a dangerous disease and more people are being diagnosed with it. I hope that learning more about this disease more people will be more aware of it.
Works Cited
- National Institute of Health http://www. nhlbi. nih. gov/health/health-topics/topics/sleepapnea/ The National Sleep Foundation. National Institutes of Health. Reviewed by Louis R. Chanin, MD on July 30, 2012 © 2012
- WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved. http://www. webmd. com/sleep-disorders/sleep-apnea/sleep-apnea
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Informative Speech Outline on Addiction to Prescription Drugs. (2017, May 13). Retrieved from
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