Impact of Internet Banking on Commercial Customers’ Businesses
The objectives of this research are: Evaluating the impacts of Internet banking on commercial customers' businesses using a multi-disciplinary approach; the social, technical and organizational aspects will be taken into account. This research is categorized into seven chapters.
Chapter one: introduction of the project which reveals the scope of the project, what type of business is exploited, aims and objectives. Chapter two: Literature Review, of his project provides a detailed view of all the relevant literature that was used in undertaking this project. Chapter three: Objectives and Research Methods, outlines the objectives of the project and considers the different ways in which these objectives was examined and researched. Example, by using case studies, interviews and questionnaires.
Chapter four: Conceptual Framework outlines the concepts and framework (theories) of the analysis with reference to the literature. Chapter five: Findings, provides a discussion of the findings from the empirical research. It will roved views of the officials and persons interviewed and questioned. Chapter six: Analysis focuses on the analysis of the project. It links the theory with the empirical data where the findings will be interpreted and explained. Any problems or drawbacks of the use of these tools will be highlighted here.
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Chapter seven: Conclusion is the final section of the main report and will serve to summaries and conclude the project. The purpose of this literature review is to provide a solid background for this research topic and to give a comprehensive knowledge of the literature of the field. It must be noted however that this literature review is not all there is to the research on Internet Banking but rather a summary of the research that was done with the reference selected.
As technology continues to advance rapidly and give an increasing popularity to the internet in society today business owners are making more use of the internet in order to distribute their goods and services. The incredible growth of the internet is changing the way corporations conduct business with consumers. The banking industry is no exception Noun and CIA 2001). Internet Banking services have been offered by banks in order to improve services to existing customers and attract new ones and also to enhance the products offered by the bank.
To sustain business competitiveness, more and more banks or financial services companies are transforming from their traditional approach of "bricks and mortar" into "clicks and mortar" under the recent emergence of electronic commerce and business (Chaw and La', 2003). As noted by Biker et al. 2000 "physical banks are not an anachronism, but less is sometimes more. " Trust refers to the belief that the remises of another can be relied upon and that, in unforeseen circumstances, the other will act in a spirit of goodwill and in a benign fashion toward the trust (Such and Han, 2002).
As more and more financial institutions are finding ways to utilize Internet Technologies to launch Internet Banking services, research have shown an important issue is to understand what factors will impact the decisions of customers in adopting the service. In information research terms, it is the issue of user technology acceptance. As noted above the extended TAM model includes several external variables that are argued to have influence on perceive usefulness in the context of adopting Internet banking services.
According to researchers Chaw and Alai 2003, three factors, personalization, alliance services and task familiarity are proposed to have influence on perceive usefulness. The importance of perceived usefulness has been widely recognized in the field of electronic banking (Grunting and Nudism, 2006; Circumstantially and Fink, 2005; Eriksson et al. , 2005; Laborer and L', 2005; Polytonal and Skin, 2001; Lila and Chemung, 2002) / (Changer and Begum 2008). According to Chaw and Alai two variables proposed to have influence on perceived ease of use are task familiarity and accessibility.
As stated above task familiarity plays a role in the factors affecting perceived usefulness, here we see it affects the perceived ease of use as well. The more accessible an information system is the less effort is needed to use it. (Kernighan and Straus, 1999). In the context of Internet banking, accessibility refers to not only the physical accessibility of Internet connections, but also the global and round-the-clock nature of Internet banking. Gogh 1995, argues that if the supporting technological infrastructures are easily and readily available, Internet commerce applications such as Internet banking will become more feasible.
In an attempt to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of Internet banking for commercial customers in FCC, which is the aim of this project, the following objectives will be used to achieve this; Investigating the effects of trust, user acceptance, perceived usefulness and ease of use, security, and risk perception of internet banking. Assessing the impacts of Trinidad being a developing country; the information and communication technology capabilities will be investigated taking into consideration the availability of internet resources and level of computer literacy.
Quantitative and Qualitative Research According to Maggie Walter 2006, quantitative research can be done using formal preset questionnaires to ask people specific questions that have a limited number of optional responses. This type of data collection is basically concerned with surveys, structured interviewing and secondary data analysis. According to Alan Barman quantitative research is structured so that the researcher is able to examine the precise concepts and issues that are the focus of the study. Quantitative data are often viewed as hard reliable data owing to the precision offered by measurement.
However quantitative research lacks depth as the respondents are not able to express their opinions. Qualitative research is basically concerned with understanding; it is about how people feel about things and what their perceptions are about particular issues (Maggie Walter 2006). This method is generally concerned tit interviews, unstructured or in depth. According to Alan Banyan qualitative research allows the researcher to see through the eyes of the people being studied. However qualitative research can be subjective, difficult to replicate and may lack transparency.
In this project both quantitative and qualitative research was carried out. Interviews Interviews will be conducted in person as a way to collect data from some of the customers from the sample size. These customers will be selected according to their willingness and availability to do the interview. Interviews allow us to establish a DOD relationship with the respondents and generate a good understanding of the respondent's views. Two types of interviews that can be carried out are structured interviews and unstructured interviews.
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Impact of Internet Banking on Commercial Customers’ Businesses. (2017, Dec 07). Retrieved from
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