How Are Vision & Mission Statements Used to Set the Strategic Direction?
Best Examples of a Vision Statement A vision statement for a company or organization focuses on the potential inherent in the company's future, or what they intend to be. While a vision statement might contain references to how the company intends to make that future into a reality, the “how” is really part of a "mission" statement, while the vision statement is simply a description of the “what,” meaning, what the company intends to become. Ads by Google Trading Stocks Online ? Find why many prefer to Trade Forex High Leverage,1/1Training & support www. iforex. h Vision Statements: Reviews and Ideas To find the best examples of vision statements, consider these statements made by some of the world's most innovative and successful companies: Online Retailer “We intend to provide our customers with the best online shopping experience from beginning to end, with a smart, searchable website, easy-to-follow instructions, clear and secure payment methods, and fast, quality delivery. ” From this statement example, you can clearly tell that this company is an online retailer. You can also tell they have put thought into the statement by making a list of goals.
They don't simply say that they want to be “the best” online shopping site – they give a list of ways in which they intend to do that. This is a quality vision statement because it outlines the specific future they intend to create for themselves, but it doesn't give specific steps on how they will do it (better saved for a mission statement). Hair Salon “Our salon will change the way you think about a haircut. Full service comfort, friendly staff, a relaxing atmosphere, and the best prices in town give you an experience that will leave you glowing both inside and out. Once again, it's clear from this vision statement what type of business is behind it. It's also a good, clear list of goals, without being too specific. It paints an overall picture of a pleasant, successful business that the company hopes to become, and since the vision statement isn't just a vision of your future – it's also a vision you're presenting to your customers about who you are – it's important that it do just that. Apple Computer "We believe that we are on the face of the earth to make great products and that's not changing. We are constantly focusing on innovating. We believe in the simple not the complex.
We believe that we need to own and control the primary technologies behind the products that we make, and participate only in markets where we can make a significant contribution. We believe in saying no to thousands of projects, so that we can really focus on the few that are truly important and meaningful to us. We believe in deep collaboration and cross-pollination of our groups, which allow us to innovate in a way that others cannot. And frankly, we don't settle for anything less than excellence in every group in the company, and we have the self-honesty to admit when we're wrong and the courage to change.
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And I think regardless of who is in what job those values are so embedded in this company that Apple will do extremely well. "- Tim Cook, CEO of Apple Computer (Quoted on CNN Money. com). PepsiCo "PepsiCo's responsibility is to continually improve all aspects of the world in which we operate - environment, social, economic - creating a better tomorrow than today. Our vision is put into action through programs and a focus on environmental stewardship, activities to benefit society, and a commitment to build shareholder value by making PepsiCo a truly sustainable company. (Quoted from Pepsi Co. com. ) Amazon "Our [Amazon's] vision is to be earth's most customer centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online. " (Quoted from Amazon. com) Short Vision Statements Sometimes a vision statement can be summarized in one sentence. Examples include: •To help people be healthy, •To have our product in every home in the United States, •To help people enjoy life, or offer an affordable solution to health care. Local companies might aspire to be the best company in the town or to offer ocally grown produce. A restaurant may have this vision statement: To offer fresh and delicious food to our customers along with a fun-filled dining experience. Long Vision Statements Vision statements may also be longer as well. Some examples include: •As we move towards our goal of being a world-class university, we will support research on a global scale. Locally, our campus will service the research needs of the learning community, granting access to many informational resources. •The XYZ Company will inspire its employees to be the best they can be.
We will engage in sustainable practices and anticipate the needs of our customers. We will maximize return to the stockholders while still maintaining quality in our products. •Our vision is to bring our students into the 21st century through innovation and modern technology. Learning will be enhanced with computer software and educational games that will allow students to proceed at their own rate according to their ability. In each of these examples, the vision statement helps to define goals, creating something to work towards in the future.
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List those visions, and incorporate them into a brief statement that gives a good overview of the kind of image you want to represent. Understanding your goals and being able to state them clearly is the first step toward making them happen. =-------------- •PRESENTATION By Mirabel •2. DEVELOPMENT OF MISSION & VISION STATEMENT . FOR THE TRAMPORL GROUP. [Sandwich Makers] TASK 2 •3. MISSION STATEMENT. To be recognised as a leading distinctive brand of fresh, homemade, quality sandwich makers; Offered to customers at the most reasonable, affordable price; For a healthier, refreshing, filling and totally satisfying meal .
MIRABEL TETTEH 3230 UNIT 4 •4. TECHNIQUE USED TO DEVELOP THE MISSION STATEMENT. 1. Identified the company’s winning idea: - Providing FRESH & HEALTHY products. 2. Identified the key measures of success:- Affordable & reasonable price, best quality, for a good quantity, delivered to the customer. 3. Combined the winning idea and success measures into a measurable goal:- Total satisfaction derived by the customer. MIRABEL TETTEH 3230 UNIT 4 A mission statement describes the basic overall purpose and function of the organisation. •5. TECHNIQUE USED TO DEVELOP THE MISSION STATEMENT. (contd….. ) 4.
Finally, I refined the words until I came up with a concise and precise statement of Tramporl’s mission which expresses our ideas, measures and desired result. Hence, our MISSION STATEMENT : MIRABEL TETTEH 3230 UNIT 4 •6. MISSION STATEMENT. “ To be recognised as a leading distinctive brand of fresh, homemade, quality sandwich makers; Offered to customers at the most reasonable, affordable price; For a healthier, refreshing, filling and totally satisfying meal . ” MIRABEL TETTEH 3230 UNIT 4 •7. VISION STATEMENT. We at Tramporl take cautious steps to ensure that all our sandwiches reach our customers in the utmost best and fresh condition.
Delivered straight to you to foster a healthy, wholesome, nourishing and flourishing lifestyle. Absolutely affordable to all to generate the optimum value. MIRABEL TETTEH 3230 UNIT 4 •8. TECHNIQUE USED TO DEVELOP THE VISION STATEMENT. MIRABEL TETTEH 3230 UNIT 4 After identifying the company’s mission, uncover the real human value in that mission. Nutritional value for the health conscious consumer. Homemade, prepared under the right food & health policies to ensure freshness. (right temperatures, proper hand washing and glove-use procedures etc. ). 2.
Identified what the company, it’s customers and A vision statement is a vivid idealised description of a desired outcome that inspires, energizes and helps you create a mental picture of your target. •9. TECHNIQUE USED TO DEVELOP THE VISION STATEMENT . (contd)… other stakeholder will value most about how the company will achieve this mission. Customer : Healthy, nourishing & wholesome lifestyle. Filling meal. Commitment to improving health Employees : Teamwork, Diversity, commitment to employee happiness and well-being, Trust and respect. Shareholders : optimising profits & minimising our cost. (optimum value for all).
MIRABEL TETTEH 3230 UNIT 4 •10. TECHNIQUE USED TO DEVELOP THE VISION STATEMENT . (contd)… Government : adhering to the policy and legislative processes in the food industry in operation in the UK, EU and internationally. Community/Society : Tackling the social issue of obesity by helping to bring about lasting improvements to the nation’s nutrition and health. Hence a call for a change towards healthier habits in the food service companies. 3. Combining the mission and values I polished the words until I came up with a vision statement inspiring enough to energise and motivate people inside and outside the company.
Hence, our VISION STATEMENT; MIRABEL TETTEH 3230 UNIT 4 •11. VISION STATEMENT. “ We at Tramporl take cautious steps to ensure that all our sandwiches reach our customers in the utmost best and fresh condition. Delivered straight to you to foster a healthy, wholesome, nourishing and flourishing lifestyle. Absolutely affordable to all to generate the optimum value. ” MIRABEL TETTEH 3230 UNIT 4 Our vision Our vision is what we want to be and how we want to be perceived. It is what we aspire to. It inspires and motivates us. We make sustainable food production possible.
Our mission Our mission is our reason for being, what we do on a daily basis to fulfil our vision. •We team up with customers. •From our leading position in dairy farming we innovate and expand in new segments and new geographies. •We provide integrated solutions and ensure that everywhere we do business, we lead. •We exist for the customer around the clock. Our core values Our core values help us make the right decisions and guide our daily working behaviour. Passion •We share a passion for delivering customer value. •We are proud of our heritage and our success. From our leading position in dairy farming, we expand our business with passion. •This passion distinguishes us from other companies People •We have the ability and are trusted to make decisions within our area of responsibility. •We build our success on competence and constantly invest in personal development. •We share our knowledge, support each other and enjoy being part of a team. •We encourage diversity and appreciate the creativity that comes from a mix of cultures, gender, sexual orientation, religions, experiences and personalities. •We are part of a global network.
Professionals •We deliver quality in everything we do. •We have clear responsibilities and fulfil our commitments. •We listen, learn, innovate and constantly improve. •We are proud of who we are and humbly reflect this through our attitude and behaviour. •We stay true to our values. Partnerships •Our customers, their needs and expectations, are the starting point for everything we do. •Our dealers are business partners with whom we jointly deliver customer values. •DeLaval employees, our dealers and customers partner for long-term business results.
Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream Mission Statement - 12 Values & Principles for Success Mission Statement, Headquarters and History of Baskin-Robbins and Dunkin’ Brands The Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream mission statement is comprised of 12 Values and Principles for Success fashioned by its parent company, Dunkin’ Brands. (See the Baskin-Robbins and Dunkin’ Brands Values & Principles below. ) 6 of 138 PreviousNext Ad Manila | Virtual OfficesRegus. com. ph/Manila_Virtual_OfficesPrime Address & Mail Forwarding. Cost Effective to Start up. 50% OFF Getty Image Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream Stores Founders Facts and Trivia:
Baskin-Robbins was founded by brothers-in-law Burt Baskin and Irv Robbins, who each started their own ice cream shops, and then merged them together to create the Baskin-Robbins concept. Irv’s ice cream store was Snowbird Ice Cream, which he opened in Glendale, California in 1945, featuring 21 different ice cream flavors. Burt’s ice cream shop was called Burton’s Ice Cream Shop, and the first one opened in Pasadena, California in 1946. In 1953 more than 40 Burton’s and Snowbird Ice Cream shops were rebranded as Baskin-Robbins 31 Ice Cream, with “31” representing a different flavor for every day of the month.
Baskin-Robbins was acquired by London-based J. Lyons & Col, and is now part of the Dunkin’ Brands group along with the Dunkin’ Donuts chain. Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream Chain Headquarters: The corporate headquarters of Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream are located with the headquarters of the Dunkin’ Brands group in Canton, Massachusetts. The Mission Statement of Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream and Dunkin’ Brands: Since 100% of the more than 6,000 Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream stores in 50 countries are franchise-owned, each Baskin-Robbins franchise owner could have their own mission statement.
But as the parent company of Baskin-Robbins, Dunkin’ Brands has 12 Values and Principles that the company believes should guide the decisions of everyone associated with Baskin-Robbins retail outlets, leading Baskin-Robbins franchisees toward success. The Dunkin’ Brands Values and Guiding Principles are: ”Our Values •Honesty - Embrace the truth about oneself and the world. •Transparency - Demonstrate openness and vulnerability. •Humility - Acknowledge own mistakes and commit to learning. •Integrity - Say what you think and do what you say. •Respectfulness - Honor the dignity, inclusion, and diversity of others. Fairness - Do what is right based on common principles. •Responsibility - Make yourself accountable to the community. Our Guiding Principles •Leadership - Responsibility with passion at every level. •Innovation - Excellence in everything we do. •Execution - Ownership and accountability for results, success and failure. •Social Stewardship - Demonstration of good corporate citizenship and responsibility to all constituencies. •Fun - Approach every challenge with enthusiasm, energy and excitement... celebrate every step of the way! ” More About U. S.
Company Mission Statements, History, and Headquarters: Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Founders Facts and Trivia: The first Ben and Jerry's ice cream store was opened on May 5, 1978 in Burlington, Vermont after Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield completed a correspondence course on ice cream making from the Pennsylvania State University Creamery. Ben and Jerry were born four days apart, and met in junior high school. The first Benn and Jerry's ice cream flavors included Dastardly Mash, Heath Bar Crunch, Chunky Monkey, Tuskegee Chunk, and Cherry Garcia. Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Headquarters:
The headquarters of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream is located where the company first began in Burlington, Vermont. The Mission Statement of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream: The mission of Ben and Jerry's is really about contributing to making a positive change in the world. To do that, Ben and Jerry's has three missions that the company strives to integrate into its daily business operations... "Ben and Jerry's Social Mission To operate the Company in a way that actively recognizes the central role that business plays in society by initiating innovative ways to improve the quality of life locally, nationally, and internationally.
Ben and Jerry's Product Mission To make, distribute and sell the finest quality all natural ice cream and euphoric concoctions with a continued commitment to incorporating wholesome, natural ingredients and promoting business practices that respect the Earth and the Environment. Ben and Jerry's Economic Mission To operate the Company on a sustainable financial basis of profitable growth, increasing value for our stakeholders and expanding opportunities for development and career growth for our employees. "
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