The First World War originated in Europe between 1914-18 and spread throughout the world. It is called the Great War or the Global War. WWI was also believed to bring an end to all other wars, hence it was known as ‘war to end all …
The Reasons why the US Entered WWI The First World War erupted on the 28th of July, 1914 with the assassination of the Austrian Archduke. This horrific war finally ended on November 11th, 1918. The United States didn’t officially enter the war until April 6th, …
The long-term causes 1. Colonial rivalry-competition for even bigger empires 2. Balkan nationalisim-the desire of the Slav peoples of this area to join those in the empire of Austria-Hungary 3. The arms race-competition for bigger armed forces and more armaments 4. The Anglo-German Naval Race …
The Causes of World War I World War I is essentially much more complicated and complex than a simple list of causes. While there was a series of events that directly led to the fighting, the actual origin causes are much deeper and a part …
“Le feu tue” (‘Firepower kills’) Henri-Philippe Petain – 1916 Verdun. World War 1 is often called “the first modern war”. During World War 1 many new kinds of weapons and technology were invented and improved. Some of these weapons included tanks, chemical gases, grenades, and …
The period of time between the late 1800s and the early 1900s was one of great political change and instability. It marked the lead up to one of the greatest wars in history and was filled with challenges based on nationalism, imperial rivalry, colonial rivalry, …
During World War II, women didn’t have a say concerning the perilous event that led countries to fight and caused death that’s unforgettable. All they could do is sit back and donate necessary items that are needed while others joined the military. Even though the …
Was the treaty of Versailles fair? The treaty of Versailles was signed in 1919 after the World War one. It was actually a punishment of Germany to start the war and forced it to accept all the blame. The involved requirements were seen to be …
Film The Monuments Men Based on a true story of what was a “treasure hunt” In Its most basic deflation, The Monuments Men portrays a hand selected World War II platoon on a mission that sends them to all edges of Western Europe in order …
Why was the Treaty of Versailles so unpopular in Germany? The Treaty of Versailles was the peace treaty that was drawn up by the Allies and Germany after the First World War. It was made to prevent Germany from starting a war again and to …
“Peace settlements create conditions for new conflicts. ” With reference to the Treaty of Versailles explain to what extent you agree with this statement. (2005) Peace settlements or treaties are set up to establish some ground rules between countries that are included within the settlement. …
The Treaty of Versailles did not dismantle Germany from its ability to wage war; it neither made the people grateful towards the allies. As the Italian political philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli of the 1500’s stated “___________”. The Treaty imposed many demands of the war weary country, …
In the 1930s, Hitler and his Nazi regime led an enormous campaign of propaganda to spread lies about the Jews. During this time, Europe was desperately deciding on how they should deal with the situation. They didn’t want another world war, but they had to …
Treaty of Versailles Essay During World War One, there was massive devastation done to the Allies and the Central Powers and will be remembered for many years to come. The peace treaty that ended the war was called the Treaty of Versailles and its consequences …
The Treaty of Versailles played a significant role in giving the German people a reason to elect into power the Nazi’s and their ideas on nationalism. The Treaty essentially laid blame on Germany for causing the First World War, which historian’s have come to conclude …
To what extent was the treaty of Versailles motivated by anti-German feeling? sy Rewaj123 Without doubt it is clear that some of the countries held great antiGerman feelings during and after the war. Especially France, they held the highest lack of remorse against the Germans. …
The Blitz (shortened from the German word Blitzkrieg meaning lightning war) was a period of time when Germany carried out air raids on major cities in Britain. The main reason for the Blitz was that Hitler wanted to invade. The Blitz began on the 7th …
If you’re a fan for graphic and twisty turn war films, Inglourious Basterds just may be your movie to go to. The film has a unique “stab you in the back” feel throughout. We experience an alternative ending of World War II as the war …
The Axis primary nations were Germany, Japan and Italy. Allied principles were the United States, United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union. Each of these entities had their own vision and mission. (more…)
This source is suggesting that Hitler was only sending troops to his land which already belongs to Germany. He had right to do this as if you have a garden you are allowed to go there. We can agree with this source because the Rhineland …
Treaty of Versailles Oral presentation Good day national leaders I welcome you to our palace here at Versailles I am Prime Minister Georges Clemencies of the Third French Republic. A leader is a dealer in hope and I Intend top deliver hope to my nation …
One of the most important documents ever, The Treaty of Versailles was proposed to be a peace settlement between the victorious Allies and the defeated Germans at the outcome of World War I. The document was a major disaster and did not serve any of …
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