Chemistry Essays

Chemistry Essays

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Effect of the Nature of Different Substrates on the Rate

Cellular respiration is defined as an enzyme mediated process in which organic compounds such as glucose is broken down into simpler products with the release of energy (Duka, Diaz and Villa, 2009). It is a series of metabolic processes and oxidation-reduction reactions. Oxidation of substrates, …

Words 730
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Extraction of Trimyristin

Isolation of trimyristin from nutmeg Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to isolate and recrystallize trimyristin from nutmeg via a simple extraction using tert-butyl methyl ether (TBME). Trimyristin is then hydrolyzed to isolate myristic acid, the fatty acid of trimyristin. Reaction Scheme: Scheml.Hydrolyoftrimyrist Experimental …

Words 597
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Stereochemistry: Addition of Bromine to Trans-Cinnamic Acid

STEREOCHEMISTRY: ADDITION OF BROMINE TO trans-CINNAMIC ACID Required Prelab Readings:McMurry Chapter 5, Sections 8. 2 & 21. 2 Morhig, Sections 7. 1 and 7. 3. Previous techniques that you must know and be able to perform: Suction Filtration and Melting Point This experiment is designed …

Words 1083
Pages 4
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The Effects of Salt Water on Gummy Bears

Marisela Andrade The Effects of Salt Water on Gummy Bears Facilitated diffusion depends on passive transport. Molecules cross cell membrane by diffusion. A type of diffusion is osmosis. If no energy is input into the system during diffusion, the molecules will reach a state of …

Words 273
Pages 1
The effect of temperature on respiration

Every living thing respires in some way. There are two forms of respiration, aerobic and anaerobic. Areobic respiration only takes place in the presence of oxygen and is a far more efficient way for complexed organisms to convert carbohydrates into energy. There are four stages …

Cellular RespirationChemistryNature
Words 871
Pages 4
Multistep Synthesis of Benzilic Acid

Multi-Step Synthesis of Benzilic Acid from Benzoin Abstract: The main purpose of this experiment was to convert a secondary alcohol to a ketone, utilizing a mild and selective oxidizing agent. In addition, this converted alpha diketone was then subjected to rearrangement to a carboxylate salt, …

AlcoholChemistryEssay ExamplesWater
Words 1713
Pages 7
Chemistry (Redox)

Abstract This experiment is to determine the concentration of oxidizing solution using the iodine/ thiosulphate titration where the reducing solution is potassium iodate solution and the oxidizing solution is sodium thiosulphate solution. Potassium iodate solution which is an oxidizing agent is added into an excess …

Words 1424
Pages 6
Review Chemistry Chapter 4

CHAPTER 4 REACTIONS IN AQUEOUS SOLUTION MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 4. 1Which of the following compounds is a strong electrolyte? E A. H2O B. O2 C. H2SO4 D. C6H12O6 (glucose) E. CH3COOH (acetic acid) Answer: C 4. 2Which of the following compounds is a strong electrolyte? …

Words 4348
Pages 16
Static Electricity

Everything is made up of tiny particles called atoms. The atoms are made up of even smaller parts called protons, electrons and neutrons. Protons have a positive charge (+), electrons have a negative charge (-) and neutrons have no charge at all, they are neutral. …

Words 1501
Pages 6
Extraction of Benzoic Acid

Introduction: The theory behind the extraction of a solution containing benzoic acid, cellulose, and methyl orange involves many components pertaining to the fundamental ideas of solubility and polarity. Using the concepts of like dissolving like and acid base reactions, a solution of organic acid (benzoic …

Words 901
Pages 4
Determination of the Concentration of Acetic Acid in Vinegar

Determination of the Concentration of Acetic Acid in Vinegar Lab Exercise 4 CHEM 1106 9/19/12 Purpose: Standardize a sodium hydroxide solution using a primary standard acid. Determine the molarity and the percent by mass of acetic acid in vinegar by titration with the standardized sodium …

Words 828
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Eugene Schueller

Today there is much advancement in the cosmetic world. There are also many scientist (that go back to the ancient Romans) that have invented and experimented with chemicals to produce what we know have today. Eugene Schueller is one of those chemists that helped advance …

AdvertisingChemistryEssay Examples
Words 506
Pages 2
Banana Peels as Alternative Toothpaste

Hydrogen peroxide is a bleaching agent with antimicrobial effects [Gaffar, 1997] that has been used historically, at high concentrations, for the treatment of severe gingivitis. It is an effective bleaching agent that can penetrate enamel to bleach intrinsic stains. Papain is a naturally occurring enzyme …

Banana PeelChemistryDentistry
Words 65
Pages 1
Describe the Fluid-Mosaic Model of a Plasma Membrane

Describe the fluid-mosaic model of a plasma membrane. Discuss the role of the membrane in the movement of materials through it by each of the following processes: Active transport Passive transport The plasma membrane is a semi permeable barrier that separates the inside of the …

AnatomyBiologyBiotechnologyChemistryEssay Examples
Words 643
Pages 3
Biochemical Cycles

Introducing with Biochemical Cycles Biochemical cycles Nutrients are important for organisms to function. Each nutrient has a role in global biogeochemical cycles. A nutrient is a chemical that organisms need to live and grow and are substances an organism’s uses for metabolism which must be …

BiologyChemistryEssay ExamplesNatureOceanWater
Words 495
Pages 2
Food Microbiology

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1. 1 Background Food is one of human sources of calorie, protein, fats, and nutrition. Yet, because of the highly nutritious content, food is susceptible to growth of microorganisms. By the presence of microorganisms in food, the food is more likely to …

Words 5076
Pages 19
Discuss the discovery of the structure of Benzene

Benzene is a chemical compound of the hydro-carbon group. It is a colorless liquid with a characteristic odor and burning taste, formula C6H6. The benzene molecule is a closed ring of six carbon atoms connected by bonds that resonate between single and double bonds; each …

Words 96
Pages 1
The Effect of Salt on Boiling Temperature of Water

EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCE PROJECTS:The Effect of Salt on the Boiling Temperature of Water(Initially prepared by a 4th Grade student)To quickly jump to a section below click on:INITIAL OBSERVATIONCooking instructions tell you to add salt to water before boiling it. PROJECT TITLEThe Effect of Salt on the …

Words 482
Pages 2
Analyzing the Care of a 100 Gallon Aquarium Ecosystem

The place I decided to do my paper on is located in the living room of my family’s house. It is a one hundred gallon aquarium. The reason I chose this as the topic of my paper is that all kingdoms are present except for …

Words 720
Pages 3
Milk & Food Coloring Lab Report (Importance of Surfactant)

Importance of Surfactant Introduction Surfactant is an essential component for the respiratory system to function properly. Knowing the physiology of surfactant in the alveoli is important to know when learning the structure of the air sacs and how they work. This experiment is designed to …

Words 966
Pages 4
Chromatography: How can we separate a mixture?

Purpose The chromatography lab is to understand how molecules with similar molecular properties can be separated with paper chromatography. These differences will be interpreted to see the distinction of separate chemical substances. (more…)

ChemistryEssay ExamplesManufacturing
Words 32
Pages 1
Analysis of Acid by Titration with Sodium Hydroxide

Introduction The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate an example of how to determine the unknown molarity of hydrochloric acid by titration with a base (sodium hydroxide). Titration is a common laboratory method of quantitative chemical analysis that is used to determine the unknown …

Words 971
Pages 4
Incipient Point of Plasmolysis Lab

Investigation of the point of incipient plasmolysis of onion cells (Allium cepa) using NaCl (Sodium Chloride) concentrations of 0. 1M, 0. 2M, 0. 3M, 0. 4M, 0. 5M, 0. 6M Design Research Question (Aim): The aim of this lab was to determine the point of …

Words 976
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Fermentation Rate of the S. Cerevisiae Yeast In the Presence of Mgso4

Syl Rogers Bio 210 Comparing Fermentation Rate of the S. cerevisiae Yeast in the presence of MgSO4, NaF and Sodium Pyruvate Hypothesis In the fermentation of rate of yeast, S. Cerevisiae, there will be a higher/ faster rate of ethanol production, However, using catalytic enzymes …

Words 963
Pages 4
Expansion and Contraction of Matter

Heat does to matter is changes it state. There is something more subtle though that can cause big problems. Look at this devise. When you heat both this ball and the ring the ring expands like a long bar of metal. The ball expands less …

Words 2165
Pages 8
Investigation of the hill reaction

Theory: Photosynthesis is a process carried out in plants, in the photosynthetic organ which is the leaf. CO2 + H2O –> (CH2O)n + O2 A plant takes in CO2 and H2O and absorbs sunlight in order for photosynthesis to take place. These reactants then travel …

Words 1340
Pages 5
J.J. Thomson – Discovery of the Electron

From many experiments, Thomson had certified that cathode rays carry negative charge and identified the cathode rays inside vacuum tubes as being electric currents composed of these tiny electrons (Hamblin, 2005). It was the crucial first step in the development of the twentieth-century concept of …

ChemistryEssay ExamplesForceNaturePhysics
Words 1359
Pages 5
Isolation of Eugenol from Cloves

The experiment conducted, isolation of eugenol from cloves, is the extraction of the essential oil. To perform this experiment cloves and water were mixed together and heated by a heating mantle in a round-bottom flask. A direct stem distillation took place, and the oil product …

Words 840
Pages 4
Laboratory Protocol for Carbohydrates

For polysaccharide extract a. Repeat procedure A. 2a – A. 2d with 10 mL of the polysaccharide extract from Expt. 6 but use 10 drops conc. HCl. B. General Tests for Carbohydrates Test the ff. carbohydrate solutions: 1% glucose, fructose, maltose, sucrose, lactose, agar-agar, gum …

Words 449
Pages 2
Natural Products

Natural products isolated from various sources especially derived from plants, have long been used in treatment of human ailments. For long time, the approach to new drugs through natural products was proved to be the single most successful approach for the discovery of new drugs. …

Words 478
Pages 2
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Chemistry is the scientific study of the properties and behavior of matter. It is a natural science that covers the elements that make up matter to the compounds composed of atoms, molecules and ions: ...


The word "conjugation" is derived from a Latin word that means "to link together". In organic chemistry terms, it is used to describe the situation that occurs when π systems (e.g. double bonds) are "linked together". An "isolated" π (pi) system exists only between a single pair of adjacent atoms (e.g. C=C)

Kinetic energy

Kinetic energy is the energy associated with objects in motion. Potential energy is the type of energy associated with an object's potential to do work. Chemical energy is the type of energy released from the breakdown of chemical bonds and can be harnessed for metabolic processes.


Chemical physics is concerned with the application of the concepts and theories of physics to the analysis of chemical systems and their physical behaviour. While also at the interface between physics and chemistry, it is distinct from physical chemistry.

Frequently asked questions

How do you write a chemistry essay?
A chemistry essay is a written piece that explores a particular topic within the field of chemistry. When writing a chemistry essay, students should first select a topic that interests them and that they can find adequate information on. Once a topic has been selected, students should brainstorm ideas and develop a thesis statement. The body of the essay should be used to support the thesis statement, and the conclusion should summarize the main points of the essay.
What is chemistry definition essay?
Chemistry is the study of the composition, properties, and reactivity of matter. This includes the study of atoms, molecules, and ions; the interactions between them; and the changes that matter undergoes during chemical reactions. Chemistry is a branch of science that is essential to our understanding of the world and the universe.
Why chemistry is important in our daily life?
Chemistry is important in our daily life because it helps us to understand the world around us. It helps us to understand how things work and how they are made. Chemistry is also important because it helps us to find new and better ways to do things.
Is chemistry essay important?
Chemistry essays are important for a number of reasons. First, they provide an opportunity for students to explore a topic in depth and to develop their own thoughts and ideas about that topic. Second, chemistry essays can help students to improve their writing skills. Third, chemistry essays can be used as a way to assess a student's understanding of the subject matter. Finally, chemistry essays can be a fun and challenging way to learn more about the world around us.

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