Essay on Organic Farming
Organic farming is a method of agriculture that is based on the use or minimal use of synthesized fertilizers and synthesized pesticides and use of crop rotation, green manure, compost, etc. to maintain the fertility of the land. Since the year 1990, the market of organic products in the world has increased considerably.
Agriculture is the mainstay of rural economy in India and agriculture is the main income of farmers. In view of the increasing population since the time of the Green Revolution, it is necessary to increase production from the point of view of income and for more production, more amount of chemical fertilizers and pesticides are used in farming, due to which the marginal and small farmers have high cost in low holdings. Water, land, air and environment are also being polluted as well as food items are also becoming poisonous.
Therefore, in order to deal with all the above problems of this kind, it has been recommended to cultivate the principle of sustainable farming continuously over the years, which was encouraged by the State Agriculture Department to adopt this particular type of farming, which we have been promoting for organic farming. Government of India is also promoting to adopt this farming.
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Long and Short Essay on Organic Farming in English
Here some long and short essay on organic farming in English are given into different words limits according to the need and requirement of students.
These organic farming essay will provide you the information about the organic farming that has become a need of the time. In these essays on organic farming you will find out the objectives and procedure of this type of farming. You will also know the benefits of organic farming and its effect on the yield of the crop.
You can use the essay on organic farming in your school assignments on organic farming or in discussions on the subject with your classmates and teachers.
You will also get aware about the things that are not good for the environment and health.
Organic Farming Essay – 1 (200 Words)
Organic farming is a major component of sustainable farming, with the main objective of minimizing the use of chemicals and increasing the use of organic products in their place to maintain environmental balance and increase the fertility of the land. The main component of organic farming is organic manure, organic fertilizer, which is a good alternative to chemical fertilizers. Due to decreasing soil fertility, it has become necessary to use more and more organic fertilizers to maintain the level of productivity.
Benefits of Organic Farming
- This not only keeps the fertilizing power of the land but also increases it.
- By this method the environment becomes pollution free.
- It requires less water. Organic farming conserves water.
- The quality of land is maintained and improved by this farming.
- It is also very important for the livestock of the farmer and also for other animals.
- There is no need to destroy crop residues.
- A good quality yield can also be taken using organic matters.
- Organic food is sold at an expensive price.
- Supporting organisms of agriculture will not only be safe but they will also increase.
- It costs less and profits are higher hence useful for the farmers.
Organic Farming Essay – 2 (300 Words)
Organic farming is the modern method of indigenous farming where farming is done keeping nature and environment balanced. In this method, chemical fertilizers and pesticides are not spread or sprinkled in the field. Nutrients are given to the plants by cow dung manure, compost, bacterial manure, crop residue, and minerals available in nature like rock phosphate, gypsum etc. The crop is protected from harmful pests and diseases by friendly pests, bacteria and organic pesticides available in nature.
At the time of independence, grains were imported from abroad to meet out the need of the people, very little was produced through farming. There was an unprecedented increase in population and the requirement of more food grains is needed. With the introduction of Green Revolution, during this period in between 1966 to 1991 there was an unprecedented increase in food production in India.
Indiscriminate fertilizers, pesticides and chemicals were used to achieve the goal of higher grain production, due to which the toxicity of the land also increased. Many useful bacteria were destroyed from the soil and fertility also decreased.
Due to the lack of balanced fertilizers, production has become stagnant, now the proponents of Green Revolution have also started to accept that due to excessive use of chemicals, many types of environmental problems and human and animal health problems are starting to arise and the fertility of soil is declining, due to which there is an imbalance of nutrients in the soil. Due to decreasing soil fertility, it has become necessary to use more and more organic fertilizers to maintain the level of productivity.
Human use of chemical foods has led to severe diseases like physical disability and cancer. To solve this problem, the modern organic farming concept has been emerged as a suitable alternative. Since the use of any kind of chemical inputs is prohibited in organic agriculture. Therefore, it is very important to train the farmers about the production of resources, their proper use and organic farming management techniques.
Organic Farming Essay – 3 (400 Words)
Threats to intensive farming systems are challenging because they have a huge impact on ecological balance. Keeping this in mind, the idea of a system based on organic farming has been considered in which manure derived from decomposition of organic materials is used instead of chemical fertilizers.
Sustainable condensation is a process that seeks to provide a safe and nutritious diet per unit to the present generation without compromising on the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Among other advantages in the organic farming system, production of a healthy diet is guaranteed. This production management system is usually based on organic materials or farm-based resources such as residuals of crops, cattle dung, green manure, waste on farms and beyond, growth regulators, bio-fertilizers, bio-pesticides etc.
It discourages the use of off-farm synthetic materials like fertilizers, fungicides, and weedicides, etc. so that natural balance can be maintained for long periods without polluting soil, water and air. In this, crop related scientific, biological and mechanical methods are used for a particular place for farming so that resources can be recycled and health based on agro-ecological system can be promoted.
- No need of using agricultural chemicals.
- Maintaining natural balance.
- Production of nutritious food.
- To promote rural livelihoods through profitable organic farming.
- Conservation of resources like soil and water.
- Situational development of livestock along with crop production.
- Conservation and promotion of services related to biological and ecological systems.
- Pollution prevention.
- To reduce the use of fossil fuel energy in farming.
- To develop a more sustainable and productive agricultural system.
Limitations of Organic Farming
- It is based on a more time consuming process.
- Yields are low in the beginning.
- Easy availability of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
- The need for large scale organic transfers.
- Low availability of high quality containers.
- Lack of marketing facilities.
- Certification Process.
- Lack of research facilities.
- Lack of training facilities for farmers.
Recently, a large number of bio-fertilizers have started becoming available in the market in India. Farmers are constantly using them in their fields. It is also reducing soil nutrient replenishment and dependence on chemical fertilizers. While the use of chemical fertilizers increases the yield, but more use also adversely affects the fertility and structure of the soil, so the possibilities of using bio fertilizers along with chemical fertilizers are increasing. With the supply of nutrients to the crop using bio-fertilizers, the soil gradually increases the yield.
Organic Farming Essay – 4 (500 Words)
Organic farming is a major component of sustainable farming, with the main objective of minimizing the use of chemicals and increasing the use of organic products in their place to maintain environmental balance and increase the fertility of the land. The main component of organic farming is organic manure, organic fertilizer, which is a good alternative to chemical fertilizers.
Organic fertilizers refer to organic materials, which produce organic matter upon decomposition. It mainly contains agricultural residues, dropping of animals etc. In this method of farming, all the essential nutrients for crops are present in small quantities and the soil gets all the nutrients that the crops need for their growth.
At the same time, organic manure has a good effect on soil composition, air, temperature, water retention capacity, bacterial numbers and their reactions, and preventing soil erosion. Therefore, the use of organic fertilizers is very important to keep the soil organic matter stable.
Organic fertilizers have been used in traditional farming for a long time in our country. Chief among these is compost manure, which is prepared in cities with garbage, other farming residues and cow dung. Dung manure has higher nitrogen and phosphorus than other compost. Almost all the essential nutrients are found in organic manures.
Kinds of Organic Manures
Various kinds of organic materials are found in plenty in our country. Just a proper training programme is needed to execute this. There are several kinds of organic manures used by the farmers, some of them are mentioned here under:
- Dung Manure – Every farmer in India does animal husbandry along with farming. If the farmer uses his available farming residues and cattle dung to make manure, then he can himself prepare high quality manure.
- Vermi Compost (Earthworm Manure) -In this method, earthworms convert cow dung and other residues into organic fertilizer of the best quality in a short period of time. This type of organic manure increases water retention capacity. It is good for increasing fertility of the soil, reducing termite infestation and providing essential nutrients to the plants in balanced quantities.
- Green Manure – For organic farming, grow pulses crops like dhaicha, linseed, cowpea, guar, etc. during early rainy season and after plowing in the field after 50 to 60 days in raw condition and mix it in soil. In this way, green manure will be helpful in improving soil, reducing soil erosion, nitrogen fixation, soil structure and also increasing water retention capacity.
- Dung/Bio Gas Slurry Manure– In organic farming, the slurry extracted from the dung gas plant can be given directly to the field as liquid dung manure. It soon benefits the crops. Thin slurry contains 2 percent nitrogen as ammonical nitrogen. Therefore, if it is given in drains with irrigation water, its immediate effect can be clearly seen on the crop.
- Bio-Fertilizer– Bio-fertilizers are prepared by mixing the living cells of micro-organisms in a carrier. Rhizobium culture is the most used bio fertilizer in it. Its bacteria make knots in the roots of legumes and remain in them to stabilize atmospheric nitrogen in the land and provide it to the crop. Azotobacter performs nitrogen fixation in food crops. By its use, the insoluble sulphur in the ground is converted into soluble sulphur and yields increase from 15 to 25 percent.
Benefits of Use of Organic Manures
Therefore, it is very important to train the farmers about the production of resources, their proper use and organic farming management techniques. Some other reasons are as follows:
- To bring sustainability in agricultural production.
- Organic quality of soil can be maintained.
- Save natural resources.
- To prevent environment pollution.
- Human health can be protected.
- Production costs can be reduced.
Continuous increase in the production of crops and fulfilling different needs of human beings is called sustainable farming without harming the environment and keeping successful utilization of natural resources for the future.
Long Essay on Organic Farming – 5 (600 Words)
In the modern era with the progress of technology, we will find many people who advocate moving towards organic farming. Organic farming refers to an agricultural system in which most of the elements are obtained and applied from natural sources, rather than using chemical elements. The farmer went on indiscriminately using various types of pesticides and chemical substances to extract maximum yield in every crop. Due to which his yield has increased considerably, but one thing that happened with all, the fertility of our soil kept on decreasing.
Difference between Organic and Inorganic Farming
In traditional farming, there are many occasions when the farmer uses a variety of chemical elements and pesticides, not only on sowing seeds, but from preparing the field before sowing the seeds to harvesting the crop. For example, if a crop is to be sown, farmers prepare the soil of the field. This soil treatment is done so that the seeds sown do not have any problem. They could sprout easily and grow out.
Along with soil, seeds are also treated. Similarly, when seeds are germinating, many types of weeds are also growing at the same time. To destroy these weeds, traditional farmers use various types of weedicides whereas the farmer who does organic farming removes those weeds from the hand. Although it is a lot of hard work but it does not cause any harm to the soil neither to the human being nor to the environment.
The Problems Arising from Traditional Farming
- Fertility of soil is decreasing.
- In times of rain, nitrate flows with water and contaminates water sources.
- More fuel and more tillage are required.
- Human health is being affected.
- Biodiversity is being destroyed by doing the repeated farming.
- Animals are also being given poisonous fodder.
- Sprinkling of poisonous material affects the health of humans as well as the soil.
Benefits of Organic Farming
- Good Nutrition: In fact, nutrients play an important role in the physical development of a human being. Due to lack of nutrients, sometimes the entire development of children is not done properly.
- Good Health: The crop that grows by doing traditional agriculture has all kinds of harmful elements which when entering the human body, the human being suffers from all kinds of diseases. If one uses food materials produced by organic method he will remain healthy.
- Free from Poisonous Elements: All kinds of poisonous chemical elements are used in traditional agriculture. Due to which humans, animals and soil all face many problems. If organic farming is done then we will get rid of those poisonous things.
- Less Money Investment: The products used in organic farming are naturally obtained by the farmers. Hence the cost of chemicals is reduced and less money is invested.
- Great Taste: Who doesn’t like good taste? Everybody wants to eat tasty food and the food materials made up of organically grown crops are also delicious in taste because of its growing method.
- Environmental Protection: Environmental protection is an issue on which we all need to think deeply. A farmer cannot stop the contaminated water and smoke coming out of big factories, but by doing organic farming he can contribute to preserve the environment at his level.
The farmers gradually became dependent on all kinds of chemical elements. Today the situation is such that no crop is being harvested without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. To promote organic farming, the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement, established in 1972, defined organic agriculture as a system of production of crops in which soil health as well as people also remains healthy.
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