Effects of the Agricultural Revolution
The Agriculture revolution came about when humans decided to settle down. This encouraged the development of tools, farming techniques, and etc. The agricultural revolution stopped migration as the world started to develop agriculturally. People settled down and disputes broke out over differences. Agricultural revolution was where war developed.
After the spread of early humans the migrations slowed down and soon people built permanent houses, but this required more sophisticated tools. Tools became sturdier and more durable and people were able to make them out of better materials. Tools developed with the revolution.
As humans learned more about nature and how they could control it they made permanent homes and learned about which plants they could eat and plant. They observed which plants grew in which seasons. They learned from their observations and started making small settlements. More people settled close to water for irrigation reasons and soon small societies rose.
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As people stopped wandering they decreased the danger they were in as they became familiar with their environments and began to take control they knew what animals lived were nearby and what to watch out for.
Herding replaced hunting because it did not take as much time as hunting and the amount of animals meat produced by herding was a lot more than being a nomadic hunter. Herding was also much less of an effort than hunting they did not have to constantly travel. They could stay in one area and start to work on things of their interest like the development of tools.
The domestication of Pigs and chickens also came with the revolution. As more and more animals became domesticated this added to the variety of their diets. Sheep were the first domesticated animal and were a source of meet and later people started to use the wool to weave clothing. Cows were domesticated for milk and beef (probably a little bit later).
As people started to collect seeds and observe the plants around them, farms got larger and soon they had a large variety of plants. For example: in Africa they farmed yams, okra, and black eyed peas. Certain techniques of farming arose like slash and burn. The women nurtured the vegetation. (At this time the roles of men and women were equal).
People claimed land and farmed it and as more people came along borders became closer. This caused disputes over land and people started choosing sides causing war. Although it probably couldn't have been avoided this was where war probably developed over the simple lest things.
With the development of agriculture and settled societies, humans also began to create new technologies to make their lives easier. They developed plows to till the soil and irrigation systems to water their crops. They also began to develop writing systems to keep track of trade and record information.
As societies grew larger, they became more complex, with new social structures and hierarchies developing. People specialized in certain trades, such as blacksmithing or pottery, and traded their goods with others. This led to the development of trade networks, which connected different societies and allowed for the spread of ideas and technologies.
The agricultural revolution brought many new things like the domestication of animals. People settled down and as population grew they would turn into small societies and then cities.
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Effects of the Agricultural Revolution. (2023, Feb 28). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/effects-of-the-agricultural-revolution/
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