Utilizing Primary and Secondary Information to Explicate Theoretical Model for Business Growth and Financial Management

Category: Bank, Finance, Investment, Money
Last Updated: 30 Mar 2023
Pages: 10 Views: 152
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Executive Summary

The information which was used to explicate the theoretical model was put together utilizing both primary and secondary information. Information was gathered from cyberspace; the literature and transferred prior cognition that was garnered from an in-class treatment as a beginning of information. The confer within the company enables companies to come into a new market, addition gross and better operational public presentations, analyze the current concern operation and determine ways that the company can run smoother. Powell’s finance service which is a private company is a taking maker that provides concerns with fiscal aid and has been in being since May 2003. The finance section of concern is one the most of import sections in the concern as it is in this country where all the money is managed. The fiscal resources in concern are what will travel the concern from one phase to another. The fiscal facet of the occupation is really of import as no programs of the organization can be carried out without the fiscal section being called for. The finish of any finance map is to accomplish three benefits: concern support service, lower costs, and effectual command of the surroundings”.

Making determinations in a concern semen with tactical thought. As these determinations can either do or interrupt the company. “Decision devising is an indispensable leading accomplishment If you can learn how to do timely, well-debated determinations, you can take your squad to well-deserved success”. Other organizations describe determination devising as the cognitive procedure ensuing in the choice of a belief or a class of action among several alternate possibilities. So this merely goes to demonstrate the relevancy of good determination devising because every determination procedure produces a concluding pick that may not motivate action. So with fiscal direction and determination, a company can seek to travel from strength to strength.

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The intent of this research is to demo the importance of the different beginnings of finance available to concerns. Finance is a really of import factor of any concern; finance is needed in every concern in order to better. There are many beginnings through which a company can have its finance in order to increase its capital.


Powell’s fiscal service is a taking maker that provides concerns with fiscal aid and has been in being since May 2003, this concern has grown to be one of the taking fiscal companies in Jamaica with both internal every bit good as external stakeholders. It is located in the center of Half Way Tree and looks frontward to the international market. One of its stakeholders is a Willis Consultant Company which helps in helping the policy company’s public presentation, possible and assesses its communication, cognition, information, interaction, and needs as this is a major failing of the company. This fiscal company is responsible for the direction of the organization's hard currency flow and guaranteeing at that place plenty of finances available to run into the twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours payments, this country besides encompasses recognition and collects policies for the company’s clients, to guarantee the organization is paid on the clip and is a payment policy for the company’s provider. As a Small Business Enterprise, it is hard to vie with our rivals so we had to engage a Business Consulting Firm to make solutions to our jobs, acquire the merchandise on the market, and hike the sale of it so it can be recognized worldwide.

Vision statement

Powel’s fiscal service is the Prime Minister center that offers quality services to its clients.

Mission Statement

Powel’s Financial with an accent on good client service and well-trained employees Powel’s Financial will efficaciously put to death responsibilities

Willis consulting company

The Willis adviser company is owned and operated by Ghenya Johnson and was established on the twelvemonth May 1985. Our well-trained employees include secretaries, Accountants, Selling Directors, Human Resource Managers, Managers, General Managers, Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), and Consultants. We are located in three locations Mandeville, Santa Cruz, and our caput office in Kingston. This confers within the house and provides professional advice for a fee. This steadfast employs professionalism with the specialized expertness to assist authorities and organizations across all industries and concern maps create value for their clients and stakeholders in all countries and phases of concern, we specialize largely in helping clients with pull offing information, communicating, cognition, information, interaction, and needs; it lends valuable expertness and provides advice and counsel in many ways.

This company enables companies to come into a new market, addition gross and better operational public presentations, analyze the current concern operation and determine ways that the company can run smoother. Our aim apart from doing a net income is to go on developing our client's concern in footings of communicating cognition and setting together information, making solutions to assorted bugs in the concern biosphere, our figure one end is to help our clients in any manner possible given them the competitive border that is needed to win in their assorted endeavor’s. We here at Willis Consulting Company take great pride in the advice we give as we are cognizant of how unforgiving this concern can be. For 28 old ages, our company has weathered the storm under the brilliant leadership of Ghenya Johnson, therefore, doing our name as one of the best consulting companies in the part. We look frontward to working with each other and every one of you in recognizing your dreams and going the best that you can perchance be, here at Willis Consulting Company we pride ourselves on functioning in the local and international community. Our piece of land record for the assorted old ages speaks for itself, we have helped falling cooperation acquire back on the path. We will be looking frontward to working with you and we extend our deepest thanks for taking Willis consults as the thrust force to help you in this venture.

Vision statement

This company enables companies to come into a new market, addition gross and better operational public presentations, analyze the current concern operation and determine ways that the company can run smoother.

Mission statement

Our figure one end is to help our clients in any manner possible giving them the competitor border that is needed to win in their assorted enterprises


  • To place the beginnings of finance available to concern
  • To understand the deductions of finance as a resource within a concern.
  • To do fiscal determinations based on fiscal information
  • To supply an assessment of the fiscal public presentation of a concern


In setting together information on the research worker, acquired a wealth of cognition by qualitative and quantitative research methods which applied in this thesis in the class of information analysis, Primary information was collected through inquiries (questionnaires) asked two individuals in the concerned field that the research worker is familiar with, these inquiries (questionnaires) were asked so the researcher could hold a better apprehension.

Questionnaires can besides be analyzed more scientifically and objectively than any other signifiers of research and can be conducted by a big figure of people in a short period of clip and in a comparatively cost effectual manner. Harmonizing to Leary, there are distinguishable advantages in utilizing a questionnaire vs. an interview methodological analysis: questionnaires are less expensive and easier to administrate than personal interviews; they lend themselves to group disposal; and, they allow confidentiality to be assured. Robson indicates that mailed studies are highly efficient at supplying information in a comparatively brief clip period at a low cost to the research worker.

The secondary information which was used to explicate the theoretical model was gathered from cyberspace; the literature and transferred prior cognition that was garnered from an in-class treatment as a beginning of information aggregation.


Identify the beginnings of finance available to a concern


Finance is an outgrowth of economic sciences concerned with resource allotment every bit good as resource direction, achievement, and investment. Finance trades with affairs related to money and the markets.

Sources of finance available to business

  • Hire Purchase- this is a sort of episode recognition, which is similar to renting the lone exclusion is that the possession of the good is based on balls to the hire purchase client to the concluding recognition episode, whereas a rental ne'er becomes the owner of.
  • Renting – this is a method of obtaining the usage of assets of the concern without utilizing
  • Bank Lending
  • Government assistances
  • Retained Earnings
  • Ordinary/ Equity shares - this is interchanging a part of the ownership of the concern for a fiscal investing in the concern.
  • The ownership interest, ensuing from equity investing allows the investors to portion in the company’s net income.


Assess the implications of the different sources of finance

The beginnings of finance can either be long-term or short-term. Long-term beginnings of finance can be paid back over many old ages while short-term beginnings of finance must be paid back in one twelve-month clip.

Beginnings of finance that covers short-term:

  • An overdraft facility - this is where banks allow houses to take more money than it has in their bank history.
  • Trade credit - this is where providers deliver the goods now and are willing to wait for a period of the clip before payment.
  • Factoring - this is where houses sell their measures to a factor like Banks, they pattern this in order to acquire money immediately alternatively of waiting 28 years to be paid the full sum.

Beginnings of finance that covers long term:

  • Owners who invest money in their concern for sole bargainers and spouses can be their nest eggs. For companies, the support invested by stockholders is called portion capital.
  • A loan from a bank or family/friends.
  • Debentures- these are loans made to a family.
  • Mortgage- this is a particular type of loan for purchasing belongings where monthly payments are made for the usage of equipment such as autos.
  • Leased - these are equipment on rental and non-owned by the house, hired equipment is owned by the house after concluding payment.
  • Grants- this can come from charities or the authorities to assist concerns to acquire taken up, particularly in parts of high usage.


Evaluate the appropriate sources of finance for business projects

Whether 1 is getting downing a new concern or seeking to spread out on a bing one, taking the right beginning of finance for the state of affairs can be really ambitious, therefore there are many beginnings to take from and each beginning of finance has its ain advantages and disadvantages.

Bank Loans- bank loans can be an existent good beginning as I may be able to guarantee the personal loan or line of acknowledgment; these loans are available to finance the purchase of stock list and equipment every bit easy as to keep running good as to obtain operating capital and finances for concern enlargement. These loans are clip honored and a really reliable method of financing a little patronage, finance houses with important collateral and a long class record, and the footings they offer are frequently really stiff.


  • These loans are difficult to predominate unless little concern receives a substantial path record or valuable collateral like existing land.
  • The monetary value of bank loans- involvement rates for little concern loans from my boxes can be really high and the sum of bank support for which the concern qualifies is frequently non-sufficient to wholly carry through the demand.


  • Banks will merely loan money to a commercial endeavor based on the value of the occupation and its perceiving abilities to function the loan by doing payments on clip or in full.
  • Banks do not take ownership of your concern or acquire involved in many facets of running the concern to which it grants loans.


Finance is required to advance or make occupations, add assets, green goods merchandises, run market studies every bit good as to promote. The establishment thought funds on being antiphonal, efficient, quantitative, and risk-averse. So the finance section is the bosom of the whole operation of concern and that’s why this section is so of import and important.

Finance is needed throughout the life of every company, it is needed to get down a concern and incline it up to profitableness, the type and sum of finance required for a concern depend on factors such as the type of concern, the sum of money that will be needed and the clip p in which it will be needed, the success of the house and the province of the economic system. The fiscal demands of concern will change harmonizing to the type and size of the concern. In the early phase of any concern one is improbable to hold all the capital it needs to acquire started, and so will hold a list of thoughts and options for funding. Since bank loans are the most traditional manner of funding concerns it is the method that most concern proprietors use in order to finance their concerns, hence it has advantages and disadvantages like any other beginnings of finance so one should carefully see if it is the best option for the type of concern before doing a concluding determination.

There are two major beginnings of finance for any concern and these include the internal and external beginnings of finance. The proprietor of the concern is the 1 who chooses the best signifier of finance to be used by the concern, the concern can merely come on if the right beginning of finance is being used. There are three major types of support options that are available to little concerned and these are debt funding, equity funding, and grants. Debt funding is the handiness of recognition or loans to little concerns that has a good recognition repute, nevertheless, the cost of borrowing money is compared with the cost of equity funding for a cost-benefit analysis. Equity funding is the exchange of a part of the ownership of the concern of financial investments in the concern.


One of the primary ends for getting downing concerns is for doing money. Finance is the lifeblood of any concern, for every concern, there is great importance of finance. Finance is the most of import thing to run any concern as it helps it to turn, develop and spread out; there are many beginnings of finance available to concerns. The categorization of the beginnings of finance is dependent on assorted factors and these beginnings of finance can be classified as internal, external, debt, equity, or short-term and long-term. So the finance section is the bosom of the whole operation of concern and that’s why this section is so of import and important.

There are assorted countries that the finance section covers which play every bit as good function as any other in the company. One of these is “Budgeting and Forecasting and this is the relation between your concern and the external community. Driven by net incomes and development estimations, stock monetary values rely on timely information prediction to accomplish optimum cost and market capitalization. Another country that the finance section covers is the payables and receivables, this is where all hard currency flow into and out of the concern is managed. Sellers and creditors need payment right and on the clip to maintain things running smoothly”. In the business, it is best to stay liquid, possessing the right measure of difficult currency on manus, and at all times must keep payment programs that keep back everything on the path as this is best. Small concern net income from this cognition even though non-publically sold. Possessing cognition of natural staff demands, staff office and staffing demand, and enlargement demand force enterprisers to thoughtfully look at their demands. With the fiscal section being the nucleus of the organization it needs to be managed decently so as to harvest better consequences.


  • Dana Griffin, n.d.The Role of Finance in a Business. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //smallbusiness.chron.com/role-finance-business-290.html. [ Accessed 21 January 15 ]
  • MindTools, n.d.Decision Making Techniques. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.mindtools.com/pages/main/newMN_TED.htm. [ Accessed 21 January 15 ]

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Utilizing Primary and Secondary Information to Explicate Theoretical Model for Business Growth and Financial Management. (2017, Jul 12). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/critically-examine-the-different-sources-of-finance-available-to-businesses/

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