Advantages of Tourism in Cambodia

Last Updated: 17 Aug 2022
Pages: 7 Views: 2505

In the world, there are a lot of countries to visited, and in one country there are a lot of tourisms that come from all over the world.

Like in Cambodia a according to the Ministry of Tourism rate on 2013, Cambodia had welcome 1,500,000 tourisms that come from all over the world such as Korea, Japan, United Stated, French, Vietnam, Thai, Laos, Singapore, Africa, ... etc. Tourism is a collection of activities, services, and industries that deliver a travel experience including transportation, accommodation, eating and drinking, establishments, retail shops, entertainment businesses, activities, and other hospitality services provided to individuals travelling away from home.

Tourists are people who travel to and stay in places outside their usual environment for more than twenty-four hours and not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other activities remunerated from within the place visited. Part from entertaining tourists, tourism has a number of advantages and disadvantages to the most common tourist areas. People working in the tourism sector have an advantage in that one gets to meet many new people from different parts of the world or country, which enhances social interaction, and creation of links with them.

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Another advantage is that tourism enhances foreign exchange where goods and services that are not available in this areas. Consequently, it creates an opportunity to market commodities from these areas in the regional and foreign markets. It also results to development and improvement of facilities and services, which is beneficial to the local people. Moreover, tourism encourages the preservation and celebration of local festivals and cultural activities. When a local community, for instance, organizes a cultural dance to entertain visitors it ensures that such cultural activities will be sustained in the end.

This is because it will attract tourist who are interested in cultural activities of different communities and the locals on the other hand will continue practicing them to attract the tourists and in turn benefit from their visit. In addition, tourism encourages the learning of new languages and skills. As tourists come around, they learn the local language as they interact with the locals, so do the people of this area learn the visitors' language. This promotes cultural exchange in a way. Both the tourist and the locals learn different languages that enhance communication between them and in turn better understanding Murphy.

Tourism also provides direct employment to the people who work in various tourism attractions. Tourism relies on hotels, bars, curio shops, and shops. Therefore, people who are employed to run this spots benefit from employment. This translates to a considerable increase in the living standards of the people and a reduction in the rate of unemployment. It is understood that as the government works hard to promote tourism in a given area, it ensures that there is environmental protection such as prohibition of deforestation as forests in a particular area could serve as tourist site.

Forests, water catchment areas, caves and other natural antiquities therefore need to be protected. This means that as the government provides resources to take care of these places, the locals also benefit. Tourism happens to have more advantages than the disadvantages and hence should be encouraged, both the tourists and the locals should be encouraged to be of benefit to each other and try to reduce the misshapen that might result from tourism and both parties benefit from each other. However, in some areas, the locals consider a visit by a foreigner as intrusion and often see them with suspicion.

It its therefore necessary that such people be made aware that the tourists are up to no other interests and in the long run benefits from tourism accrue to the either directly or indirectly. There are a number of benefits of tourism for both the tourist and the host destination. On a large scale it offers a good alternative to some more destructive industries for generating income both on nationally and privately. In many places the introduction and development of tourism allows local people an opportunity for economic and educational growth that would not otherwise be available.

In addition, it allows both the tourist and the local community a chance to experience other cultures, which broadens understanding. If properly used, tourism generated income can be tremendously beneficial to the host country and its local communities. Tourism generated income can be used on a national and local level to better education, improve infrastructure, to fund conservation efforts, and to promote more responsible tourism. Harmful Impacts of Tourism are although tourism can be very beneficial, especially economically, to the host destination, there are many strings attached.

Tourism inevitably brings with it environmental and cultural degradation. Though these impacts are closely entered twined, here they will be addressed separately. Environmental Impacts of Tourism are Tourism has vastly different faces, as different people enjoy different types of vacations. An all centric traveler would enjoy backpacking through a distant jungle with little more than the bare necessities while some people prefer a beach front luxury hotel with all the comforts and conveniences of home.

The introduction of the "mega resort" has been one of the most economically successful and environmentally destructive additions to the tourism industry. Large corporate owned resorts, which are usually based in countries other than those in which they exist, rarely give back to the local communities on which they depend and thrive. More often than not, lower level positions such as maids, cooks, waiters, and bellhops are available to the local residents while upper level and management positions are reserved for corporate immigrants.

Not only does heavy construction aid erosion (especially in tropical climates) but essentially, construction and development equals pollution. Tourist generated pollution comes from things such as rental car exhaust and oil leaks, machinery used to build hotels, commercial airplanes, and airport construction just to name a few To a greater extent, after the completion of construction, tourists as a group consume a tremendous amount of natural resources and produce an equally tremendous amount of waste. The influx of tourists into a community creates a transient but permanent population increase.

Two major problems arise from a sudden population increase:  an over consumption of resources, and an over production of waste. Over consumption causes problems such as water shortages, frequent loss of electricity, and over fishing of local waters. The over production of waste is an ever-present threat to tourist communities. This shows itself in the form of water and air pollution, liter, and the frequent overflow of sewage systems. As a result of these types of waste many places experience loss of potable water, loss of local animal populations, and the spread of disease and infection.

The degradation of local infrastructure results from the heavy traffic of cars and tour buses. This is especially a problem in developing nations where cars are not a household item and roads and bridges were not designed to withstand heavy traffic. In situations involving tourist oriented corporations that return most of their profits to their own countries, the host communities are left to foot the bill for repairing the damages. Cultural Impacts of Tourism are In addition to tourism's environmental impacts on host destinations; there are also many important cultural issues to consider.

Some of these issues result from the environmental impacts that carry over into the community. For instance, the inability of local business owners to compete with large corporations. Development of land also causes land prices to rise so that local residents cannot afford to buy. Most tourists are oblivious as to the extent of the impact they have on their host community. The tourism industry has a tendency to view local people as either a pool of waiters, bellhops, laundresses, and gardeners; or performers and spectacles for the tourists to see. This is evident even in our own Native American reservations.

Things as simple and thoughtless as a tourist walking through a local market in little more than a bathing suit, not only offend, but contribute to the undermining of social standards. This type of tourist behavior demonstrates a lack of respect for the local culture. As local residents witness this lack of respect, they also witness the fact that many of the tourists are enjoying luxuries (i. e. heated water for bathing) that are not available to them. The combination of these things can cause tension between the local residents and the tourist population.

And often to a further extent there is an increase in crime, mostly in the way of petty theft and pick pocketing, but sometimes sexual assault. Ecotourism and Sustainable Development are Ecotourism is quickly becoming a buzzword with travel agencies and trendy traveler. It fronts many glossy advertisements and seeks to entice the nature loving tourist to "exotic" locations. However, it is found that the term is frequently being misused and misrepresented. Ecotourism is generally seen by the host destination as a good way to fund education and environmental conservation and protection.

The tourism industry is now using "green tourism" as a marketing tool and it seems to be working. According to a 1995 Travel Industry Survey, 83% of travelers support "green" travel companies and are willing to spend more for travel services and products designed to conserve the environment. Finally, when properly practiced, ecotourism is carried out through things such as the use of alternative energy sources, by intensive recycling programs in tourist areas, and by using alternative transportation within a tourist area (i. e. bicycles, hiking, man powered boats).

These are only a few examples of how ecotourism can be practiced. In essence, ecotourism is a manifestation of sustainable development. That is, economic, cultural, and environmental development that "meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs,”. By adopting the principle of sustainable development, all those involved in the tourism industry, tourism corporations, airlines, tourists, and residents of host destinations can achieve the practice of ecotourism and greatly reduce the impacts that tourism has on the host destination.

Tourism is a fascinating industry in that it is our first "invisible" export industry. Although there are many beneficial aspects to tourism, it must be closely monitored and regulated in order to preserve itself and host destinations. It is the responsibility of everyone involved to contribute to the preservation of these host destinations. Local communities should not and cannot be expected to clean up after the tourist. Education of developers is also very important. It is important that the developers of the world realize that money can still be made from environmentally and culturally friendly tourism.

Bigger is not always better. Especially where travel is concerned, smaller is often more attractive to the tourist that wants to "get away. " Local governments and conservation organizations everywhere can aid in policy implementation and regulation. Compliance should not be difficult if it is regulated and encouraged by everyone. We has reached a desperate point environmentally and action is imperative. If widespread construction continues, there will be no more tropical paradises, no more retreats into nature, no more "getting away. "

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Advantages of Tourism in Cambodia. (2017, Jan 29). Retrieved from

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