A Comparative View of Education System of USA, China, and India
According to William Shakespeare, “The world is stage and we are actors in it. ” The outcome determines our performance and by those who direct us. Similarly, the education of our children depends on the directive of parent, teachers, and the government. The common view taken by most scholars in America considers America the most powerful country in the world and has the most practiced free enterprise system. The is of the assumption of many that the education of their children is challenging because of the imbalances with teachers not possessing full qualification of the subject matter as expressed by James Compton (2M Minutes Video).
Teachers in India and China middle and high schools must have at least a Bachelor’s Degree and attend teachers’ training if they are to teach in schools (Ibid). Consequently, these students could not assimilate sequentially the teachings by those teachers who sometimes leave the students fending for themselves. In order to reach educational goals teachers must willing to teach and students the willingness to learn. This proves the inadequacy of proficient and effective teaching mechanisms when compared with other industrialized nations.The children of India and China when compared with the American children have a rigorous curriculum that maintains a higher standard of learning at an earlier age. The stringent measures by India and China are to lifting their country out of the economic crisis whereby the country can become economically viable and technologically competitive in contrast with their American counterparts. China China’s Compulsory Education Law, of 1986 stipulates each child has nine years of formal education.
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Their educational system is to be of three categories, which are basic education, higher education, and adult education. The academic year is of two semesters. With the emerging of a new era toward economic development to compete globally the Chinese government has implemented a policy of invigorating the educational system through science, technology, and education since 1949 (Education in China). www. travelchinaguide. com/intr/education. The educational reform emphasizes the need of modernization.
Through uninterrupted efforts for the pass five decades the Chinese nation has made favorable inroads into the education system. India In 1854 the British implemented the current system of education in India that still in existence today. The current education system divides into preprimary, primary, middle, secondary, and higher levels. Article 42 of the Indian Constitution, an amendment added in 1976, transferred responsibility from state to central government. Article 43 set the goal for “free” and compulsory education of all children to the age 14.
In 1986 the implementation of National Policy on Education initiated a series of programs for improving the education system ensuring its children have a comparable education irrespective of caste, creed, location, or sex. http://countrystudies. us/india/37. htm. America The American education system started in 1840 by education reformers Horace Mann and Henry Barnard and was known as the “Common School Period. " To date this system divides into four categories, which are elementary, middle, high, and post-secondary that encompasses college or university, vocational education, graduate education, and adult education.
Traditionally the American school year begins at the end of August in some states or the day after Labor Day in September. Schools in America, China, and India follow a similar criterion of each other with one difference is that in America and India there are private schools that operate for profit. In India one- third of the schools’ population attend private schools for profit. The realization is that the parents of these children are looking at these private institutions to provide a higher level of teaching than that of public schools.
Added to the expectation of the parents of the Indian children who place their children within these institutions, they are working toward their career goals of becoming ranking professionals of society. “China did not allow private schools until the late 1980’s. ” Kathy Chu, USA Today, February 1, 2011, unlike China and India, the public schools of America have an abundance of facilities in their schools for example, libraries, swimming pools, gymnasiums, and football fields.
Despite possessing all these facilities available, students have yet to decide on their own what their ultimate goal will be on leaving high school. Students of China and India are attuned from kindergarten to middle school in having a view of their career goals when they for leave high school. Once they enter high school there are no options for the children of India and China because of the discipline and parents expectation of what they should be. In China the government finances the education system. The concept of teaching in China is to focus on group rather than individuals.
Weaker students are ably assisted and the opportunity of catching up with the proficient students rather than lagging behind the entire class. Acquiring a comprehensive understanding of the subject the class can then moves forward in unison. It is of the opinion of educators that every student can achieve in every subject, although some students will need to work harder than others to achieve the same results. Chinese schools do not segregate high achieving students from lower achieving students through tracking levels, like in the United States.
This is of the belief that all students can succeed if they put in the effort. Teachers and parents are willing to help by volunteering extra time to assist students overcome weaknesses in certain subject areas, even if it means working outside of school and on the weekends. However, in America, education focuses on the individual, and maintaining students’ self-esteem is critical. If a student in America is lagging in math class, the tendency is to attribute the student’s failure to him or her simply not good at mathematics.
Students in these situations will often move into a lower- level mathematics class where they can practice more mathematics in becoming proficient. Within China and India mathematics, science, and other general studies are compulsory from preliminary to high school where electives becomes for each student. In America 40% of the students do not take science subjects beyond general biology in high schools. Fifty-five percent of students have done two years of algebra and one year of geometry only.
Seventy percent of parents are of the opinion that their children are on the right course concerning their academic development. Apart from these developments the American students score higher in self-confidence than their international counterparts. Whereas American students have the same amount of allocated time as Chinese students, the amount of engaged time spent in school is dramatically less than their Chinese counterparts. In India, students spend one and a half more time in class rooms than American children.
The American education system has gone through changes in the last four decades says Robert Reich, former US Secretary of Labor,” Though the parent has an education it is not what it used to be, it places much more emphasis on entering the job market. “ Because Chinese teachers and parents expect that all students be able to succeed in all subjects, students themselves tend to believe that they can succeed as well. This is a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy, as when adults believe in a child’s ability to do well, the child in turn is likely to believe in himself as well, and therefore work to succeed.
Because Indian and Chinese teachers and parents expect more from their students, students succeed more. The United States education system is phenomenal when compared to the Indian and Chinese education, including the United States Institutions of higher learning. Testing done in India and China is notoriously focused on standardized testing, in American it is quite the opposite. The Indian and Chinese must pass these tests that will determine which college they may go to. Unlike the American college application, the student applies to enter, Scholastic Aptitude Test score is the only requirement.
Students from all over the world come to receive a high quality education in American universities. Thomas L. Friedman in book, “The World is Flat,” emphasizes a complete and collaborative work what is happening in the world today and the impact of technological changes. Indian and Chinese educators have taken notice of the lack of innovation even though their children are highly proficient in mathematics and science than American students; they lack innovation, and ingenuity. There need to be a balance between these constrains and allowing free will by implementing new thinking.
Americans must be outstanding in their performances if they are to compete with their counterparts in a global economy. Americans losing touch to perform on the level of the Indian and Chinese students in mathematics and science with invariable take twice the amount of time if Americans are to catch up. Nelson Mandela in conversation with his autobiographer Richard Stengel explaining the African concept of ‘Ubuntu’ said, “The profound sense that we are humans only through the humanity of others and if we are to accomplish anything in this world it is in equal measure due to the works and accomplishment of others.”
Looking at education system of America, India, and China the lessons learned from each other’s experiences with the pooling of ideas can increase each understanding of the effects on economics, politics, environment, and culture. It is not of superiority but the exchanging of ideas that each will benefit the other in creating homogeneous institutions of learning towards global development. The development of education system in each country can be uplifting with the technological development that goes hand- in- hand with capital accumulation and progressive economies.
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