Nuclear Fusion vs. Nuclear Fission

Last Updated: 26 Mar 2021
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This paper entitled “Nuclear Fusion vs. Nuclear Fission” intends to compare and contrast nuclear fusion and nuclear fission. It aims to provide the definition of nuclear fusion and immediately describe nuclear fission as well. It also plans to briefly discuss how it occurs and what is necessitated for the nuclear fusion and nuclear fission to occur. Finally, it aspires to mention the advantages that nuclear fusion and nuclear fission may bring in later.


Nuclear fusion is technically defined as “the occurrence where two atomic nuclei amalgamate” (Wikipedia n.p.). Such joining occurs in all the stars, of course, including the Sun (Wikipedia n.p.). If it does not happen then we will not experience warmth and we will forever be in the dark (Wikipedia n.p.).

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On the other hand, nuclear fission is technically defined as “the course of action of breaking up atoms” (Wikipedia n.p.). If such an action is quite difficult to understand, try to imagine countless balls on the floor, cluttered, however, appearing to form a circle, if an individual throws in another ball, surely, the aforementioned circle will become more disorderly and will soar in all directions (Wikipedia n.p.). The circle is actually a representation of the nucleus and the ball thrown by the individual is considered as the “neutron bullet” (Wikipedia n.p.).

Requirement for its Occurrence

Furthermore, for a nuclear fusion to take place, exceptionally high energies are considered necessary to combine the nuclei collectively (Wikipedia n.p.). This is very much necessitated to prevail over the coulomb barrier involving two nuclei which are positively charged (Wikipedia n.p.). This will enable extreme closeness that will produce a physically powerful nuclear force that will connect or fasten or join the nuclei (Wikipedia n.p.). In stars, nuclear fusion happens without difficulty because there is the existence of elevated density and high temperature (Wikipedia n.p.). In fact, it has a range or approximately 10-15 meters (Wikipedia n.p.).

On the other hand, for a nuclear fission to take place, we will need a neutron to trigger the aforementioned (Wikipedia n.p.). It is very important that a ball or a neutron bullet and not another kind be thrown at the circle or the atomic nucleus (Wikipedia n.p.). This is simply because if otherwise, the ball would not reach the target at all since the nucleus is positively charged just like the ball (Wikipedia n.p.). What will happen then is that they nucleus and the ball will repel each other (Wikipedia n.p.). That’s why, again, only a neutron will not get repelled and so it contributes largely to the possibility of a nuclear fission to take place (Wikipedia n.p.).


Moreover, in terms of advantages, in nuclear fusion, the amount of fusion that can occur is actually unlimited (Wikipedia n.p.). In addition to that, source of fuel is immeasurable and inexhaustible because of the Deuterium that comes from the seas (Wikipedia n.p.). Furthermore, in nuclear fusion, we don’t have to worry too much about reactor accidents that may take place because of the fact that a very small amount of fuel is involved in it (Wikipedia n.p.).

Also, it produces inexpensive fuel (Wikipedia n.p.). It also produces electricity safely (Wikipedia n.p.). The reactor materials involved, as well as, the unburned fuel may possibly be recycled as well (Wikipedia n.p.). Yet another very essential advantage is the absence of greenhouse effect (Wikipedia n.p.). Last but not least, in nuclear fusion, the waste products coming from it are much less radioactive, thus easier to manage (Wikipedia n.p.).

On the other hand, in nuclear fission, the amount of fission that may occur is limited (Wikipedia n.p.). In addition to that, in nuclear fission, the waste products are much more radioactive, thus more difficult to take care of (Wikipedia n.p.).


  1. Wikipedia. Nuclear Fusion. 21 April 2007. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 22 April 2007









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Nuclear Fusion vs. Nuclear Fission. (2017, May 25). Retrieved from

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