Whats the Relationship Between Communication and Identity

Category: Communication, Identity
Last Updated: 25 May 2023
Pages: 14 Views: 2955

Communication and identity, many wonders if these words come together. Or whether or not they can work in accord? Most people would testify differently, but in all actuality, they can and do more often than one expects, depending on which channels you use and in which context, the way you communicate along with your identity will undergo some modifications, and without forgetting to include what a big role your gender, social, and cultural identities plays in that as well.

As a source to reinforce my theory in this paper I will discuss what I've learned but not limited from Chapter one and two of Communication in a Changing World by Bethami A. Dobkin & Roger C. Pace but also will add one or two real-life examples about the relationship between communication and identity, and also has a conclusion this paper will discuss the differences in when I communicate with gender, cultural and social identities in both a face-to-face and online environments.

By definition to communicate is to create and share meaning through the use of symbols through a distinctive process, whereas identity is the conception of yourself as a member of a group or category. The relationship between communication and identity is normal when communicating is usually from a social standpoint. The things we mostly communicate about our identity are either but not limited to how we feel or the way we would like to come off to others.

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Communication is another form of representation. A lot of the time, we associate ourselves with either who we are or who we want to be. It is also what we go through or what we envision that determines the way we respond or what we say to others. For example, sex can very well determine your occupation and age can determine your hobbies or recreations. Sexual orientation can determine who your friends are and the places you will hang out and ethnicity can determine your opinions or the ethnicity of your peers.

Identity and Language

Belongingness is not just a simple word to imply being in a crowd or with the crowd, instead, it also tackles that the individual fit in and feels right with the people, the environment, and the situation he is in. A person, as a social being, naturally would want to create bonds and belong to a certain group or society. Yet, there is also a deep emphasis that is connected with the expression of oneself or identity. Identity refers to a person’s background generally. It is not simply limited to one’s name, social status, and age but it also includes ethnicity, capabilities, and attainments.

To express identity is to stress the difference between the person and the group to which he belongs. Thus, belongingness and identity somehow share a paradoxical relationship as indicated by Rodriguez in his essay ‘Public and Private Language’. Rodriguez tries to present his experience of being bilingual in American Society. Rodriguez discusses the difference between the private and the public spheres focusing on the role of language to produce an identity, which promotes public access to universities, jobs, and society.

In Rodriguez's work, he undermines the importance of having a private individuality, which is designated by the use of the native language at home. Since private language is something that the whole family understands and a way by which the entire family expresses it, it becomes the family's individuality. To this end, it creates a wall around the person that blocks the way to understanding and appreciating the words and sounds he hears in school, on the streets, and even on television. It somehow deprived the individual of access to the public sphere, which results in the ignorance of society.

Being able to speak a public language enables the person to communicate his thoughts to another person. It gives the person the power to express himself more effectively and interact with the whole society. To this end, it is a disadvantage if a person will confine himself to the private language of the family. As Rodriguez noted, the lack of the capability to express one-self and to assert one’s thoughts in the public language makes a person shy, silent, and scared to laugh at or be considered a fool.

It, therefore, takes away some access to public societies such as making friends and engaging in civic groups. Every word uttered by a person in the private language is considered an indiscernible code for those who find the language as a foreign language. Oftentimes, this results to stereotypes and marginalized views placed by society. If one will not be able to set up a public individuality, chances are that the public would give the person a public identity instead. Meaning, a person is not forced to recognize a public identity yet using private language delineates him from participating in the public sphere.

This gives the public a chance to marginalize the person along with those people with the same ethnic background. Therefore, a language can affect or even shape a person’s identity. Take for example what Rodriguez pointed out when he tries to emphasize how the teachers try their best to get him to speak in class. Having different private and public languages keep the person away from other people. Since he could not fully understand what people around him speak about, he could not make friends. He develops fear or inferiority when speaking with other people.

Although he has a positive private identity at home, his relationship with the people in the English-speaking world is known to demonstrate public isolation. He could not feel a sense of belongingness from outside of his family’s home. A great gap undermines societal productivity and involvement exists. Rodriguez further emphasized that the private language used at home is designed to express personal thoughts and opinions while the public language is a way to make other people know how you understand things.

In school or the university, the public language serves as a standard to which discussions and information are conveyed. It makes a child ‘socially disadvantaged’, as illustrated by Rodriguez if he cannot communicate his thoughts well in school. A public silence engulfs the child making him feel ‘alien’ in the public world. The child will not be able to answer the questions in class. He would not be able to chat with other people. On the other hand, being able to speak the public language would yield beneficial results.

It can improve the social interaction of the child with other kids. Moreover, it helps the child to understand the lessons more coherently. It might as well improve the child’s self-confidence. Since language affects a person’s identity, it is crucial in gaining access not only to universities but to a job and social status as well. Since the United States is considered a melting pot, then it is inevitable that a certain universal language must be set in the society and the workplace to help one culture communicate with another.

Despite the fact that personal and private identities served their importance in individualism, they cannot create understanding between two people speaking different languages. Thus, it is important for people to possess a public identity that will transcend the ethnic and/or cultural diversity in society. Rodriguez also elaborated on how the ‘sounds and the words become tightly wedded’ as he successfully immerse to the English (public) language. Nonetheless, he also recognized the fact that being educated in the public language negatively affects the private identity that the family formerly holds.

Changes occur as the use of another language is learned and the private language is kept silent. On one hand, there seems to be a door, which opens to the public world. It is as if fences are cut down, to help the family look over, and enjoy socializing. Therefore, the family becomes a part of society and not anymore in the private sphere. On the other hand, the family becomes more absorbed in society that they do not express themselves in the same way. There are also changes in the way that family members see the other members as a part of their family and of society.

Indeed, despite all the benefits of engaging in public language, there are still some pitfalls. The fact that the parents are not being able to adjust as fast and as well as their children in using the public language creates a fissure in the relationship inside the family. The dominant language marginalized or excludes the ethnic or foreign speakers at the time that the merger between different cultures starts. Certain groups might feel that they are not given enough opportunities and a language barrier might stem into different misunderstandings (in the public sphere such as university and workplace).

The marginalized groups might feel oppressed even more; they might want to have the opportunity to express themselves in their native tongue. With this in mind, they could either seclude themselves from the public or learn to speak the public language. Becoming bilingual indeed lessens the individuality of the person’s private association. Nonetheless, it also empowers the person’s public identity. As stated above, the United States is supposedly a melting pot. That is, the assimilation of different cultures is greatly promoted or at least emphasized.

For assimilation to occur, a public language must be used especially when dealing with public matters. Private languages obstruct the absorption of culture and limit the person’s ability to communicate in the public. I agree with Rodriguez when he emphasized the importance of public language. It is indeed a tool that a person can use to communicate and create a public life. Indeed, it is something that determines a person’s access to various public institutions. Nonetheless, I disagree with how Rodriguez evaluates the importance of private identity.

It seems, as though, Rodriguez does not see its importance in the person’s cultural identity. Becoming too submerged in the process of assimilation, a person might as well loss his/her personal culture. Thus, if a person would grow up and adapts to the public culture, most specifically language, he moves away from his own cultural identity. In the end, there will only be a dominant public culture, and the assimilation and the presence of other cultures would not be anymore visible.

The cultural identity of a group would diminish especially if children will not be able to be educated in the private language, identity, and culture. The child would see himself as an American rather than a Spanish American. It takes him away from his origin/s deluding his history with that of American history. It replaces his language as well as his identity as a whole. There is also the issue, as discussed by Rodriguez, of broken communication at home. Since parents are not as well adept with the English language, communication becomes a problem. Works Cited: Rodriguez, R. Public, and Private Language.

Identity is Shaped by personal Choices

Identity Shaped by Personal Choices People think that identity can be shaped by different things. Some could argue that identity is shaped more by culture or simply by your personal choices. This essay will discuss how identity is shaped by your personal choices. "To understand identity we must examine the choices we make in our daily lives". Some characteristics that are made by your personal choices are the music you choose to listen to, your overall appearances like your clothing, tattoos, piercings, etc., and your social group.

Personal choices are a major part of your identity simply because it defines who you are and how you choose to be as a person in your day-to-day life. "Identity is not fixed, but shifts over time and in different situations". Music could play a big role in your identity because it could say a lot about how you express or perceive things. Maybe help with how you absorb certain situations, or subjects or even how you express yourself. They are many different types of music. There is a country, rap, hip-hop, alternative, blue grass, rock, etc. Country music could probably be more for the more redneck, backwoods type.

There are even sappy love songs in this style of music. You can express yourself more on the love side of things. Rap and hip-hop probably are more for the upbeat portion of the population. This type of music could help express maybe a good mood or even a dancing mood. The rock or alternative side of music could be for the angry or emo portion of the population. Rock can express how someone feels through anger. Some could argue that Rock puts them in a good mood; country music doesn't necessarily mean they re rednecks or need sad depressing songs and some could say that hip-hop and rap don't make them in a good mood.

For the most part, this is what you see in these different types of music and this is how music makes them feel. Music helps define a person because it expresses who they are, and some could say that it helps them get through major obstacles in life. Music is made by someone's personal choice because it is what they choose to listen to. The overall appearance can say a lot about a person. Sure while you are a child the majority of the time our parents choose what we wear when we wear it. As an adult, though you get to choose what type of clothing to purchase and wear.

People could even express themselves through what they wear and how they wear it. Maybe someone wearing a t-shirt and Jeans may be more laid back. Or maybe someone wearing slacks and a blouse look more professional. Some may say when you see a person wearing boots and a flannel t-shirt that person would be more on the countryside of things. Then you have the type of person who will wear nothing but black and dark colors, this person may be more emo or depressed. Your personal appearance says a lot about much you care about yourself and how you carry yourself.

Some could say that it could even show what kind of attitude you have. Another major part of personal appearance that helps people identify themselves is tattoos and piercings. This helps people show what they are passionate about. It gives people the chance to express themselves through art on their own bodies. It could make some people look spontaneous or even tearless. The last characteristic that will be discussed in this essay will be your social group. This says a lot about who you are as a person. Just like the saying you are known by the company you keep.

Usually, people that are in certain social groups will consist of people that have a common interest or maybe are in the same class. Common interests are like the same hobbies, music, work, or even the same obstacles in life that they deal with. This simply defines who you are because all these common interests deal with the personalities of people. People usually are around others that are the most like them. This helps identify who you are because you are who you accompany yourself with. This is a personal choice simply because you choose who you want to be around.

Nobody can choose who accompanies you, only you can decide that. Just because you live in a certain area doesn't mean you have to be in the same social group as those who you are around. Some could argue that these are the main characteristics that fall into the cultural aspect. These characteristics that are discussed in this essay Just say that everybody is not the same and these are things that are definitely personal choices. For instance Just because you were born and raised in the more Southern part of the world doesn't mean you going to be a redneck who wears work boots every day and listens to country music.

Granted there are many different groups of people in the same communities. Mainly these are personal choices because that is what you choose to do and how you want to be identified as a person. Only you can be responsible for your actions.

Marketing Communications In the Development of Brand Identity

One of the most crucial aspects applied within organizations entails the application of integrated marketing communication as it facilitates interaction within different levels of the organization in maintaining the branding strategy. Nevertheless, integrated marketing communication largely contributes to the development of brand identity as well as brand equity within an organization.

Therefore, it is important to realize that integrated marketing communication should be applied in place of diverse and limited-focus promotion tools and that brand management should be utilized in the instigation and maintenance of continuous interaction with the customers with the aim of enhancing long-term relationships.

This paper aims at determining how contemporary marketing communications research may be applied in the portrayal of how integrated marketing communications strategy facilitates the achievement of marketing communication objectives. The achievement of these elements will involve the provision of a representation of a brand equity strategy that describes the role of integrated marketing communication in the creation and sustenance of brand equity.

These aspects will also require a description of the role played by brand identity in the provision of information, assistance, and guidance toward the development, implementation, and nurturing of the organization's overall integrated marketing communication strategy. Additionally, the paper will bring out a theoretical framework as well as in-depth research based on integrated marketing communication theory development with emphasis on the Hp Company. The last part of the paper will discuss the implications and the opportunities that may be applied in future quantitative and qualitative research.

Definitions of Key Terminologies

Some of the essential terminologies involved in this research entail a brand, marketing communications, and brand identity. A brand describes the name, symbol, term, sign, and other features used in the identification of products belonging to a particular with minimal similarity from the products of their competitors.

Subsequently, a brand facilitates the differentiation of one firm from its competitors through the representation of the firm’s products, philosophy, and business identity. Marketing program plays an essential role in branding because they help in linking a brand to the target customers. Besides product, distribution, and price strategies, marketing communication is the most adaptable element in the entire marketing program.

Marketing communication offers communication means that aid a brand to represent its voice, establishing relationships and create a conversation with customers. Brand identity refers to a unique array of brand associations, which brand marketers focus to create and sustain. In addition, brand identity regards how firms seek to identify themselves and represent what they stand for. Brand identity originates from within the firm; therefore, a sturdy brand should grasp a clear and rich brand identity.

Brand identity goes beyond brand name, logo, packaging, and slogan (which are visual facets) to include the business philosophy, commitment, promise, and vision behind the brand, which the firm seeks to express to customers. The ability to measure the vigor of the continuing brand relationships has been fostered through the use of advanced technology that enables interactive integrated marketing communications.

The comprehension of the nature and value of consumer relationships has become practical for marketers to classify consumers based on how they value the brand, as well as the worth of a brand to customers. Where modest relationships subsist, they may be strengthened, and where they are sturdy, they could be strengthened. Marketers can become optimistic in the development of substantial interactions with attractive potential and actual customers by comprehending the reciprocity that should subsist between the two.

Besides, in order for HP to depict the integrated marketing communications that may foster brand identity, they should commence with a highly well-defined brand identity. These elements would allow the company to focus on initiatives that develop and define brand identity. Consequently, the brand managers within the company should focus on communicating the popular brand identity together with each person responsible for the company’s marketing communications practices.

Most importantly, after clarifying the brand aims, through clear and accurate communication to the brand stewards, the integrated marketing communication program should initiate. Additionally, regardless of whether external or internal to the company, in case the brand stewards possess an accurate and clear brand identity comprehension, they are capable of developing a comprehensive and strategic integrated marketing communications program that more accurately and clearly communicates the brand identity.

Lastly, feedback obtained from consumers, prospects, or even the public about the image of the brand and its awareness, as well as the feedback from other entities within the business environment, such as competitors, would facilitate brand owners to fine-tune their brand image approach, as well as its integrated marketing communications strategy. Therefore, the company should pay certain attention to brand-oriented market information from within the business environment.

Consequently, further descriptive research should be done focusing on the reasons why novel marketing communications tools are hard as all the rage as one may think they are. In addition, the comparison of the brand identity building blocks and the use of novel marketing communications tools within diverse markets is also a very significant topic for further studies.


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Whats the Relationship Between Communication and Identity. (2017, May 01). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/whats-the-relationship-between-communication-and-identity/

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