What makes a true community
Catholicism and Community Presentation T: According to the secular definition of community; Is It a group of people living In the same area with particular characteristics In common. Within the community there Is a feeling of fellowship for others, common attributes, Interests and goals. Communities are everywhere and they have a big Impact when shaping who we are. That Is why It Is Important to surround oneself with communities that reflect and lead us to who we really are. In terms of Catholicism, as humans we are very social which is part of our vocation.
Therefore a community in the Catholic view is defined by the following... G: A community is a gathering of a group of people that come together in solidarity to shape the world through the common good. For example, around the world the Red Cross supplies areas suffering from various disasters with relief. This picture exemplifies the community of volunteers that have come together to do the common good of helping out the less fortunate. This group of people represent the visual aspect of community. Without everyone's contribution people stand In isolation and Individualism.
Plus even through group members can come from different backgrounds they work and put their deliverables aside to become equal. That Is why everyone's role Is essential when working toward the common good. T: A community gives loyalty and respect to the commitment of the community and positive actions. The quote that we choose to represent this is "Loyalty has its roots in respects, and respect is the fruit of Love" by Paulo Cello. This quote means to us that loyalty comes from the respect of the community. So therefore when people are respectful they show this through love.
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When a community is respected and you omit your time to it; it is another way to show love towards it and when you do this ultimately with the right guidance the community will develop positively. G: A community helps, supports and loves one another to develop social aspects. Knowing that we are social beings it is important to strengthen our social qualities. A community will support and help each other through thick and thin. In result from all of these encounters with one another we are developing our social valuables. Just like In the picture with all of the people communicating and Interacting with one another.
The more we help the more we will be able to love and comfort each other and feel belonging to our social surroundings. Which overall will help what our call to be social. T: A community develops values and receives true happiness from doing the right thing. Whether by exercising rights, opinions, or sharing knowledge to understand perspectives and concepts one must develop values to do the right thing. Our values and morals inspire us to do good and true happiness will follow our actions. Life can be considered like a ladder, at different rungs comes new experiences and new values are learned.
When new values are learned and applied within the community or outside of it, a true sense of happiness follows from doing the right thing. And a key thing to remember Is that climbing a ladder can't be accomplished alone Instead with a community to hold and steady the ladder for you. G: A community grows together and develops ones Identity, Through displaying talents and surrounding yourself with positive people you will learn more about interests. A community will teach you more about yourself than you could ever. By being with similar people to you, over time you will be able to reveal you own identity.
This is part of the spiritual aspect of community and how we develop our conscious. To represent self revelation we showed this through a mirrors and the community holding them up. From the help of others to self reveal the whole community benefits and grows. T: A community takes responsibility for each other's happiness. The people within a true community with the same values will take responsibility to make sure that everyone is having a similar feeling and understanding to take away from the experience. Kids are always full of Joy and happiness, primarily when they re around a group of friends.
They always look out for each other and pick each other up when they are done. Communities have the same responsibility as kids do for their group of friends. They have to look out for each other's happiness and take responsibility that everyone is happy. G: Community is very important too Catholic's life and they are everywhere and began right at the beginning with the creation story of the Earth and Adam and Eve. This includes their responsibility to have dominion of the Earth. Therefore our tree in the background of our collage represents the Garden of Eden.
In fact, a tree acts as community too; every part of a tree from the bark, roots to leaves and fruit must function for the community-based structure to work properly. This sense of community is very similar to modern day communities and our need of relationships. T: In conclusion, a community is a group of people in solidarity to shape the world through the common good, it is given loyalty and respect to complete these positive actions, it develops us into social beings through support, we receive happiness and values from the good, by working together we reveal our true identity and responsibility is taken for others happiness.
Community Development Argumentative Essay
Community Development (CD) is a broad term applied to the practices and academic disciplines of civic leaders, activists, involved citizens and professionals to improve various aspects of local communities.
Community development seeks to empower individuals and groups of people by providing them with the skills they need to effect change in their own communities. These skills are often created through the formation of large social groups working for a common agenda. Community developers must understand both how to work with individuals and how to affect communities' positions within the context of larger social institutions.
There are a myriad of job titles for CD workers and their employers include public authorities and voluntary or non-governmental organisations, funded by the state and by independent grant making bodies. Since the nineteen seventies the prefix word ‘community’ has also been adopted by several other occupations from the police and health workers to planners and architects, who work with more disadvantaged groups and communities and have been influenced by CD approaches.CD practitioners have over many years developed a range of skills and approaches for working within local communities and in particular with disadvantaged people.
These include less formal educational methods, community organising and group work skills. Since the nineteen sixties and seventies through the various anti poverty programmes in both developed and developing countries, CD practitioners have been influenced by structural analyses as to the causes of disadvantage and poverty i.e. inequalities in the distribution of wealth, income, land etc and especially political power and the need to mobilise people power to affect social change. Thus the influence of such educators as Paulo Friere and his focus upon this work also being about politicising the poor. Other key people who have influenced this field are Saul Alinsky (Rules for Radicals) and EF Schumacher (Small is Beautiful).
The UK currently hosts the main international body representing community development, the International Association for Community Development. IACD was started in the USA in 1953, moved to Belgium in the seventies and to the UK (Scotland) in 1998. Community development as a term has taken off widely in anglophone countries i.e. the USA, UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand and other countries in the Commonwealth. It is also used in some countries in eastern Europe with active CD associations in Hungary and Romania. The International Community Development Journal, published by Oxford University Press, and set up in 1967 has been the major forum for research and dissemination of international CD theory and practice.
Community development approaches are recognised internationally. These methods and approaches have been acknowledged as significant for local social, economic, cultural, environmental and political development by such organisations as the UN, WHO, OECD, World Bank, Council of Europe and EU.
Individuality and Community
Collin College English 1302 Individuality!!! No Wait Community!!!! As far back as time can go there has been the issue of individuality and community. To say the actual words together, individuality and community, the words themselves seem to be a paradox. In an earnest attempt to understand what those words mean in conjunction with race, social constructions, passions, and freedom, along with the intention of understanding the white moderate.
As an outsider, I have been lead down a road that inevitably will be a dead end. However, this twisted mess of a road has had many pleasant and informative stops, some felt as if I was being invited to the family picnic on the fourth of July. Yet the next turn led me down a private darkened path. The journey has injured the heart, worn out the proverbial fingers, and enlightened me on several occasions. While I understand these issues, the complexity of it all may be explained by pure definition.
The term “Community” in human communities, is intent, belief, resources, preferences, needs, risks, and a number of other conditions may be present and common, affecting the identity of the participants and their degree of cohesiveness. “Individuality” is the state or quality of being. Example: a person separate from other persons and possessing his or her own needs, goals, and desires. Individualism can be a gift or a curse depending on the context in which it occurs.
Because modern society finds it important that people think independently, decide autonomously and take personal initiatives, the concept of individualism has acquired a positive connotation. However, individualism is also linked with the tendency to withdraw from social life and turn in towards oneself. All through history there have been struggles to “fit in” to be and individual while being part of the inclusive community. Yet to act as an individual, mainstream society will have a person thrown out of a community unless one conforms to their ways.
While in Don Marquis, “The Lessons of the Moth”, it states that the moth would rather fly straight into the flame even at the cost of his own life for true harmony and happiness verses sitting at a distance and watching. Does this leave the impression that the moth may never find happiness if he doesn’t change to and conform to what the “Community” wants? To say, one would commit suicide over such painful issues. What a dark dangerous path one must be on to end a life.
In Richard Rodriguez’s “The Chinese in All of Us” He enlightens us all by stating “to choose or not to choose, and diversity is our strength” left me with the thought that while you have the choice to choose there is always a negative ramification if you choose incorrectly. With the example that in school he is made to speak up and look the teacher in the eye, yet, at home it is seen as disrespect to his father. What choice did he have he was in trouble either way he turned. He was forced to be multicultural, although to an extent he was also forced to hide each side from the other.
While there are currently many different opinions about what it is to be an American. The words of our forefathers ring in our heads daily. Children start each school day by saying the pledge of allegiance. “One Nation under God with Liberty and Justice for All” are these words truthful? Because there has also been talk of the great melting pot of America, what does that really mean? Does it mean that no matter the color of one’s skin or ethnicity that we as Americans are free to make choices to choose whom we want to be? If we choice to be part of the community and be part of the common goal whatever that may be its ok.
Whereas if the belief system is not the same as another person’s, this would not be a good fit into this one community. As an individual, one must then search for a new community. America is made up of many communities and individuals sometimes it would appear that a community shoves an individual out to be the “Spokes Person” to see how other communities will react, if they react well then arms are open wide in a receptive welcome, as if an exit never happened. However if the words chosen are not receptive to the mainstream community, a person may be ousted or evicted from the community.
Begin again, start a new journey. While reading John Hope Franklin’s essay “Train from Hate” may have started this journey into trying to figure out exactly what community and individuality is all about. Martin Luther King Jr’s “Letter from the Birmingham Jail” states repetitively that oppression must stop and that all were created equally his intensions are to protest in a nonviolent way, and that he is at his last resort to actually protest. He speaks of self-purification and desegregation all in the name of equality. Placing blame up the “white moderate”, which as
I see to be the leadership of our country. It would be fair to say the moderate of our everyday life has been conformed in some way all for the greater good of community. There is no question that race is a part of the issue as well as stating religion the color of your eyes and your social status play a huge role. Whereas the most prominent sentence off all the stories I have read this past week one in particular has stood out. John Hope Franklins “Train from Hate” states the words all should live by, “Under No circumstance should I be upset or distressed because someone sought to demean me”(223).
We are in a community of 1000’s of individuals. One could break these up into several categories male/female, black/white, religious or not the list is too long. Only you as an individual can decide what’s best for you either or. Works Cited “Abjection. ” Wikipedia. org. Wikimedia. 20 Jan. 2013. Web. 17 Feb. 2013. “Community. ” Wikipedia. org. Wikimedia. 20 Jan. 2013. Web. 17 Feb. 2013. Franklin, John Hope. “Train from Hate. ” Reading Literature and Writing Argument 5th ed. Eds. Missy James and Alan P. Merickel. Boston: Pearson, 2013. 223-24. Print. “Individuality. Wikipedia. org. Wikimedia. 20 Jan. 2013. Web. 17 Feb. 2013. King, Martin Luther, Jr. “Letter from Birmingham Jail. ” Reading Literature and Writing Argument 5th ed. Eds. Missy James and Alan P. Merickel. Boston: Pearson, 2013. 224-35. Print. Marquis, Don. “The Lesson of the Moth. ” Reading Literature and Writing Argument 5th ed. Eds. Missy James and Alan P. Merickel. Boston: Pearson, 2013. 196-97. Print. Rodriguez, Richard. “The Chinese in All of Us. ” Reading Literature and Writing Argument 5th ed. Eds. Missy James and Alan P. Merickel. Boston: Pearson, 2013. 242-48. Print.
Q82. What is the one thing that you can do to help improve your community?
Essay Outline
Argument: If there is one thing I can do to improve my community, it would be to build a hospital.
Support 1: Health services are some of the most Important things that all humans need
Support 2: A hospital is one of those things that Can pull every other thing to my community.
Support 3: Having a hospital would also help our community members to have easy access to healthcare.
Thesis: Whether it is through providing easy access to healthcare or attracting people to my community, having a new hospital would definitely be a great thing.
Model Essay
We all want to live in a good environment that makes us feel comfortable. However, this does not mean that
the places we live in are perfect. In fact, they are in many instances far from perfect but this does not mean that they cannot be changed. Given a chance to be a policy maker, many people would probably want different changed. For instance, if there one thing I can do to improve my community; it would be to budd a hospital. Here are my reasons for that.
Health services are some of the most important things that all humans need. As such, people will want to get
it from any part if they are assured that it ts rehable. This simply means that by building a hospital, I would easily
attract more people to my community with some coming as hospital workers and others coming as patients. This
would help other things in the area and would lead to some improvement.
A hospital is one of those things that can pull every other thing to my community. Obviously, when a
hospital is built, there would be a population increase due to the patients and workers will be coming there. There would be restaurants hostels and apartments being built and many o
ther amenities. Additionally, we would
probably also have an Increase in the number of businesses and growth of existing businesses.
Having a hospital would also help our community members to have easy access to healthcare. This means
that they would not need to travel elsewhere for such services. This would also mean that they would not need to
spend too much money when seeking treatment.
As you can see, a hospital would be a great driver for development my community. Whether it is through
providing easy access to healthcare or attracting people to my community, having one would definitely be a great
thing Obviously, having one would benefit all of us tn one way or the other.
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