Universal Healthcare System in the United States

Last Updated: 12 May 2020
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Universal Healthcare System in the United States

            It is known that America has one of the best health care systems in the world. They have the best infrastructures and establishments and most qualified personnel in the world. People began to take notice of the healthcare system when former President Bill Clinton proposed the bill during his term. Although many deemed it then to be failure, it really did start the universal healthcare system rolling in America. Many citizens, especially elderly, want to have an organized and affordable healthcare system for them. But what is a universal healthcare system anyway? Basically, it is a single-payer united healthcare system. It is the outcome of government programs wherein the primary intention is to ensure all citizens and other permanent residents (i.e. immigrants) regardless of the current financial and health status (Sage).

            Since it is relatively a new concept for Americans, many analysts argue that America has actually one of the worst healthcare systems for a wealthy and industrialized nation. Basically, they say that it does not have an organized universal healthcare system. The administration covers only a little over one-quarter of the citizens through the program. This includes the aged, disabled, families concerned in the military service, veterans, children and the needy (Battista and McCabe). Since the government only allots little budget for its citizen’s healthcare, consequently, it does not have a systematic national healthcare system. Nevertheless, there really is no right formula for such things.

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            In essence, the federal government should not jeopardize the healthcare and living conditions of its citizens because of the unequal allocation that it gives to the program. Since the primary goal of a universal healthcare system is to provide the citizens with good and sound lives (especially for the elderly), the government should therefore allocate a bigger budget for its healthcare system.

            Having a universal healthcare system really does have its advantages. Primarily, every citizen—whether naturally American or expatriated, immigrants, etc—would be covered under it and the federal government would spend less and administrative expenses will significantly reduce. According to Battista and McCabe, a publicly administered healthcare system is more expensive than a universal healthcare system  (Battista and McCabe). In a publicly administered healthcare system, people have to pa higher cost for their insurance since it is not subsidised by the government. There are other fees that they have to pay aside from the usual payments. Agents, medical fees, billing fees are added with additional amount to pay for the extra labor that they do. Whereas, if there is a universal healthcare system in every state, its population will pay lesser amounts because the federal government will subsidize it. In such cases, healthcare workers are the ones that will take care of the application process for you. This will imply that there is greater assurance that the citizen will not only be included in the unified healthcare system but moreover, they will pay little or less because the workers are authorized or is a government employee.

            In addition, the population wants the federal government to lead the task in providing a universal healthcare program for all. In a poll conducted in 2003, 62% said that they prefer that they prefer such a system under and with the government direction as disparate to the employer-based system. Moreover, the public agrees that the federal government should promise a good and efficient medical care for its people, especially those who do not have a health insurance. Moreover, in a slightly similar situation, 72% said that the federal government should guarantee an healthcare system for all its citizens, even if it means revoking most of the tax cuts passed under the present administration. In addition, with the ever increasing costs of having a health insurance, it is therefore imperative for the government to have a systematic and affordable universal healthcare system for its citizens (Teixeira).

            Moreover, in a poll conducted in August 2003, Americans said that they are willing to pay higher taxes just so the government can provide them a proper healthcare coverage.  A majority of the people asked say that they are willing to shell out more per year in federal taxes so that every American may receive an efficient and proper universal healthcare (Teixeira). This statement proves that citizens are very much interested to have and assure themselves so that in the future, they can have access to a “relaxed” future (i.e. when they retire and grow old). This also means that the current healthcare insurance policy in America is getting to expensive for the people. In a long term basis, it will be more expensive for people who have a current healthcare insurance policy to pay the required bills; whereas if the federal government will strongly implement this program, all will be required to pay their taxes and therefore, lower rates will be applied. More so, the government will subsidize the program that may lower the tax payment from the citizens. This will prove to be very reasonable for both parties.

             The primary aim of a universal healthcare system is to provide equal healthcare services for every one. With the citizen’s taxes and the government’s subsidy, and with the availability of qualified medical personnel and hi-tech facilities, a universal healthcare system in America should have generic—and affordable—drugs available for every one, free clinics and emergency surgeries where every one can enjoy (World). When the universal healthcare system will be utilized in America, there are many people that can enjoy its benefits. For one, uninsured patients can easily stay at emergency rooms on an impulse and be assured that they will receive the best care that is available. Furthermore, it will not just be available for those who cannot afford it but more so, people in jail can also benefit from it—receiving treatments that are at par with those who are not incarcerated (World).

            Moreover, the universal healthcare system will be available for every one. It will not just be for American citizens but also, for immigrants, incarcerated and basically, those who cannot afford it. When the universal healthcare system will be accomplished, not just the paying Americans will benefit from it. Expatriates and long-time residents will be under its coverage. This vision will make the American universal healthcare system non-discrimatory and one of its kind in the world. Since it is also a known fact within the medical community that America does not have a very good healthcare system, when this program will be implemented, it will create a major impact on how Americans and the world will view the healthcare system of the country. Even more so, industrialized countries will consider this as another achievement by America. But in a more specific light, this will create a not just a better living future living conditions for the population but it will also make a positive impact for people who scrutinize the disorganization of the healthcare system of the country. Through its implementation, more people will be satisfied with the healthcare procedures in the country.

In addition, the talent and education of the best and most qualified medical personnel in the country will be put into good use. These days, only people who can afford the best doctors in the country are the ones that are treated with the utmost healthcare. If the universal healthcare system will be implemented, their talents can now be afforded by everyone and the best part is, doctors, surgeons, etc. cannot say “no” to them since they will be subsidised by the government. Even the ones that are in jail can now have the best healthcare service in the country since the program also covers that aspect. More importantly, since the program aims to give healthcare coverage for everyone, other nationalities (including the ones that just cannot afford or which does not have the proper medical facility in their country) can also avail of the benefits of the universal healthcare program. This will make a mark in the future of any healthcare system in the world and the ever ongoing rallies against American discrimination can be put into rest if this program is realized. This will mean that after all, America does care about not just its citizens but also, its other population.

            The government should realize that a county’s healthcare system will be a future source point of how a country is developing in the upcoming years. Today, around the world, America is considered as a powerful nation. Many people view America as the nation that cannot be tore down by just any disaster or war. It is also a known fact that outside America, the healthcare system concept is virtually non-existent and in the case for Americans, it is relatively a new concept in the country. For a foreigner, he or she may believe that America has the best things a person could want and may think that it also has one of the most systematic, efficient and organized healthcare system in the world. What a foreigner fails to see is the fact that actually, America has one of the most expensive, disorganized and inefficient healthcare system in the world. It is also good to note that the current and prevailing healthcare system in America is employer-based. In this system, the company carries the additional costs of having its employees a healthcare insurance that in addition is subtracted to the income of the employees. In essence, it is still the employees that pay for their health insurance, the company only handles the medical process that needs to be addressed so that they can have a fair wager for the insurance companies (Brown). Meanwhile, in the concept of a universal healthcare system, citizens have to pay their federal taxes so that they an avail of a healthcare insurance. The difference is that, in such system, the taxpayers are considered single-payers and can be availed by everyone. In an idealistic sense, everyone, even those who cannot afford a personal healthcare insurance is covered under the program. Since a personal healthcare insurance is getting expensive every now and then, more and more people (i.e. taxpayers) are willing to pay higher federal taxes if the program is implemented. Not only does it will give a fair chance for every one to take advantage of the benefits from it but more importantly, it will be cheaper for the taxpayer to do so in the long run than compared with the expenses that they incur for a personal healthcare insurance.

            But important than the money involved in having a healthcare insurance, a universal healthcare system should be implemented by the government because idealistically, it will cover the health needs of everyone including not just the taxpayers but also long-time residents, American citizens, expatriates, those who cannot afford it and even the incarcerated. This system has a very equal view on the healthcare needs of the country’s population. With this in mind, not only does it will seem that the government care for its own people but moreover, for every one else. This system will also guarantee the people that the services that they will get are just the same as that everyone else. They can be assured that they can have generic, effective and affordable treatments, check-ups and medicines from any government hospital. Furthermore, a universal healthcare system can be easily paid since the government (will ideally) will allocate a bigger budget for it—in short, they will subsidize it s that every one can have a better treatment.

            A quest for a better and effective healthcare system in America is still undergoing a very bumpy road. Today, majority of Americans have a personal healthcare insurance; so, only the privileged and the rich can afford it. Because of such, many people are arguing that it should be affordable for all (especially the elderly). It has been discussed many times over by Presidential candidates but it only makes the citizens confused. There is an imperative necessity for the American nation to adopt the universal healthcare system because it everyone can afford it and its benefits will be experienced not just only by the privileged citizens but by every one else including the “un-natural Americans” and underprivileged.

Works Cited:

Battista, John R., and Justine McCabe. "The Case for Single Payer, Universal Health Care for the United States." Ed.

Brown, Lawrence D. "The Amazing Noncollapsing U.S. Health Care System — Is Reform Finally at Hand?" 358:325-327 (2008). February 9, 2008 <http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/full/358/4/325>.

Sage, Bobbie. "What Is Universal Health Care?" Personal Insurance  (2008). February 8, 2008 <http://personalinsure.about.com/cs/healthinsurance1/a/aa060903a.htm>.

Teixeira, Ruy. "Healthcare for All?"  (2005). Feruary 9, 2008 <http://www.motherjones.com/commentary/columns/2005/09/universal_healthcare.html>.

World. "Universal Health Care and Clean Drinking Water."  (2008). February 9, 2008 <http://www.nolanchart.com/article1541.html>.

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Universal Healthcare System in the United States. (2018, Oct 10). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/universal-healthcare-system-in-the-united-states/

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