To Spank or Not to Spank
Should child discipline involved punishment that include pking or hitting? Is it necessary to pk or not to pk a child as a form of discipline? Some parents have no trouble of agreeing with using a few disciplinary measurements to discipline a child. But, most parents argue that child pking will have a negative effect on the child’s overall being because it teaches the child defiant behavior, it distracts the child from learning how to resolve personal conflict in a humane manner, and it could be abusive for a child. However, some parents argue that child pking is appropriate when a child is performing an action that is likely to cause danger or harm to others, it is also appropriate if followed up with a reason why they are being punished, and appropriate because it encourages disciplined behavior without negative results.
There can be common reasons why both sides have the same perspective of just wanting to correct a trouble mannered child. There can be different reasons why it is better not to pk a child. Doctors and researchers conduct so many studies and researches to find out how much pking causes children to be very different. Spanking teaches children to be rebellious and consequently to develop low self esteem. According to Alice Park, author of “The Long-Term Effects of Spanking”, she said that, “Among mothers surveyed in 20 cities when their children were both 3 and 5 years old, nearly half (45. %) reported pking their 3-years old in the previous month, 27. 9% reported pking once or twice that month, and 26. 5% reported pking more than twice. As 5-years old, the children who have been pked were more likely than the non-pked to be defiant, demand immediate satisfaction of their wants and needs, become frustrated easily, has temper tantrums and lash out physically against other people or animals. ” Lashing out on children as a form of punishment teaches them to act aggressively and more violent.
They feel unwanted and unloved. They also feel inferior to others, which explains lower self-esteem among children. The common factor of child discipline tactics whether pking or no pking is involved contributes to child’s antisocial behavior. It is not about psychopathology disorder. According to a study conducted by Murray A. Straus, Ph. D. and Vera E. Mouradian, Ph. D. Both researchers and pediatricians at family research laboratory at University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA. Bearing in mind the limitations of the cross sectional design, the findings Suggest that CP (Corporal Punishment) and ICP (Impulsive Corporal Punishment) may be important risk factors for children developing a pattern of impulsive and antisocial behavior. ” Severe pking can lead to some psychological damage to some children. It is also believed that children who are exposed to pking have more aggressive behavior. Spanking distracts children from resolving personal conflicts in a subtle humane manner as an adult, when they may resort to violence they knew as a child.
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In an article written by Murray Straus, author of the article, “New Evidence For the Benefits of Never Spanking” finds that, “Since aggression is a relatively stable trait, it is not surprising that the more aggressive children now and or later in life are now hitting their wives or husbands. ” Instead of resolving things in a humane manner, pking a child is a way of teaching them that domestic violence is an acceptable form of behavior. Domestic violence happens between couples that were pked as a children. The abuser believes that hitting his or her partner is for the victims own good because hat is what they believed when they were punished as a child. According to Alice Miller, Psychoanalyst, author of Laid Human Problems to Parental Acts, “The battering of partners and the pking of children are not just physical aggressions, but physical aggressions that are intended to function as a method of control, subjugation, and intimidation. Many domestic violence clinicians have heard the excuse from the abuser that their behavior ‘was for the victims own good. ’
That is our justification for the corporal punishment of our children. Those who are victim of child pking as a child become adults who do not know how to deal their problems without being violent and harmful. Spanking a child is just cruel because the child is vulnerable and defenseless and learns that violence is acceptable. Spanking is harmful, unkind and inhumane. Carole Jenny, M. D. , M. B. A. , author of Spanking should not be Lawful, stated that “What do you teach children when you pk them? ” “I am bigger and stronger than you therefore I can make you do what I want by inflicting pain on you. Spanking teaches a child that hurting others is a way to change their behavior. When we hit children, we do so knowing that we are not ourselves in danger because of our size and strength. We would not hit children if we knew there was a chance they could return blows and hurt us back. ” I have a friend who pk her child every time her child acts according to her unacceptable behavior list. And this child attacks my child without hesitation even if I am watching. Her child thinks it is alright to hurt others.
It is not right to hurt children who can’t defend themselves and just wanted to be loved and nurtured by those parents who wanted them in the first place. However, some parents believe that pking is essential in raising a well-mannered and disciplined child when combined with an explanation. An example of this is when a child is performing an action that is likely to cause danger or harm to others. Stopping a child by pking them before doing harm to themselves or others is a form of discipline. Marjorie Gunnoe, author of "Spanking And Misbehavior. Found that kids smacked before age 6 grew up to be more successful . . . Gunnoe, who interviewed 2,600 people about being smacked, told the [London] Daily Mail: "The claims that are made for not pking children fail to hold up. I think of pking as a dangerous tool, but then there are times when there is a job big enough for a dangerous tool. You don't use it for all your jobs. "? Another example of this argument is a scene where a witness walking through a nearby playground one day and see a group of young children playing ball.
He sees a young boy attack another child, punching the other child and giving him a black eye and taking the ball from him. Then he sees the other young boy’s mother pk him on the buttocks with her hand. Few people also agree that they were a better person because their parents discipline them at a young age. Some also says it is the last resort to stop an uncontrollable and unacceptable behavior. Training children at an early age about how to manage their anger and limitations is crucial. It will contribute to their overall well being as children with moral standards and self- control.
The Bible says, “He who spares the rod hates his son: but he that loves him corrects him betimes” (proverbs 13:24) and “Withhold not correction from a child: for it thou strike him with the rod, he shall not die. ” “Thou shall beat him with the rod, and deliver his soul from hell. ” (Proverbs 23:13-14) (These Last Days Ministries, Inc. ) So pking is not merely abuse and immoral way of disciplining a child but simply a way of correcting a behavior that will abstain the child from doing evil and going to hell.
Appropriate use of pking encourages good positive behavior without negative results. Indeed, disciplinary pking can fall well within the boundaries of loving discipline and need not be labeled abusive violence. According to Den Trumbull, M. D. and S. DuBose Ravenel, M. D. , authors of “Spare the Rod” and “The Research Challenges Spanking Critics” Agrees that, “Obviously, excessive or indiscriminate physical punishment is harmful and abusive. However, an appropriately-administered pking of a forewarned disobedient child is not harmful when administered in a loving controlled manner. Spanking should typically involve one or two swats in the buttocks. Cultural background and life experiences contributes on why there are pking parents. Parents who pk their children support their arguments on the basis of their personal experiences and beliefs. It also related to their cultural background on why they punish their children or they are a firm believer that discipline is a form of love to a child by showing them how to control their behavior and be a well-mannered individual.
A study about families who migrated from Caribbean and the Philippines was conducted to find out why most of the parents who migrated from these countries brought their discipline tactics with them and apply it here in America. ( Based from, “Caribbean and Filipino Adolescents' and Parents' Perceptions of Parental Authority, Physical Punishment, and Cultural Values and Their Relation to Migratory Characteristics. ” (Canadian Ethnic Studies). It usually the first generation family that migrated in either the USA or Canada that still values their cultural upbringing and passing it to their children.
The second generation are the one who will hesitate to do it, afraid of violating the law of the land that they know and grew up in. Spanking teaches children to be defiant and rebellious and could result to poor self esteem. Spanking may also be a simple swat in the butt followed by an explanation why a child is being punished. Spanking teaches children from dealing their emotions into physical and violent way instead of resolving their problems in a more mature manner as an adult because this is how they were treated as a child.
But when pking is use appropriately creates a disciplined and well mannered behavior. To some culture pking is acceptable and it is the only way to raise a decent individual. It could be the parents cultural roots that gives them the thinking that it is fine to punish their children. But to most Americans it is cruel and pking a defenseless child is a form of violence and it is not acceptable. Parents’ social status also contributes to whether they are an advocate or not to child pking. All aspects include educational attainment, socio economic background, and marital status.
A single parent, a low income parent and a low income parent is more likely aggressive in pking their child than their counterpart, while its counterpart has more options, knowledge and self-control in dealing children. Cindy Juby, Author of the article, Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal, “This study examines the mediating effect of parental attitude in the relationship between environmental factors (educational attainment, income status, and marital status) and disciplinary methods used by parents. ” Parenting is both challenging and rewarding.
Parents should know their limitation when it comes to child pking. Knowing boundaries and ways of disciplining a child without hurting them. Some people avoid it completely and some just simply say, “I was pked as a child and it did helped me, and so will my children. ” Parents should be able to differentiate child abuse and child discipline to correct a misbehaving child. Spanking a child in public is unacceptable and it may only embarrassed a child and will likely not understand. It will also result why the child is defiant and disrespectful.
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