The Stressful Process of Preparing and Applying for College Admission

Category: School, University
Last Updated: 28 Feb 2023
Pages: 3 Views: 156

My heart started beating faster, my hands began to sweat, and my anxiety grew exponentially as I stared at the clock waiting for the UCLA admission decisions to be released. I had already been admitted to a few renowned private universities as well as all the other UC campuses that I applied to. However, my heart was set on UCLA. Once the decisions were released, my mom started praying for saints to intercede while I entered my account information. After a few minutes of crying and laughing simultaneously, thinking that I got rejected, my mom finally convinced me to click the login button. The word "congratulations" popped up, and within seconds, my mom jumped with joy and gave me the longest hug I have ever received. Out of disbelief, I went back and continued to read the rest of the letter. I was speechless: my dreams were coming true.

Five years ago, when the car rolled away for the last time from my grandparents' lavish house in Cairo, I thought my life would never be the same. My father planned our immigration in secret, and I promised not to tell my grandparents. However, I was ripped apart. I wholeheartedly believed I was ruining my chances of ever being successful again. Overtime, I learned that I was wrong. Leaving Cairo to come to the United States was one of the best things that happened in my life. I could not have been admitted to UCLA had it not been for the challenges I faced by moving across the world, the people I met in the United States, the strong foundation I had as a student, and, most importantly, the academic and financial resources I was offered in my middle and high school in America.

Ever since I was a young girl in Egypt, my parents and relatives asked me what I aspired to be when I grew up. They indirectly emphasized the importance of getting higher education daily. Teachers at my private French school, College De La Mere De Dieu, always had me write journals about my future career. They taught me at a young age that hard work is crucial regardless how intelligent one is, and that going above and beyond is a requirement, not an option. They also showed me that failure was a shame to be atoned for. My peers and I were expected to attend college at the very least. In my culture, higher education is perceived as the only way to success, and success is the second most important priority after religion. Though inflexible, this mindset taught me to bury my nose in my books and never give up on my future.

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When I left Egypt and came to the United States, these values helped me cope and adapt faster. 48 hours after I was told we were immigrating. I found myself in a new world. Two weeks later, I was no longer part of the small French private school. Instead, I was now a student at an English public middle school in Burbank, California. I was no longer living at my grandfather's 14-bedroom villa, but rather crammed with the rest of my family in a one- bedroom apartment. I was sad, lonely and hurt. I hated myself for not speaking up and not telling my parents I wanted to stay in Egypt. I could not help but wonder what would have happened if I had told my grandparents. I was in excruciating emotional pain, but my values made me determined not to let the circumstances break me. I decided to overcome bravely any hardship I had to face, whether it was social, economic, or intellectual. The minute I registered for school, I decided to speak up for myself, seek resources, and take control of my life, three lessons that are central to who I am today and why I am now at UCLA.

When I joined John Muir Middle School, I was happy to learn about all the English courses they offered, as well as the informative high school and college workshops they held. Upon registration, I had to take multiple tests to assess my Math, Science and English levels. I remember the staff being impressed by my math and science skills; however, when it came to English, it was clear that I was not nearly as prepared.

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The Stressful Process of Preparing and Applying for College Admission. (2023, Feb 15). Retrieved from

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