Supervisory Model

Category: Leadership, Motivation, Noah
Last Updated: 07 Jul 2021
Pages: 11 Views: 168

I am motivated or guided y a very specific force regarding legal, ethical and even cultural concerns and we will explore that force and how it would play out in my everyday interactions of supervision. I am tremendously communal but realize that professionalism must play a part when I work with and serve under those in management and administration and I will talk about those aspects also. Today, social worker roles are tremendous and as a supervisor there is even more responsibility to the social workers who work under you.

According to Shadbush

"In addition to the efficient and effective administration of agency services, the education and support f social workers fashions the three-legged stool of modern social work supervision" (p. 2). L. Areas of Interest & Disinterest Supervision is not very appealing to me in relation to mental health and therapy due to the fact that most supervisors do not actually do much true therapy with clients like the clinicians that work under them. Actually doing therapy with the clients is the work that excites me.

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My early perception of a social worker was negative and brought to mind Miss Kebab, the nosy social worker who would visit Celandine Price. Celandine was a character in the movie by the same name, Celandine (1974), played by Dianne Carroll, a single African American woman living in Black Harlem with six children on welfare. Whenever Miss Kebab would come "calling", she would be snooping to see if Celandine was working a Job, had a man, or was receiving gifts from someone. Celandine always had to lie to Miss Kebab because this information would cause Celandine's welfare to be cut considerably.

The children were taught to hide anything that appeared to be extra to their poverty stricken lifestyle. Miss Kebab would be a nightmare for Edward Divine and the Charity Organization Society idea of a friendly visitor. II. Three Supervisory Roles In Administrative Supervision, Hackett (2014) explains that in supervisory functions, being administrative deals directly with delivering a message, supporting a cause for staff or acting as a protective barrier regarding administrative issues between upper management and line staff.

This is the first leg of our three-legged stool of supervisory functions. Depending on the subject matter and my passion for the topic. I would have to ensure diplomacy and tact in communicating a professional delivery of my message. The second leg is educational and thinking about giving instruction in a one on one fashion does not necessarily excite me. Hackett (2014) discussed education in a supervisory role as being concerned with "addressing ignorance barriers" to effective services (p. L).

I have a passion for functioning in the role of educator - presenting subject matter in a broader fashion. Infusing and empowering staff members to provide effective services. The last leg of the three major components of supervision is supportive, which, according to Hackett (2014) is focused on "addressing emotional barriers" to effective services (p. 1). So line staff hat might be having a particular problem connecting with a client or experiencing stress because one of their families is dealing with particularly traumatic events, support from the supervisor is available from this role.

This support can also be for the staff member himself or herself if they are experiencing difficulty in hearing portions of a client's harrowing story each week they come in. Support from the supervisor in this scenario could prevent a secondary trauma or something underlying that triggers the worker. There are many sources of stress for the social rocker and Hackett (2014) lists them in Supportive Supervision as the following: Performance & Compliance Demands Learning Demands Clients Organization Relationship with their Supervisor Vicarious Trauma (p. 3).

Practicing self-care is something that social workers must apply regularly and l, as the supervisor, will need to ensure that my team gets the Abacas that Hackett (2014) refers to in Supportive Supervision as: awareness, balance and connection. My team will need these in place so that they can be emotionally healthy and continue to provide for our clients needs. Ill. My Style & Temperament I am a fun loving, outspoken person by nature and I am very orderly. I tend to be communal, and do not meet any strangers and I suppose that is because I spent twenty-two years in the Air Force.

I spent time with people from many walks of life and cultures and had to grow up quite a bit through many circumstances that took place right in the different departments that I worked in. Shadbush (2002) states that humor can constrain and relieve stress caused on a Job by providing much needed space in stressful scenarios. I do appreciate humor as an icebreaker or to cause a tense atmosphere to dissipate. Even when things are not stressful I simply enjoy my ambiance better when humor and a certain display of cheerfulness.

My current manager can be found laughing very often but sometimes it is inappropriate or appears unprofessional because she is very loud. I am concerned about how people view me in decision situations but realize that I cannot please all people. This creates a conundrum because as a supervisor it is given that not everyone will be happy with my decisions. So, coming short of appearing to be a dictator, I do realize that it is something I need to become more comfortable with and would need to evolve in knowing that I have made the best decision for the whole of my programs.

In the lecture on Educational Supervision, Hackett (2014) discussed situational leadership and the fact that leaders determine a situation and espouse the best style for a particular posture. My temperament depends on my situation and for the most part I am pleasant and do my best to keep an atmosphere fairly light but professional. But if I sense that someone is mistreating my staff or desecrating our atmosphere with a negative mood because they are disgruntled, I can become someone very assertive.

The lecture on Educational Supervision regarding situational leadership, Hackett (2014) determines that through "relationship behavior is the extent to which the leader engages in two-way or multiply communication. Includes listening to, facilitating, and supporting employees" (pig. 2). In these situations, my concern for my temperament is to preserve a very present disposition and be able to think through as things are being said. This allows me to cover all of the important points whether it is an employee or a client who has become upset because of something. 'V.

My Use of Motivation & Discipline Techniques By nature I love being a team player because I enjoy people so much and love to encourage others, cheering them on to their goals in life. In Strengthened, Rata (2007) describes the individual with the harmony theme as "One who looks for areas of agreement". This theme suggests that this person believes that there is not much value in disharmony and I attempt to extinguish anything like this in conversation because of that. This describes me and I am not afraid of healthy conflict but I find any conflict outside of that to be counterproductive.

In my supervision style regarding titivation I would look for the benefits of my staff being team oriented and do my best to teach them the value in having a harmonious atmosphere. My desire would be to encourage them to see the benefit of their contribution to what we do in our program. According to Administrative Supervision, (according to Hackett, 2014 lecture, p. 1 1) "most experts on motivation affirm that praise, respect, recognition, empowerment and a sense of belonging are more lasting motivators than money'. In Herrings Hygiene Motivation Theory, (according to Hackett, 2014 lecture, p. 0) she tastes that money already provides limited motivation, and then when it is absent from the Hygiene Factors then denomination will automatically kick in. Along the theme of motivation, in the bible (n. D. ), God gave Noah the task of building the ark and taking his family and specified numbers of each animal with him as God commanded according to Genesis chapter six, verse thirteen through chapter seven, verse sixteen. According to the bible (n. D. ), in chapter seven, verse one God says, "Come into the ark, you and all your household, because I have seen that you are righteous before Me in this generation".

In verse seven of the same chapter it says, "So Noah, with his sons, his wife, and his sons' wives went into the ark". Noah was a servant leader that God used to replenish the earth and he had to determine how to motivate his family and all of those animals to get onto that boat. In verse nine of chapter seven, according the bible (n. D. ), it says, "two by two they went into the ark to Noah, male and female, as God had commanded Noah. Pastor Diego Mesa (2014), taught the lesson All Aboard-The Life of Noah and stated, "Noah had to live a certain way before his family in order for them to follow him".

This is encouraging for me as a supervisor because as God has called me to walk in my destined position in life, as His servant leader, he will give me the grace and strength to carry out the tasks that I am supposed to do in my supervisory capacity. This is further confirmed according to Hackett (2014) in Models of Leadership, she discussed a servant leader setting a goal, visualizing it and taking the necessary steps to get to that goal. My disciplinary style and techniques have mirrored the military in years past but so often an airman or seaman is Just doing what their superior is yelling at them to do.

I am glad that I learned another way before I had children because my desire now is to affect change in their hearts and not simply in their behavior. In the chapter on Principles & Problems in Implementing Educational Supervision Shadbush (2007) states, "however useful or significant the material is generally, the worker is not likely to be motivated unless one can show its usefulness and importance for a problem or situation that is meaningful to him or her" (p. 176). As an employee, I have not always been model in compliance to the rules or policies.

Especially when I was younger and did not understand the value of obedience, which now I understand really is better than sacrifice! In the lecture, Progressive Discipline, Hackett (2014) asks the question, "What's behind the problem? " (p. 2). This is a good question and maybe there really is something valid going on behind the noncompliance employee problem and I have to be balanced enough in my thinking to not Jump to conclusions about it. Stress, conflict in casework demands, personal issues that are distracting work performance, etc.

These are all potential issues that in the correct view could be legitimate. In Progressive Discipline, Hackett (2014) discussed "missing the root cause of a problem". Common Disciplinary Error #5 says, "Not knowing the root cause makes it difficult to work with an employee to improve performance" (p. 9). Regardless of the reasons, a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) could be utilized and a valuable employee can be saved. V. How I Manage Legal, Ethical & Cultural Issues Years ago I worked in an older adult clinic and had grown very fond of "Leticia", my 70-year-old female Hipic client of one year. Leticia" would bring me fruits and nuts from her son's orchard for most of the time I worked with her and I did not have he heart to tell her I should not accept gifts from her. But I would share them all with my co-workers to try to balance it out. "Leticia" really reminded me of my great Aunt Maggie who was in the beginning stages of dementia like "Leticia" and my relatives in Florida took care of her. In the later nineties, the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (AIRIER) was created and it stopped allowing most public services to illegal immigrants.

I had toiled over Leticia case and she had come a long way in her care and she was comfortable in the senior housing that her son and I got her into. I was tempted to continue providing "Leticia" services "off the books" because I did not want to abandon providing services to Leticia. Shadbush (2002) states in the chapter on Problems and Innovation that "a pervasive, ubiquitous ethical problem is how to resolve the disjunction between what we are ethically obligated to do for the client and the reality of what we can do, a dilemma exacerbated by practice in a managed care and increasing litigious environment" (p. 70). Legally and ethically I knew that I was in a very precarious situation, so I sought the counsel of my supervisor and explained my dilemma. In order for me to avoid ethical prohibition against my supervisor and l, we agreed to offer Leticia a referral for an assisted living facility that could better serve her. Then I was assured that Leticia would be safe. She was able to see a social worker that came around to see all of the seniors who lived there and this helped her adjust to her new surroundings. The bible (n. D. Is clear in Romans chapter thirteen, verse one and it says, "Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities for there is no authority except from God and the authorities that exist are appointed by God". In the first art of verse seven it also says, "render therefore to all their due". So as my Overseer in heaven has determined what I do in situations of a legal and ethical manner, so goes my National Association of Social Workers (NASA) ethical principles speaking and they agree with Him regarding doing the right thing in any situation.

Developing a relationship with Leticia was simple because I have always been around many people of different hues and races in the military and most of my grade school years. I can remember distinctly having a cultural celebration every year at my grade school in Los Angels County. Currently I support our department Cultural Committee and have key relationships with those on the African American sub committee and both of my brothers married white women, a cousin married a woman of Filipino decent, so all of this is my comfort level in any way and anywhere.

NASA (2014) says, "These activities seek to promote sensitivity to and knowledge about oppression and cultural and ethnic diversity. Social workers strive to ensure access to needed information, services, and resources; equality of opportunity; and meaningful participation in decision making for all people". So any interactions I have, as a supervisor regarding ultra awareness and being competent over this area would be simple for me. I may likely have to educate those that work under me and this subject would be discussed Just as any other policy that has zero tolerance but I would do it in a patient manner.

VI. Working with Management & Administration Because I am a secretary to a manager often I am carrying messages from my manager to the supervisors and vice versa. I additionally take messages from clerical staff to my manager so I am accustomed to diplomacy at my level. I do have concern about communicating with upper management and must ensure polish and tact. VI'. Examples of My Experiences My current manager is a good example of what model you do not want to pattern yourself after. She is often found to be laughing very loudly; she is somewhat argumentative in meetings and is an awful example of timeliness.

So often for her it is "do as I say and not as I do" and in spite of the fact that she is very intelligent, it is difficult to follow and respect her because of the flaws that she has that cause her to lose credibility. It is not her having flaws but it is the sort of flaws that she has. I only worked for her for a few weeks before she lost it because I chose to use a particular ender after she said she told me not to use them. I did not remember this and received a written correction from her for it, stating that if I did it again there would be further consequences.

She is immediately scary if you make her angry so I Just do my best to not do that. This paper has taken you through many examples of supervision from my paradigm and many others. You learned that one-on-one training is not for me and who the worst friendly visitor is. We relearned our Abacas - awareness, balance and connection, along with my temperament being determined by situation. I discussed what might be behind problems and the lesson that Leticia aught my supervisor and l. We additionally went up and down the ladder with management and administration and how I express myself if I do not take moments to gather myself.

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