Student Result Management System
The potential of CIT attracted the attention of the development planners in Bhutan and the 10th FYI was designed to fully harness the potential of Sits to achieve the developmental goal especially of poverty reduction of the Millennium Declaration and Gross National Happiness. In order to address the IT HRS need in the country and to promote and support IT industries in the country, the Information Technology Department (IT'D) proposed to introduce a four year Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology degree in 2009.
The College launched BE (IT) with 30 students from the winter semester of 010. Presently, IT'D is supported by 6 teaching faculty, two technicians and two CIT staff (CIT Unit). To support the IT program, the college is constructing a new IT building which will be equipped with the latest IT equipment and facilities. To provide wholesome IT knowledge and skills to the students, IT'D introduced modular courses from 2011 in collaboration with UNIT under Chippie Righter Project. The department is currently working to introduce a testing center at the college.
Project Duration: Expected Starting Date: Planned Duration in months: 8th September, 2014 8 months Executive Summary: Page 2 Scope, Introduction and Background of the Project A. Scope of the Project: The scope of the project is as follows: 1 . Student management system will include : 0 Student admission/registration 0 Student details 0 Fee payment records 0 Student ID generation. 2. Result Management System will constitute the following modules: 0 Continuous assessment 0 Attendance report 0 Previous academic records 0 Semester module subscription 0 Student's quota validation 0 Publish / unpublished student results 0 View results B.
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Introduction: Bal . Project Background and Literature Review: (Detailed summary of what all has been done internationally in the proposed area quoting references and bibliography. Please note that this section demonstrates the depth of knowledge of the project team and builds the confidence of the evaluators about capability of the team in achieving the stated objectives. ) The number of students in the college are increasing. When it comes to registration, the cool The present system uses traditional means of paper and excel sheets for managing the student academic records and results.
Managing manually doesn't validates the exact information like students statistics and moreover it's difficult to maintain each record. The exam management cell become quite handy with the increasing number f students every year and limited resources Thus, there need a systematic software/program to maintain the information and the academic performances of all the students. The proposed system is one of the solution that can not only reduce human work but can become effective too. The system will maintain every necessary details about each student, compile result and allow the students to view the result. 2. Current State of the Art: (Please describe the current state of the art specific to this research topic. ) Page 3 No result management system has been developed so far in the college. This will be he first attempt to develop the fully functioning result management system. C. (Please describe the challenges, specific to this research topic, currently being faced internationally. ) 0 New admission/registration are tedious with large number of students. 0 Difficulties in maintaining correct information about student appearing in a semester and a repeating semester. No system to keep track of student fee payment records. 0 Lack of online result viewing system. D. Motivation and Need: (Please describe the motivation and need for this work. ) The development of result management system would help lecturers and students to easily manage and maintain the results. The Student Management System, being the dependency of Result Management System, would enable the online registration / admission, manage and update the students' information, get the statistics of students such as number of students passed or failed in certain years, details of students, etc.
Student results can be made available online for viewing, keeping track of the academic performances and attendance reports. 3. A. Specific Objectives Being Addressed by the Project: (Please describe the measurable objectives of the project and define the expected results. Use results-oriented wording with verbs such as to develop.. ', to implement.. ', to research.. ', to determine.. ', to identify.. ' The objectives should not be statements and should not include explanations and benefits. The objective should actually specify in simple words what the project team intends to achieve (something concrete and measurable/ deliverable).
Fill only those objectives that are applicable to the proposed project. ) AAA . Research Objectives: (if any) AAA. Academic Objectives: (if any) AAA. Industrial Objectives: (if any) Page 4 AAA. Other Objectives: (if any) 4. Research Approach A. Development / Research / Test Methodology: (Please describe the technical details and Justification of your development and research plan and test plan and testing strategies. Identify specialized equipment, facilities and infrastructure which are required for the project and their utilization plan. The block diagrams, system flow charts, high level algorithm details etc. Eave to be provided in this section. ) Methodology for Development The methodology for our project is based on the Software Development Life Cycle (OSDL) We use a methodology that helps us design and develop complex systems sing phased approach (aka Waterfall model). This approach is designed to make sure that we don't move from one phase to another before we have assessed and verified the results of the current phase, and that we have all the necessary information to move on. This methodology also makes the software project management much simpler.
The OSDL helps us to define the "what", work out "how', and then develop and deliver a quality product by the "when". System development as defined in OSDL version we are adopting consists of seven key phases. Following is a brief introduction to these key phases : Phase 1 : Capturing the Requirements - This phase will involve sitting down with the college exam controller and the focal person who looks after the overall academic matters (Dean Academic Affairs), student management body (Dean Student Affairs) and do lot of listening, followed by a lot of writing.
The end result will be a document that defines what the college management requires in terms that the college management can understand. 0 Phase 2: Analyzing the Requirements - In this process, we will develop a deeper understanding of the requirements and will gather as much data we can to help while designing the solution. 0 Phase 3: Designing a Solution - After we understand the requirements and have analyzed them in detail, we will produce a design. This phase defines how the system will be built. Phase 4: Developing a Solution - From the "what" and the how, we will produce and test the individual, self-contained modules that will make up the solution. 0 Phase 5: System Integration and Testing - We will now take all the modules developed in Phase 4 and put them together as a complete solution. For the first time, we can test the entire system as a cohesive entity. We will confirm that we have a solid product that meets all the original requirements.
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Student Result Management System. (2017, Nov 21). Retrieved from
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