Statments of Problems and Primary Source Evidence

Last Updated: 26 Jan 2021
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Following the Civil War white southerners restricted African Americans’ freedom:

  • -Louisana Black Codes Reinstate Provision of The Space Era, 1865, pg. 6
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  • - Lucy McMillian, A Former Slave in South Carolina, Tesitifes

About White Violence, 1871, pg. 13

During the late nineteenth century the American west expirnced significant conflict:

  • -Katie Bighead (Cheyenne) Remebers Custer and the battle of Little Bighorn,1876, pg. 1
  • -Wyoming Gunfight: An Attack on Chinatown,1885, pg. 45

Supporters of imperialism claimed it was necessary that United States wield it’s influence abroad:

  • -President William Mckinley Asks for War to liberate Cuba, 1898 pg. 107
  • -Governor Theodore Roosevelt Praises the Manly Virtues of Imperialism, 1899, pg. 108

Critics of Imperialsim contened that American Foreigh policy undermined the nation’s abroad:

  • -The American Anti-Imperialist League Denounces U. S. Policy, 1899, pg. 110
  • -Mark Twain Stirzes “ The Battle Hymn of the Republic. ” 1900 pg. 111

During the late nineteenth century immigrants anticipated oppurtunities in the United States:

  • -A Slovenian Boy Remebers Tales of the Golden Country,1909 pg. 81
  • -Chinese Immigrant Lee Chew Denounces Prejudice in America, 1882, pg. 72

During the late nineteenth century immigrants faced harsh challenges in the United States:

  • -Immigrant Thomas O’Donell Laments the worker’s Plight, 1883 pg. 74
  • -Immigrants Crowd together-By Choice, or Not? Pg. 77

As the United States expierenced rapid industrial growth, ordinary laborers endured exploitaive working conditions:

  • -Immigrant Thomas O’Donell Laments the worker’s Plight, 1883 pg. 74
  • -Jurgis Rudkus Disovers Drink in The Jungle, 1905 pg. 79

All from the book "major problems".

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Statments of Problems and Primary Source Evidence. (2016, Nov 07). Retrieved from

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