Satire: High School Students
Satire How to Succeed in School Being a high school student with a fair amount of experience and observation in the field of achieving good grades with minimal effort, I should like to bestow upon current and future high school students some advice that may lead to their success. Before doing so, I would like to make clear that I do not necessarily endorse these methods. It is just observed that the application of these methods is shown to have worked with some of the most highly ranked high school students, the “elite,” and here’s how they do it, and how you can too.
Always wait until the last minute. This may seem counterintuitive, as teachers and parents are always telling students to not procrastinate. However, procrastination is what drives a student to success. Procrastination gives a student the drive to finish that assignment or project that was assigned weeks ago and is due tomorrow. As time boils down, a student’s senses become sharper, allowing them to focus on the task at hand.
How can one not enjoy the excitement of completing a project in the nick of time, or the pride felt when they have bested their friends in a competition of who can survive with the least amount of sleep? This brings me to my second piece of advice: sleep in school. High school life is extremely busy. Students must balance schoolwork, homework, recreation, sleep, and a social life. Since, logically, recreation can only be done outside of school, homework must be done at home, and a social life must include elements outside of school, schoolwork and sleep should be done in school.
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Students already spend a good eight hours in school. Then afterwards, they must complete hours of homework at home. Therefore, it is only logical that students use some school time to catch up on sleep, as they must be rejuvenated in order to deal with the massive amount of homework awaiting them after school. Study at the last minute as well. Teachers say that students should study a little every day. However, that does not help. By the time of the test, one will already have forgotten what they have learned in the beginning of the unit.
Instead, if a student were to study everything last minute, they would remember it all for the test because they have just looked at it. You should study the day before, and preferably, on the day of the test to obtain maximum scores. Pay attention in class. That means, get ready for the teacher to call on you at any minute. It is important to always know what is going on to avoid looking like a fool and getting yelled at. When the teacher is not paying attention to the class, feel free to doze off. You must learn to multitask.
Multitasking will help you get a lot more done and make your life easier. A skilled high schooler can do homework, listen to their iPod, watch T. V, eat, and talk on the phone all at the same time. This maximizes productivity and efficiency, giving you time to do other, more important things, like hanging out or playing video games. Lastly, you must remember that play is greater than work. Play first, and work later. Why, you ask? Well, the fun you have now will release anxiety and stress over the work that you have to do in the future.
After all the fun and games, your mind will enter the “oh crap, I have to finish that project” state. This state of mind will help you keep focus as the deadline looms closer, and maximizes productivity and efficiency as well because you are working your hardest to finish. So there it is. I present to you six pieces of wisdom coming straight from my personal observation of those at the top. Follow my advice, and you will soon find out how much effort is required of those who aspire to be the best.
High School Credits and Graduation Requirements
Noemi Robles English 101 Arguing a Position Rough Draft High School Credits and Graduation Requirements “In 1997, Chicago raised its graduation standards to well above what Illinois then requires, asking all students to complete all of the courses necessary for entry to competitive state universities”(1). Many people believed that this may cause many students to drop out, but in reality, the graduation rates improved. Now, we are currently facing a nationwide dilemma. Many high schools are cutting graduation requirements and taking away classes that are important to both the students and teachers.
I propose that every high school nationwide should have at least seven courses to take and that every student will graduate with a minimum of twenty-six credits. The most credits a student can obtain is twenty-eight which will be applied in the system. Some schools such as a high school in Santa Ana, California have their students graduate with at least two-hundred and forty credits essay writer reviews. In 2009, the district wanted to reduce the credits to two-hundred and twenty so more students will graduate. “By lowering them its just like saying we don't want to put our students to their full potential”(2).
Although two-hundred and forty seems like a lot, a course is worth a lot of credits as well which averages out neatly. It would be easier to have every school change the number to twenty-eight and twenty-six so there isn't any confusion. The state of Texas already has this standard and in the past, the graduation requirements have changed many times. Reducing graduation credits will not make things easier for students, but it will affect their performance when they are preparing for college.
This issue should be addressed to everyone so every generation can prepare for their futures and be successful. Many schools want to lower their graduation requirements so more students will finish school and so others won't have the urge to dropout. Another reason why lowering these requirements could benefit us is because it will cost less money if some courses are taken out which means fewer teachers as well. “Twenty-five percent of all students, nearly forty-percent of Black and Hipic kids fail to graduate”(3).
This could also help schools raise their attendance and raise the graduation rates. Since many believe that lowering the graduation requirements is a good thing, they don't realize how much it could actually affect the students who are taking fewer courses. The reason we have schools is to prepare us for college and to prepare for adulthood. Schools benefit us mentally, physically, and emotionally. We learn to interact with others, we learn about ourselves, and we learn different materials to help us understand the way things work and why we do them.
Lowering the amount of credits needed to graduate isn't going to make us smarter or help us prepare for our futures. There are many hardworking students who want to learn and taking away a few courses can affect many especially if it was a course students wanted to take. One disadvantage of lowering the graduation requirements is not being prepared for college and it could be harder to be accepted into a good college or university. “According to a recent national survey, an overwhelming eighty-one percent of high school students expect to attend college”(4).
Now a high school diploma isn't enough to find a good job and live on your own. A college graduate will have a better chance of obtaining that job which will make finding a job a lot more difficult, which is the second disadvantage. Students need those extra classes that are being taken away to prepare them for college. “Because too many students are not learning the basic skills needed to succeed in college or work while they are in high school, the nation loses more than $3. 7 billion a year”(4). A higher education can help lead to a rewarding career and a happier life.
Students attending any high school should have many opportunities to succeed therefore we shouldn't even consider taking away any courses or lowering the amount of credits needed to graduation. Another reason why we shouldn't lower the credits, is because many classes that students want to take as an elective may not be in the curriculum therefore, they won't have the opportunity to learn something they were looking forward to. Although there should be a number of required courses students should take, electives help students feel more excited to attend school and that elective could be something that they want to study in the future.
Some AP courses may also be taken away if they were to lower the graduation requirements. Lastly, lowering the requirements will cause students to slack off in school because they will find it easier to graduate especially incoming freshmen who don't fully understand the importance the first year of high school, and can influence colleges and universities to decline their admission. “Another high school in Scott County in Kentucky realized that they needed to make reforms after analyzing statistics that showed that forty-five percent of their incoming freshmen were likely to fail at least one ninth-grade class”(5).
Students should be inspired to achieve and if we lower their credits they won't have the opportunity to go as far as they are willing to go. Most public high schools in California get their money to pay for teachers and programs through the state. The state pays for schools through revenue, funds, and grants. The money comes directly from 21. 8% state revenue, 38. 4% state general purpose revenue, 1. 6% state lottery revenue, 9. 2% federal, 21. 4% local property taxes and fees, and 7. 6% from other local revenue.
The funds that are used are unrestricted funds which can be used for any purposes and earmarked funds which can be used for specific purposes. The grants that are given to schools consist of the base grant (funding for ordinary classroom operations), special education grant (additional flexibility in the use of special education funds), opportunity to learn grant (funding for compensatory instructional services for disadvantage students), instructional improvement grant (funding for staff development and instructional services such as arts and technology programs), and charities (6).
Money shouldn't be a big issue because schools can receive money in many ways. “Morton High School District 201 officials have cut the number of credits students need to graduate and lengthened class periods in what the board president calls 'the most effective and practical way to save the district money'”(7). Even though they are lengthening the school day, the graduation requirements have dropped which means students will be taking less classes then before.
Since money seems to be the biggest issue, schools should encourage students to improve their attendance and get better grades because the school can receive more money from that. This obstacle can be solved with just a little hard work and dedication. “Most children who attend public and private schools in the U. S. Spend between 175 to 185 days in the classroom a year and enjoy a summer break between the months of June and September. The average length of the school day is six hours. U. S.
Students spend approximately 30% less time in school than students in other industrialized nations, putting them at a disadvantage as they compete in the global arena”(8). This is extremely important because we as a nation constantly want to become the best but yet the next generation is having a hard time competing in 'the global arena' because America isn't providing longer school days and more classes for our students. High school shouldn't be as long as six hours because many students work and others are in extra-curricular activities.
Students need that gap in order to complete any assignments and to get enough sleep for the next day. Summer vacation is also a benefit to students because students can relax, be with family, and do many other activities that they wouldn't be able to do if they were attending school. We believe that schools should not be lengthened but in order to prevent students from forgetting what they learned before school ends, they should complete some summer work, especially for math. AP courses give summer work to prepare students, but the work they receive will not be as much, so students won't become stressed.
Students will still be able to enjoy their long break from school but have the opportunity to learn as well. If we lowered our graduation rates, there would be less high school dropouts, less classes being failed, more high school graduates, and school districts will be able to save more money if they cut classes that they thought weren't important. If the requirements were made easier for students, they may be inspired to try more challenging courses as well. Although there are several key points to the opposing argument, students can still be challenged by having more courses to choose from.
If the requirements are higher to graduate, they will try harder to achieve and students who enjoy participating in sports will be motivated to achieve because they have to be passing a certain amount of classes to be eligible. Overall, keeping the credits to at least twenty-six can benefit students in many ways. We should support students to try their best and to achieve their goals. Bibliography 1. Will Raising High School Graduation Requirements Cause More Students To Drop Out?. 25 March 2013. ;http://www. achieve. org/files/ImproveGradRates. pdf;. 2.
Barboza, Tony. “Santa Ana seeks to ease high school graduation requirement. ” Los Angeles Times. 08 Feb. 2009:1-2. 27 March 2013. ;http://articles. latimes. com/2009/feb/08/local;. 3. Downey, Maureen. 26 March 2013. ;http://blogs. ajc. com/get-schooled-blog/2010/06/02;. 4. Paying Double: Inadequate High Schools and Community College Remediation. 27 March 2013. ;http://www. allyed. org/files/archive;. 5. McCallumore, Kyle M. , and Ervin F. Sparapani. “The importance of the ninth grade on high school graduation rates and student success in high school. Gale Student Resources in Context. Web. 29 March 2013. 6. How California Schools Get Their Money. 29 March 2013. ;http://www. cbp. org/pdfs;. 7. Ruzich, Joseph. “Morton High Schools Cut Graduation Requirements to Save Money. ” Chicago Tribune. 10 June 2010. Web. 28 March 2013. ;http://articles. chicagotribune. com/2010-06- 10/news/ct-met-0611-morton-bells-20100610_1_president-jeffry-pesek-number-of-credits;. 8. ProQuest Staff. “At Issue: School Schedule. ” ProQuest LLC. 2012: n. pag. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 29 March 2013.
Goodbye high school: Hello Real Life Responsibilities
Goodbye high school: hello real-life responsibilities. Going off to college can be an exciting time; however, it does involve major lifestyle changes. One's first year of college can be intimidating no matter what age he or she is. While this new atmosphere can be challenging and demanding at times, there are ways to ease the transition so one's college experience can begin in the best way. There are many people whose first year of college is a nightmare, but it does not have to be; with preparation and organization, college can be effective and beneficial.
During the hectic first year of college, freshmen are thrown into a new life and expected to know how everything works. Suddenly, there are no parents hovering around to monitor every move and remind you of your responsibilities. Classes are in different buildings and on different days, and many teachers do not take attendance. At the same time, everything is new, including the thousands of people surrounding you. The best ways to adapt are to make the goal of getting out of your comfort zone by joining clubs, a sport, or other groups.
Also, making it a priority to set aside a specific time for school work and being sure to attend as many functions as possible. Most colleges have clubs or groups for almost any interest but if there is not a group for something you feel there should be, you can request the school to create one. Extracurricular activities are the places where you will meet friends that will last a lifetime, so take a chance and enjoy the experience while you can. They also provide an opportunity to connect with upperclassmen that can help you with things they have already been through or answer questions you have.
To begin with, before classes start you need to prepare yourself, and your family for the changes that lie ahead. The shift from high school to college is hard for everyone, whether you are moving across the country or going to the state school thirty minutes from home. For the majority of freshman, this is the first time they have lived away from their parents, and it is not unusual to feel eager and nervous at the same time. Once you are settled into your tiny dorm room which you have tried to make as "homey" as possible, your life back at home can fade into the back of your mind. This is the first time you have been away from home; do not be afraid to call your parents and check in with your friends because they are always there to listen or lend some advice. Take one day at a time and be yourself. You may feel like you are not as smart or talented than the people you meet but that is not true; you have something to add to the table too. It may be hard to get outside of your comfort zone, but in the end you will never regret doing that.
After classes start, you will have to learn to manage your time in a hasty manner. Create a study schedule during the first few days of the semester and designate time for studying each week. For example, make an effort to do at least one hour of studying each day for every class and then work in some social time, so your course load will not overwhelm you. Often, students have to learn large amounts of detailed information in a short amount of time. If you devote a small amount of time daily to study, you will become much more successful than if you try to cram the night before an exam. To become a successful college student, you must attend classes daily, ask questions in class, and review lecture notes; just because you can skip classes does not mean you should. College is filled with numerous months of writing tedious essays and having the anxiety that accompanies meeting tight deadlines, but by following these simple time management skills, the stress can be greatly reduced.
College is a time for experiences and learning where you will have fun and possibly make mistakes. Do not forget to cherish every minute because time will pass before you know it, and you will be a college graduate looking for what is next in your hopeful and exciting future. Be patient, be happy, and do not forget to thank the people who helped you get where you are.
Transition Highschool to College
Sandra kindete A Transition from High school to College Education is a general form of learning and gaining knowledge from different people and places. In United States high school and college are the main educational grounds that help people to achieve their goal and enhance their knowledge. From my personal experience, transition from high school to college was not only an exciting experience but also a challenging one because it was a struggle for me to adjust and cope into new environment and rules. There are many differences; however, there are some similarities between high school and college.
High school is a free educational ground. First of all, work load in high school is much easier which enables students to get enough time to relax. Students spend more than 6 hours in week with their teacher and they are mostly guided and directed through everything. Their workloads tend to neither be complicated nor hard; thus, they get most of their homework assignments done in class which provides them time to relax. For example, In my math class (pre calculus), my teacher spend one and half class period teaching and leave the rest of the 30 minutes for us to catch with assignments.
Since I am never behind with completing my assignments ;Instead of me sitting and relaxing ,I use the 30 minutes to complete my homework assignment, so that I wouldn’t have any homework assignment. In addition, responsibilities and duties in high school tend to be much easier and not complicated. High school teachers frequently remind their students to do their homework and to turn it in on the due date; nevertheless, if you haven’t completed your assignment on the due date, you can still turn it in any other day and lose some points.
For instance, at the beginning of my senior year, I was slacking off; I wasn’t turning in my homework assignment and even though, I turned it in: it was late. As the days, went by my GPA was starting to drop because of various reasons but mainly was not turning in my homework assignments on the due date or not turning them in at all. Later on that day, I decided to go and talk to my teacher to see if she will give me a chance for turning them in and receiving a late credit for them. Luckily, since it was high school, my teacher was more relaxed and flexible, so she gave me late credit for them.
Furthermore; in high school, your time is organized by either your parents or counselor. Throughout my high school years, my schedule was arranged by my counselor. Also I could always count on my parents and teachers to guide and remind me on completing my duties. For instance; In morning, my parents always wake me up for school, so that I didn’t miss my bus and when I am home they ask me or remind me to complete my homework assignment. In addition, students have limited resources and materials in school for studying. College, on other hand, is an expensive educational ground of learning and experiencing new materials and cultures.
College students are older and matured, so they are expected to be responsible and their work load is more intense and difficulty. College students spend less time with their professors. During my first year of college, I had an essay paper assignment that was due 11:59 am the exact day . Since, we spend less time with our professor in class, I barely had time to brainstorm some ideas or pre write my essay in class. As the result, I did most of my assignments and studying outside of class. Moreover, in my first year of college, at the beginning of the semester, my professor gave us an assignment that was due 11:59p. the same day. But since, it was my first year of college and I was learning how cope with the intense work load and manage my time. It was difficult for me to catch up with my homework assignment on time because I had a lot of assignment and not only I couldn’t organize my studying time but also I spend majority of the time hanging out with friends; as a consequence, I didn’t turn in some of my homework’s on time; therefore, I ended up getting a zero on my assignments. As a college student, you are excepted to responsible for managing of your own time and turning in assignments on the due date.
Lastly, when you in college, you are considered as an adult. You set up your own schedule with the help of an advisor. You get to manage your own time and determine what time you want to study and what time you want to hang out with your friends. In addition, colleges always have endless resources of studying in the school. Overall, college students have control on their lives; you make your own decisions and choices. In conclusion; a transition from high school to college can be a difficulty and a challenging experience ecause in high school, most of your time is either managed by your parents or teachers, so students barely have control on their lives and they more relaxed; however it’s a mainly free educational ground where students first get to learn and enhance their knowledge. College, on other hand, is an expensive and diverse educational ground. College students are considered as adult, so you are responsible for your own choices and actions. In college, not only you get to have control on your life but also you also get to meet different people and share, experience and learn different cultures.
Why You Shouldn't Drop Out of High School
Why Does High School Fail So Many? Majority of students decide to drop out because of not having the support they need from their parents or the fact that school is uninteresting to them. Once the students’ self-esteem goes down, the thought of them doing well in school is impossible. When their self-esteem drops the students may to think “why even attend school” or “what is the point of going to class”. Students find it hard to pay attention in class while learning when the material given out is boring.
If students start to lose interest in the subject or topic they are learning about, it may lead them falling asleep in class, staring at the clock waiting until class is over, or disturbing another person in class to communicate about something else. Once a student has lost interest in school its highly expected students will not start to show up for class. High school students drop out of school because the teachers don’t make the class more interesting.
Students would go in to class and ones it starts the students would start starring into space thinking and using their imagination. Teachers sometimes don’t have that ability to try and get the students more motivated in what the whole class is about. Mr. Brownlee class is a perfect example of why students don’t learn and achieve in school. For my 10th grade geometry class, he would go in class give us a minute to sit down have a seat and then he starts lecturing.
Students would go into class late because of how boring it would be, or not making it interesting. Math was a subject to teach students how to work the numbers and how to use them, but he never really made any sense to what he was saying or doing. For the rest of the semester it would just be ditching his class, playing around or slacking on his work because there was never homework. Mr. Bownlee ended up passing the kids without trying on their own and making their grade easier. In my opinion teachers should always make an attempt...
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Satire: High School Students. (2017, Feb 14). Retrieved from
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