The Importance of Unique Friendships: An Essay Outline

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Essay Outline

Argument: I'd say that each friendship is important in its unique way so I would choose either in different situations.

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Support 1: There are tunes in life when you need someone to trust or someone to tell your dirt to.

Support 2: Having a few close friends means that I have people who accept the real me So I do not need to pretend.

Support 3: A large group of friends IS good during an event or for the sake of being social.

Thesis: As such, I cannot Ignore all sorts of friendships whether a large group or lust a few close friends because one day, a close friend might betray you or the casual friend becomes a close friend. All I know is that if they

stick closer than a sibling does then they have surely earned their keep.

Model Essay

Humans are social beings. In life would be really boring if we did not have friends who we can talk to,

share Important moments with, ask for help, confide in and do many things together. However, not all friends are

equal. In fact, we all have people we consider more of friends than others; you can call them your inner circle. In

terms of number, I'd say that each friendship is important in its unique way so I would choose either in different


There are times in life when you need someone to trust or someone to tell your dirt to. You Will need

someone who will tell you as it ts without them blinking an eye and It is during such times that I prefer close friends. They are my inner Circle.

Having a few close friends means that I have people who accept the real me so I do not need to pretend.

They will also show tough love. Such friends do not air my dirty linen in public and most of all; it is easier to bond

with a few people rather than a crowd. We can also go anywhere without being worried too much about the space.

A large group of friends is good during an event or for the sake of being social. After all, in this journey of

life, will always be meeting new people and who knows if this new person Will be the greatest friend you ever had? A large group of friends in a social gathering also make an event beautiful and livelier.

Clearly, time is the true test of friendship. As such, I cannot ignore all sorts of friendships whether a large

group or lust a few close friends because one day, a close friend might betray you or a casual friend becomes a close friend. All I know ts that if they stick closer than a sibling does then they have surely eamed their keep.

Useful Expressions


Friends with Benefits

Lehmiller, J. , “Sex Differences in Approaching Friends with Benefits Relationships”, Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 48, Issue 2-3, 2011, pgs 275 - 284. Friends With Benefits “‘Friends with benefits’ (FWB) relationships consist of friends who are sexually, but not romantically, involved. In other words, such relationships are comprised of persons who engage in sexual activity on occasion, but otherwise have a basic friendship... it is important to recognize that FWB partners do not consider their involvements to be romantic relationships.

Rather, FWB relationships are perhaps best regarded as friendships in which the partners involved have casual sex with one another. ” (Lehmiller, 275) This passage tells what friends with benefit relationships are but why are they being studied in this instance? This article concludes the information concerning this specific type of odd relationship and how it’s seen in the eyes of the individuals who enter them. It also touches on the threat of sexually transmitted disease, the downfall of these relationships, and what type of people are more likely to enter one and how it changes their views of love.

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Friends with benefits relationships are being studied with the goal of finding out what motivates people to get into this type of relationship, what defines friends with benefits and how the changes in the relationship effect it. Most of the studies on this subject occur with nonrandom sampling that were advertised around college campuses which poses the implication that only younger generations involve themselves in friend with benefit relationships, which is false. The independent variable are the people themselves.

Every person has a different view on this type of relationship and it can be easily skewed by what their friends, family, or peers believe about this type of situation. The dependent variable is the relationship itself. Once the terms are set by the two people in the relationship there is very little space for change, because trust can be questioned. There is no knowing if someone will develop feelings or not, which can ruin the whole point of a friends with benefits relationship. The main find in this article is that the studies on this subject should be cast in a broader net and there really isn’t enough research done on this subject.

There should be more circumstances and variables. Most of the studies were taken from people who were recollecting past friends with benefits relationships and not currently in one which is subject to memory distortion and lapses. The studies should show current relationships, one’s including people of all ages, and what happened to the friendship before and afterward. This article touches a little on most subjects in the friends with benefits spectrum, but they could center in on one thing to be more specific in their findings.

Holden's Trust Issues

Throughout the book Holder shows multiple signs of people trying to help him, but he ultimately pushes them away. I believe that this stems from his original problem when he lost both of his brothers. He trusted that his family would stay and protect him, but when Allele died and D. B. "sold out," his parents sent him away. So to Holder, the word trust means betrayal. When Allele passed away, Holder thought that Allele had left him.

He knew in his mind that Allele did not die on purpose but Holder could not decide who else to blame. He "broke all the windows in the garage... Even tried to break all the windows on the station wagon... But [his] hand was already broken. " (Slinger 39) And to literally add insult to injury, the fact that he could no longer put his hand into a fist constantly reminded him of Allies departure. According to Holder, It had not been long after Allies death when D. B. Left. When D. B. Left, to Holder, that was the ultimate betrayal. At the time of the narrative, D.

B. Lived "out in Hollywood... Being a prostitute" (2). The one word Holder used the most was probably phony. When his brother sold himself out, Holder probably became furious for leaving and called him a phony. Holder's bitterness towards "phoniness" probably came from the betrayal he received from his brother. But this still did not anger him as much as the betrayal he received from their parents. Holder believes that his parents hate him because they keep shipping him to different schools after he continues to get kicked out of them.

He thinks that they are disappointed and ashamed of him. At the beginning of the story, he predicted that they will be "pretty irritated about [getting kicked out again]... [since] this is the fourth school [he's] gotten kicked out of" (9). He thinks that his parents have given up on him and Just keep sending him to different schools to keep him out of trouble. Due to his emotional trauma, Holder cannot trust anyone anymore. He tries to make friends with a lot of people throughout the book, but something always came p that would not allow him to.

This probably came from his belief that he will be betrayed and humiliated if he got to close. So he tried to be friends, but his subconscious made excuses to push these people away. He begins realizes this at the end of the book when he begins to leave New York, but his sister, Phoebe, tries to go with him. He realizes that him pushing his sister away is Just what his family did to him, and he does not want to scar his sister as well, so he decides to stay. Holder's Trust Issues By administer

Related Questions

on The Importance of Unique Friendships: An Essay Outline

Is it better to have a few close friends or a lot of friends?
It really depends on the individual and what they prefer. Some people may prefer to have a few close friends that they can rely on and trust, while others may prefer to have a lot of friends and enjoy the social aspect of having a larger group of people to hang out with. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide what works best for them.
Do you think it's important to have lots of friends or a few good friends?
I think it's important to have both lots of friends and a few good friends. Having a wide circle of friends can help you to explore different interests and experiences, while having a few close friends can provide you with a strong support system.
Why having few friends is better?
Having few friends can be beneficial because it allows for deeper, more meaningful relationships. It also allows for more time to focus on other aspects of life, such as work, hobbies, and family. Additionally, having fewer friends can help reduce stress and anxiety, as there is less pressure to keep up with a large social circle.
Why is it good to have a large group of friends?
Having a large group of friends can be beneficial because it provides more opportunities to socialize and build relationships. It can also be helpful to have a variety of perspectives and experiences to draw from when making decisions or discussing topics. Additionally, having a large group of friends can provide a sense of security and support.

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The Importance of Unique Friendships: An Essay Outline. (2017, Sep 04). Retrieved from

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