Positive consequences of conflicts at the workplace

Last Updated: 27 Jul 2020
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Different personal values contribute to conflicts since some isolated staff members who choose to segregate themselves may choose to gossip or have suspicious behaviour that will lead to conflicts. As well, unpredictable policies also play a part in leading to disagreements. For instance, this results when there are misunderstandings as a result of policy changes and lack of understanding of the organization’s rules and policies by an associate. Moreover, an ever changing policy also creates an uncertain environment which also leads to tension and conflicts (Gatlin et al, 2008).

Positive consequences of conflicts at the workplace Aside from the obvious negative side of workplace conflicts, it can be noted that conflicts also lead to increased quality, high profits and productivity within an organization. In many cases, positive impacts can be experienced after conflicts have been identified and resolved. Besides, this paves room for creativity to take place where poor strategies can be rectified as well adopting policies that will improve worker relationships.

In turn, this enhances collaboration amongst employers and employees thus leading to job satisfaction and high productivity (Axelrod & Johnson, 2005, p. 42). As well, productive competitiveness within an organization can be enhanced when one associate competes with a colleague by reducing their threats to their own survival and growth. Aside from a productive competition among employees giving room for improvement, organizational decisions are unlikely to be distorted, effectiveness experienced while also ensuring proper assignment of tasks and coordination among associates.

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Also, effective management of differences within an organization or team buildings may also be achieved (Demirjian, 1997). Moreover, conflicts also give individuals within the workplace a chance to test their capacities, have an increased motivation leading to commitment and produce better ideas since interests and creativity is stimulated. As a result, associates are forced to search for new and better approaches of improving on their performance which can also include better approaches of dealing with conflicts.

At the same time, all long standing problems that affect individuals as well as the workplace are easily brought forward and resolved. During this process, individual views can also be clarified thus enabling healthy relationships and personal satisfaction (Brown, 2008). Negative consequences of conflicts at the workplace It is vital to note that workplace conflicts can also be costly to an organization with devastating effects on workers, clients or customers as well as the organization as a whole.

Such impacts include stress, frustration, sabotage, increased consumer or client complaints, decreased productivity and grievances and litigations among others (CCR, 2009). In addition, the organization is likely to experience inefficacy and decreased productivity where employees resort to working less, quit work which in turn encourage low productivity. As well, employees involved in conflicts spend 10 to 52 percent of their work time defending themselves or venting thus participating in reducing the productivity of the organization (Axelrod & Johnson, 2005, p.

42). Alongside negatively affecting all the concerned individuals emotionally and personally, conflicts also contribute to loss of highly skilled individuals while also affecting many individuals professionally. As a result, the flow of work and performance of such an individual is impaired thus reducing the quality of their work. In turn, getting work done on time and on budget also gets affected as productive time is focused on the unproductive activities.

Hence, an organization will suffer financially as a result of increased costs with customers and clients not being able to be served with goods and services on time (Masters & Albright, 2002, pp 19-20). Conflicts result to some individuals feeling as if they are not appreciated or respected. Hence, it plays a role in enhancing alienation and low morale amongst workers. This is so since individuals respond to disagreements in different ways as all conflicts have outcomes with winners and losers.

In other words, when one individual feels conflicted, a block of communication is likely to occur. Hence, when one party is willing to communicate with the other unwilling to communicate, chances that there will be winners is very unlikely. This can be contributed to the fact that communication acts an important tool in ensuring uniformity and cooperation (Dev, 1999, pp 190-191). Associates at conflict and working independently on a similar task are likely to affect constructive task efforts thus weakening the capability of achieving the best from that specific task.

More so, the performance and creativity of individuals is also affected in the process thus affecting the task outcome and relationships of the individuals (Kramer, 2003, p. 223). When a conflict is not well resolved, worker relationships are likely to be permanently damaged. As well, it reduces the chance of effectively solving problems that are likely to arise in the future. It also promotes poor decision making since many workers opt to take different sides resulting to a negative culture within the workplace (White, 2009).

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Positive consequences of conflicts at the workplace. (2018, Jul 19). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/positive-consequences-of-conflicts-at-the-workplace/

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