Opinions on the Main Characters of the Secret Annexe in The Diary of a Young Girl, a Book by Anne Frank
The Diary Of Anne Frank
The Diary of a Young Girl is a novel that follows the life of Anne Frank in the form of her diary. This allows the reader to gain insight to her feelings and emotions easier than in an autobiography. Her opinions are strong, and change over time in a unique way. Some opinions on the main characters of the "Secret Annexe are very apparent. Her feelings toward them are expressed firmly, and change with her levels of maturity. The first person to be discussed, as Anne's opinion of them changed drastically, is Peter. At first, Anne often views him as very shy, and does not seem to have a solid opinion of him.
At times he is annoying. and other times she does not bother to write about him at all. As Anne matures and a lot of time has passed, she begins to want a friend that she can confide in. As Margot would not work, according to her, she begins to seek out Peter's attention. Her attempts eventually led to a relationship on which the two of them could talk to each other without fear of retribution. This further developed into a friendship in which they spent a considerable amount of time together. Anne began to have feelings for him in which seemed to be romantic. She could never stop thinking about him and wanted to get closer to him.
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Their friendship evolved into an awkward and weird feeling romance that Anne later came to regret and did not want. She realized that she could never marry him, and only wanted a close friendship with him instead. She regretting allowing the relationship to go to where it did and began to see him differently. Her once romantic love changed into an owner's love for their pet. "Now he clings to me, and for the time being, I don't see any way of shaking him off and putting him on his own feet. When I realized that he could not be a friend for my understanding, I thought I would at least try to lift him up out of his narrow-mindedness and make him do something with his youth." proves this statement. Next is Mr. and Mrs. Van Daan, Peter's parents. She often fumed about their unjust treatment to her and Margot concerning how their parents raised them.
The disagreements that the Van Dan's waged with each other would rock the whole household, and often led to Mrs. Van Daan's flirting with Mr. Frank and Mr. Dussel, which Anne found disgusting. Mrs. Van Daan was described as selfish and rude. Mr. Dussel was often viewed as someone who was easily used by his wife. Anne often wrote about the quarrels between the Van Daan's and the Frank's, and always saw the Van Dan's as the ones in the wrong. Towards the end of her diary, however, she began to see that even if the Frank's were exact in their views, they often handled the fights wrong. Anne began to speak to Mrs. Van Daan often and tried her best to keep the harmony between the two families. Mr. Dussel was often ranted about in the beginning of their relationship. She saw how he treated her like a child as unjust as well as having to share a room with him. He controlled the desk so much to the point where they had to have a schedule for who gets to use it. He would keep her awake with his snoring at night, and would wake her up early in the morning when he rose. His know-it-all attitude enraged her, and she was hardly able to find respectable traits in him.
Once she got used to his presence, and he adjusted into the family of the "Annexe", her strict views on him softened and she barely wrote about him. Anne looked to see her father, Mr. Frank, differently than most children would. While her respect for him was ordinary, she found herself wanting to have a friendship with him. She wanted his attention and did anything to get it. Later, however she realized that he never be able to hold conversations in the way that she wanted, no matter how hard she tried. She wrote, "Pim always takes up the older, fatherly attitude, tells me that he too has had similar passing tendencies. But still he's not able to feel with me like a friend, however hard he tries." concerning this revelation. Her views toward her mother were very different however. She often thought that her own mother hated her, and acted as if she returned that feeling.
She reviewed her parenting techniques and made it a goal to raise her own children differently than other families raised their kids. She saw her mother as uncaring and cold hearted. When Anne accidentally hurt her mother's feelings in a harsh way, she tried her best to see it from Mrs. Frank's point of view. Her attitude changed toward her mother, and while she never developed the relationship that she wanted from her mother, they argued less. Anne would sometimes find herself calling her sister, Margot, a goody two shoes, and other things that show the idea that Margot could never do something wrong. Anne and Margot's relationship is that of any other sibling's. They argue and fight, but still love each other very dearly. While Anne is more forward, Margot is quiet and stays to herself and books. They manage to make their relationship work easily, and share a lot of value time with each other.
They even allowed each other to read the other's diary. The Diary of a Young Girl allows the reader to see Anne's private feelings, as she never imagined that her thoughts would ever be published. One can see that she tries to be the best person that she possibly can. The main thing concerning her temper that sticks out the most is the way that she is frequently treated as young child with no opinion of her own. As she is very honest, this causes her to get into trouble. She gains control of her temper and locks up her emotions. Her goals in life change from being a Hollywood star to a journalist, as she feels her only talent is her writing. Overall, there is a major change between the beginning and end of this book.
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Opinions on the Main Characters of the Secret Annexe in The Diary of a Young Girl, a Book by Anne Frank. (2023, Apr 16). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/opinions-on-the-main-characters-of-the-secret-annexe-in-the-diary-of-a-young-girl-a-book-by-anne-frank/
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