Motivating and Rewarding Employee Performance
- Mars Model A model outlines the four factors that influence an employee’s voluntary behavior and resulting performance. The motivation, ability, role perceptions and situational factors.
- Motivation The forces within a person that affects his or her direction, intensity, and persistence of voluntary behavior.
- Ability Consists of both the natural aptitudes and learned capabilities required to succesfully complete a task.
- Role Perceptions Employees who feel engaged in their jobs not only have the necessary motivation and competencies to perform their work but also understand the specific tasks assigned to them.
- Situational Factors Include conditions beyond the employees immediate control that constrain or facilitate his or her behavior and performances. Motivating Employee: A Three-Part Process Part 1: Managing Motivation through Drives and Needs
- Drives Instinctive tendencies to seek particular goals or maintain internal stability. Needs Mostly conscious deficiencies that energize or trigger behaviors to satisfy your needs.
- Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy Theory A motivation theory of needs arranged in a hierarchy, whereby people are motivated to fulfill a higher need as a lower one becomes gratified. Four-Drive Theory A motivation theory based on the innate drives to acquire, bond, learn and defend that incorporates both emotions and rationality.
- Drive to Acquire This is to seek, take, control and retain objects and personal experiences. Drive to Bond This is to drive to form social relationship and develop mutual caring and commitments w/ others.
- Drive to Learn This is to drive to satisfy our curiosity, to know and understand ourselves and the environment around us.
- Drive to Defend This drive creates a “fight-or-flight” response in the face of personal danger. Part 2: Managing Motivation through Goals, Expectations and Feedback
- Goal Setting and Feedback The process of motivating employees and clarifying their role perceptions by establishing performance objectives.
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