Internship Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement
I was sent to farm connect limited to spend fifteen days for an internship by Agri Food Management Institute Mysore which was permitted by farm connect limited. Farm connect limited is one of the emerging dairy products producing company in mysore.
Farm connect limited receives milk at plant after complete analysis by experts. Milk is freshly packed just after getting receives from cow wi thout any delaying, and it’s not pasteurized to preserve natural nutrien ts of milk, as process of pasteurization can destroy natural contents of the milk.
No chemical fertilizer is used to grow the plant and only natural fertili zers are provided which is ultimately use as cow’s feed.
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Inspiration and motivation have always played a key role in the success of any venture
I express my sincere thanks to Mr. Saurabh Sinha, Director of Agriculture Food Management Institute Mysore.
I pay my deep sense of gratitude to Mr. Ameen Mohammed shariff placement head AFMI Mysore. To encourage me to highest peak and to provide me the opportunity to prepare the project. I am immensely obliged to my friends for their elevating in inspiration, encouraging guidance and kind supervision in the completion of my project.
I feel to acknowledge my indebtedness and deep sense of gratitude to Mr. Vijay bhopanna and Mr. Tharadas whose valuable guidance and kind supervision given to me throughout the internship period which shapes the present work as its show
And lastly I would like to thanks to Mr G.N.S Reddy Sir who is the founder of the farm connect limited.
This is to certify that Mr. Vaibhav Kulkarni of Agriculture And Food Management Institute (AFMI) has successfully completed an internship project work titled Promotion and Marketing survey of organic milk with farm connect limited in partial fulfillment of requirement for the completion of PGDM (AFB) course as prescribed by the Agriculture Food Management Institute (AFMI).
This project report is the record of authentic work carried out by him during the period from 02/02/2019 to 18/02/2019.
He has worked under my guidance
I, Vaibhav kulkarni hereby declare that the presented report of internship titled Promotion and Market Survey on organic milk with farm connect limited is prepared by me after the completion of fifteen days work at Mysore.
I also confirmed that, the report only prepared for my academic requirement not for any other purpose. It might not be used with the interest of opposite party of the co- operation.
Company Profile
Farm Connect is reversing urban migration in India by increasing the economic opportunities for small and medium farmers. By making organic dairy farming a central unit of farm design, our work creates a profitable vehicle to enable farmers to be micro-entrepreneurs of their farms.
A new model that not only uses dairy to supplement the income of farmers but also leverages it to create a closed loop of inputs and outputs that add significant value to the farming cycle. Focusing on farmers whose major crop are small orchards (like coconuts and mangoes), Farm Connect shifts their farming practices to use the free ground to grow fodder and other crops and to introduce automated organic dairy farming.
Mission ofCompany
To produce and provide organic milk to consumers who are educated about the health benefit of organic milk and also educate those who not aware about benefits of organic milk
Vision is to usher in natural and organic farming practices and deliver fresh milk at the door steps.
Methodology adopted by farm connect
- Tying of the cow is not practised.
- The feed which is given to the cow is organic no chemical pesticides are used to raise the plant (Feed).
- To maintain the sanitation milking is done only with the help of machines and hand milking is not use.
- Milk is not pasteurised to prevent natural nutrients of milk after receiving from cow the milk is put into bulk milk chillier (BMC) at 40 C to 60 C and then milk is directly packed and stored in deep fridge.
- No preservatives are added to increase the shelf life of milk.
Industry Profile
Organic milk introduction
- Organic milk is refers to number of milk product from livestock raised according to organic farming
- In general livestock used to produce organic milk is maintained using the methods of organic farming
- The composition of organic milk better than conventional milk
- Organic milk contain more amount of omega-3 fatty acid and vaccinic acid better than conventional milk
Organic milk market segmentation
- The organic milk is segmented on basis of product type into skimmed organic milk, partly skimmed and whole organic milk.
- Among all these whole organic milk holds a measure share.
organic milk is preferred by rich class and upper middle class peoples especially for kids. - It contain more amount of omega-3 fatty acid than conventional milk
- Demand for the organic milk is increasing day by the day due to lack of assurance of quality of conventional milk.
Organic milk market key players
Some of the major key players in organic milk market are Amul industry, quality ltd, Mother dairy food and vegetable pvt. Ltd, Gujrat co-operative milk marketing federation ltd, Dudhsagar dairy, Karnataka co-operative milk federation.
- Farm connect is emerging as one of the quality milk producing company.
- There product is genuine and they are putting efforts to extend the quality further.
- Their market is small but gradually it increasing
- Their high price of product is still concerning but as people getting aware about importance of organic milk, they will grab the market
- In our project ‘Promotion And Market Survey of Organic Milk of Farm Connect PVT LTD' we increased market for the products.
- We use to promote our product and maintain relationship with customers.
- By the attractive way of Advertisement Company creates demand for their product.
- It was a great opportunity for me to work in such an organization which gives me lot of support and encouragement in learning.
- This project gives me a lot of exposure to the urban market.
- I improved my knowledge about urban market. I learned how to convince customers.
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Internship Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement. (2023, Feb 15). Retrieved from
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