Essays on Theology

Essays on Theology

We've found 702 essays on Theology

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Essay on Gnosticism

Gnostic’s beliefs were so radical the church tried to eradicate any trace of them. They believed that god did not intend to create the physical universe because he would not create a place with imperfections, suffering and hurt. They believe god’s divine essence came out …

ChristianityEssay ExamplesJesusReligionTheology
Words 858
Pages 4
God’s Design: A Focus on Old Testament Theology

The book “God’s Design: A Focus on Old Testament Theology” by Elmer Martens discusses the essence of the Old Testament, in which the author offers his own categories from Scripture as text, knowledge of God, deliverance, community and, finally, abundant life. The first section God’s …

Words 916
Pages 4
Book Review Psychology Theology Spirituality in Christian Counseling

Prof. Mark R. McMinn, Ph. D. , at Wheaton College Graduate School in Wheaton, Illinois, directs and teaches in the Doctor of Psychology program. A representative in Clinical Psychology of the American Board of Professional Psychology, McMinn has thirteen years of postdoctoral experience in counseling, …

Words 48
Pages 1
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The Book of Dead and the Ten Commandments

The Hebrew Ten Commandments and Egyptian Book of the Dead are considered very different religious texts. Therefore, in the books of Exodus and Deuteronomy, the Ten Commandments hold a vital position in the ethical system of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It served as a symbol …

Words 532
Pages 2
My Priorities

Daniela Resendez Carolyn S. Smith English-1301-52 10/02/2012 My Priorities Women and men have different sets of priorities. Because men have always cared more about materialistic objects, their priorities are different from those of women. Most women are more sentimental; therefore, their priorities are humanistic. Since …

BeliefEssay ExamplesGodMetaphysicsTheology
Words 374
Pages 2
Whitefield/Wesley & Predestination

John Wesley’s sermon, entitled “Free Grace” was published in August, 1739. In it he attempted to show how God’s grace is “free in all and free for all. ” His message was strongly directed toward the doctrine of predestination and election, which was held to …

ChristianityEssay ExamplesGodReligionTheology
Words 2545
Pages 10
A Reflection on Philippians

Paul said certain things here that can give the modern-day workers of the gospel a glimpse into how did Paul do his work as a servant of Christ. Remember that the first Disciples of Christ who became His apostles, strictly obeyed Jesus’ instructions of “preaching …

Words 68
Pages 1
Love and Sacrifice in A Worn Path by Eudora Welty

“A Worn Path” written by Eudora Welty is a story of sacrifices and love for the family. In the story, she used the character of an old black woman who follows a worn path during Christmas season. This old black woman is the closest representation …

A Worn PathChristianityLoveMythologyReligionTheology
Words 67
Pages 1
Real Presence: Eucharist

The Eucharistic Presence also known as the communion and the Last Supper is a significant part of the Christian religion . The Protestants believe that the communion is merely for the remembrance and the thanksgiving of Jesus’s sacrifice for the people. However the Roman Catholics …

Words 1704
Pages 7
Retribution Theology

God delivered the children of Israel out of the Egyptian’s abusive hands and gave them the Ten Commandments. These rules were given to live by and form an everlasting relationship with their God. But, if they failed to keep their end of the bargain, God …

Words 985
Pages 4
Exegesis Paper on Luke 12:49-53

“I came to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! 50 I have a baptism with which to be baptized, and what stress I am under until it is completed! 51 Do you think that I have come to …

BaptismChristianityEssay ExamplesJesusReligionTheology
Words 2249
Pages 9
The Cornerstone of Christian Faith: the Resurrection of Jesus

The resurrection of Jesus Christ separates Christianity from all other religions. Christianity without the literal, physical resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is merely one religion among many. “And if Christ is not risen,” said the Apostle Paul, “then our preaching is empty and …

Words 832
Pages 4
How Did Erasmus Use Folly to Criticize the Catholic Church

How did Erasmus use “Folly” to criticize the Catholic Church of his Day? It may seem odd or different to admire and acclaim Folly, but there is a definite benefit to foolishness: the freedom to tell only factual information. In Praise of Folly, Erasmus put …

Catholic ChurchChristianityReligionTheology
Words 1302
Pages 5
Theology of the Body

Freedom, truth, gift, communion, dignity, love, person, meaning: these are all themes which are continually found throughout the writings of Pope John Paul II. They were there even before he became Pope. As Cardinal Karol Wojtyla he was influential in the writing of several documents …

ChristianityCommunicationEssay ExamplesReligionTheology
Words 635
Pages 3
Israel and Judah’s Sins and Destruction

Israel and Judah sinned against God which provoked Him to uproot them from their land. According to 2 Kings 17, Israel and Judah failed to follow God’s covenant by worshipping “other gods” (v. 8), following “the practices of the nations the Lord had driven out …

ChristianityEssay ExamplesMythologyReligionSacrificeTheology
Words 707
Pages 3
Nostra Aetate

Years ago, a man was crucified for saying he was God’s Son. His name was Jesus Christ. Those who followed his teachings were named Christians; and Christians soon resented Jews for their sinful act. This tension between Christians and Jews lead to increasing hatred for …

Words 888
Pages 4
Sa Vidya Ya Vimuktaye

Cognitionll saa iva_aa yaa ivamau>yao ll That is knowledge which Liberates! Dear friends, do you know the meaning of this famous “Sanskrit” quotation? I’ll explain it to you. Generally we call vidya to everything which gives some knowledge. There are many types of vidya which …

Words 1550
Pages 6
Problem-Solving Essay

Today the world has many issues, like hopelessness, prejudice, and selfish desires. The definition of the word moral is; concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of human character. In the world today there are few moral standards; …

Essay ExamplesMedicineMoralityReligionTheology
Words 530
Pages 2
Twenty Third Psalm Of The Bilble Analysis

Ann Lim Essay #5 In Class Poetry/Song Analysis Psalm 23 is a well known and often recited, memorized and studied passage of the Bible. It is probably one of the most cherished and treasured Psalms of Christian Religion. Even those who once attended the Church …

Words 892
Pages 4
Knowledge Is Weakness

Knowledge is Weakness The phrase “knowledge is power” implies that with knowledge one’s potential or abilities in life will surely increase. Having and sharing knowledge is generally regarded as a basis for improving one’s reputation and thus power. In this modern sense, knowledge seems to …

Essay ExamplesMythologyReligionTheologyUnited States
Words 657
Pages 3
Church Planting

Introduction Beginning a new church-planting project is a task that requires much responsibility and effort. It is not a light-hearted venture. Nor is it a task that has a one-size-fits-all model or method. Each church plant has unique elements because it reaches unique people in …

ChristianityEssay ExamplesFaithJesusReligionTheology
Words 3352
Pages 13
Biographical Reflection of John the Baptist

Biographical Reflection of a Saint- John the Baptist Though such an accomplished man, not much is known of John the Baptist’s childhood. John, what a basic name right? Wrong, even the name of John was holy, for his name in Hebrew means, “Jehovah is gracious. …

Words 624
Pages 3
The Metaphors and Similes in Jonathan Edward’s “Sinners in the Hands of Angry God”

Jonathan Edwards’s “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” uses some of the est and most interesting metaphors and similes. “Sinners in the hands of an angry God” is a puritan sermon written to bring people back to religion. Although the intent of this …

Words 685
Pages 3
Abraham and his Relationship with God

It is through our unwavering trust and fear in God that he/she is able to truly recognize our faith and deem us righteous or wicked. The near sacrifice of Isaac is undoubtedly the toughest test for Abraham to prove himself to God. The son that …

Words 1257
Pages 5
Being Thankful for What We Have / Gratitude

Being thankful for what we have / “Gratitude” There are a lot of things in my life that I am thankful for, but most important thing is that I have a great family and loving parents. There are many things that I don’t normally realize …

Words 855
Pages 4
Moral Theology of Health Care

Bioethics is a recently coined word. It comes from “bio” which means life and from “ethics” which is morality. Bioethics is that branch of Ethics which deals directly with the problems of life and dying, of health and of healing. It focuses attention to the …

BioethicsEuthanasiaHealth CareTheology
Words 1817
Pages 7
Essay on Religion and Society

Religion, in the contemporary world, can be defined as a set system of independent practices which are related to other established cultures involving, socioeconomic, political and scientific aspects. It is also referred to as the belief in, and worshiping of the almighty God who is …

Words 566
Pages 3
Theology 202 Study Guide 1

Theo 202: Quiz 1 Study online at quizlet. com/_b3aow 1. Define the doctrine of eternal security. Salvation in three tenses The Christian has the promise of God that no one can separate him from God. 1. The Christian has been saved from the guilt and …

Words 992
Pages 4
Animal Should Not Be Kept in Zoo

In Luke 7, when John the Baptist sends his disciples to find out if Jesus was the Messiah, Jesus tells them, “Go back and tell John what you have seen and heard: the blind see again, the lame walk, those suffering from virulent skin-diseases are …

Words 414
Pages 2
Christ in His Suffering and Death

The death of Christ on the cross gives the meaning to all the undertakings of God.  In His sacrificial death Christ revealed the holiness, righteousness and love of God, and His infinite wisdom. Disputing the actual death of Christ and His resurrection is destructive for …

Words 1139
Pages 5

Frequently asked questions

How do you start a theology essay?
When writing a theology essay, it is important to first understand the prompt or question that is being asked. Once the prompt is understood, the writer can begin formulating a thesis statement. This statement will be the main idea or argument that the essay will be based around. After the thesis statement, the writer can begin to develop an outline for the essay. This will help to organize the thoughts and ideas that will be presented in the essay. When beginning to write the actual essay, it is important to start with an introduction that will grab the reader's attention and give an overview of the main points that will be discussed. The body of the essay should present the evidence and arguments that support the thesis statement. The conclusion should sum up the main points of the essay and restate the thesis.
What is the theology essay?
A theology essay is a piece of writing that explores a particular aspect of Christian theology. Theology is the study of God and of religious beliefs and practices. Essays on theology can therefore take many different forms, depending on the focus of the essay and the writer's own beliefs and understanding of the topic.Some theology essays might focus on a specific doctrine, such as the Trinity or the nature of Christ. Others might explore a particular theological concept, such as redemption or grace. And still others might take a more historical approach, tracing the development of a particular doctrine or practice over time.No matter what approach is taken, a good theology essay will be well-researched and thoughtfully argued. It should be clear and concise, and it should strive to shed new light on the topic at hand. Above all, a theology essay should be respectful of different points of view and open to honest dialogue and debate.
What is the main point of theology?
Theology is a complex and nuanced field of study. However, broadly speaking, the main point of theology is to critically engage with religious beliefs and practices in order to better understand their meaning and significance. This can be done for a variety of reasons, including personal growth, enhancing religious practice, or simply increasing knowledge. Theological study can take many different forms, from textual analysis to philosophical inquiry, and there are a multitude of different schools of thought within theology. Ultimately, though, the goal is to gain a deeper understanding of the religious traditions that shape our lives.
What are the 4 main branches of theology?
The four main branches of theology are systematic, historical, exegetical, and practical. Systematic theology is the study of God and His attributes. This branch of theology focuses on constructing a systematic and coherent view of God, His nature, and His works. Historical theology is the study of the history of Christian doctrine. This branch of theology tracing the development of doctrine through the study of the Church Fathers, the ecumenical councils, and other historical documents. Exegetical theology is the study of the meaning of biblical texts. This branch of theology focuses on interpreting the Bible in its original languages. Practical theology is the study of how to apply theological principles to real-world situations. This branch of theology focuses on the relationship between theology and practice, and on developing a Christian ethic.

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