Essays on Pollution

Essays on Pollution

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History of Waste Management

History: In ancient cities, wastes were thrown onto unpaved streets and roadways, where they were left to accumulate. It was not until 320 BCE in Athens that the first known law forbidding this practice was established. At that time a system for waste removal began …

Words 670
Pages 3
What Are the Main Problems Associated with Using Plastic Bags?

Plastic bags have been used on a daily basis since 1977 (Williamson, 2003) as a means of carrying items such as groceries as they are not only convenient but also cheap. However, the over-use of plastic bags has posed significant threats to the environment in …

Natural EnvironmentNaturePollution
Words 714
Pages 3
What Impact Does Tourism Have in Coastal Areas in Spain

Introduction According to Bramwell (2004) a third of the income of the Mediterranean comes from the tourism sector, as tourism is mainly concentrated in the coastal areas of Spain. Nowadays, tourism is indispensable. This paper focuses on the impact that mass tourism has on the …

Words 2086
Pages 8
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Creating a Healthy City

Creating a Healthy City Environmental health should be a great concern for each individual person as well as our nation and the whole world. Environmental health addresses all the physical, chemical, and biological factors affecting health and our environment. t which includes air, land and …

Words 978
Pages 4
Humans – The Real Threat to Life on Earth

The environment is the source of everyone’s needs. It is where one gets food, materials and shelter. It is from the environment that people obtain the air they breathe. However, this environment has been destroyed since then and until now. One of the environmental concerns …

Words 453
Pages 2
Disposal of Toxic Waste

A waste is considered toxic or hazardous if it threatens the health of the people and the destruction of the environment. The waste may be in any form and may be considered toxic even upon its storage. A more distinct characteristic of a toxic waste …

Words 104
Pages 1
Five Examples Of Essays About Overpopulation

The most popular explanation for the threat posed by overpopulation of the planet is that in the event of a demographic crisis on Earth, resources will run out, and part of the population will face the fact of a lack of food, water or other …

Words 7169
Pages 27
The purpose of this (SBA) School based Assessment

Aim What are the factors responsible for land pollution in the community of East Dry River Port of Spain, Trinidad? Method of Data Collection How was the data collected? Attempts were made to walk around the street with bags in search of rubbish within #50 …

Words 75
Pages 1
SWOT and PESTEL analysis of the automobile industry

At the beginning the gas price and economy were stable, this create conducive environment for car manufacturers, Vehicle sale has become stronger in the market, than it was anticipated due to expected economic growth, where by industry marketing expenditure were flat at $ 1,505 million …

Automobile IndustryCompetitionPollution
Words 898
Pages 4
Small-Scale Mining in the Philippines: a Case Study

Introduction Gold is the number one mineral produced by the Philippines in value terms. Although total local production was low relative to world production, it ranked 2nd to Africa in gold production per unit land area in 1988 and ranked 29th as top gold producer …

Case StudyDeforestationGoldPollutionWater
Words 4010
Pages 15

Bioremediation Bioremediation is such type of technology in which microorganism, fungi, bacteria, plant and there is use to convert polluted condition in to original condition. Through bioremediation process microorganism act on pollutant or on chemicals due to which pollution occur and help that thing to …

Words 2383
Pages 9
Environmental Pollution Narrative Essay

Vi Lap Tran WRT 990 First Draft Environmental pollution Society is being civilized every time; technology is also being invented every day. Thus, human life’s quality has been developing. However, the increasing of environmental issues isn’t still solved, and one of the most important problems …

ChemistryEnvironmental PollutionNaturePollutionWater
Words 558
Pages 3
Plastic Pollution and Measures to Control

Pollution caused by plastic CONTENTS 1. Aim 2. Introduction 3. What is plastic? 4. Environmental hazards caused by plastic 5. Measures to control pollution 6. Industries that produce plastic in India 7. Importance Of Plastic Industry Toward Economic Growth 8. Ban On Plastics In India …

Words 2134
Pages 8
Do We Live in a Sustainable Society

There are many ways to define sustainability and to answer the question of whether we live in a sustainable society you should first define the question. The simplest definition of what a sustainable society is still very complex. A society that can persist over generations, …

Words 1604
Pages 6
The Socio-Cultural Effects of Technology on Society

Group research paper: The Socio-Cultural Effects of Technology on Society Technology and society or technology and culture refer to the recurring co-dependence, co-influence, co-production of technology and society upon the other (technology upon culture, and vice-versa) (Webster’s Dictionary 5060). There are an extraordinary number of …

Effects of TechnologyPollutionSocietyTerrorism
Words 4194
Pages 16
Why should fracking be banned?

Because liberals are an autoimmune disease that want this country to fail at any possible costs. It shouldn’t be, fracking doesn’t do anything with the water, studies have proven that, plus “Green cars” actually leave a bigger biological footprint. It shouldn’t. Low information people are …

Words 95
Pages 1
Sustainability in the Mining Industry

ANSWER OF QUESTION ( A ) :Mining has really negative effects on the environment. Environmental ethical theories have formed in western states in 20Thursdaycentury. Sustainable is really necessary for the overall development of the state and it means sustain and development. It requires the reason …

Words 1932
Pages 8
Non Biodegradable Wastes

Turning biodegradable waste such as food scraps and yard trimmings into compost or recycling them through your local yard waste collection facility, eliminates a large portion of any household or business’s waste stream. However, the bulk of waste does not biodegrade quickly or ever. By …

Words 543
Pages 2
Packaging and the Environment

Packaging and the EnvironmentThe growing of the packaging industry is one of the phenomena of the 20 first century. Most people would non oppugn the necessity of packaging in our civilization both domestically and globally. It is perfectly indispensable for the distribution of trade goods …

Words 2633
Pages 10
Automobiles and the Environment

In his book Restless Nation: Starting Over in America, James Jasper (2002) explores the comfort Americans derive from the auto industry and its consequential effects to the environment. Jasper (2002) argues that one of the main reasons why American are restless and moves more than …

Words 59
Pages 1
Environmentalism and Consumerism

The philosophy of environmentalism is grounded on the need to conserve and improve environmental integrity. The green movement is the epitome of the environmental social movement. Through activism, lobbying and education the movement seeks to involve the political class in protecting natural resource s and …

Words 1504
Pages 6
Describe How the Uses of Plant Fibres and Starch May Contribute

Describe how the uses of plant fibres and starch may contribute to sustainability How can plant fibres be used? First of all the plant fibres have to be extracted from the plant itself. The process of extraction often used is called retting. Retting involves using …

PollutionSustainabilityWater Pollution
Words 660
Pages 3
Negative Impacts on Our Environment

Nowadays, it seems that every action we take during our daily lives, in some way is affecting and harming the environment. Our Earth is a beautiful planet. The design and makeup of the natural world is an amazingly unfathomable. The world was perfect at one …

Words 870
Pages 4
Water Pollution Is the Contamination of Water Bodies

Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies (e. g. lakes, rivers, oceans and groundwater). Water pollution affects plants and organisms living in these bodies of water; and, in almost all cases the effect is damaging not only to individual species and populations, but also …

ChemistryNaturePollutionWaterWater Pollution
Words 2218
Pages 9
Climate Change Problems For The Fiji Islands Environmental Sciences Essay

This paper explores the hazards that climate alteration airss to the touristry development in Fiji islands. It shows the inauspicious effects of the altering clime and the dangers pose by the touristry activities and besides pose a major jeopardy for the local people in the …

Words 3801
Pages 14
Environmental Issues facing France

FranceThe state my spouse and I chose is France. France is located between the Mediterranean sea on the sou’-east and is on the Continent, Europe. France was founded October 4, 1958 and was a mediaeval land from the western portion of West Francia. France is …

Environmental ProblemPollutionTourismWater
Words 899
Pages 4
The CBD (the Central Business District)

The typical CBD is in the commercial and cultural activity in a city. In many large cities, it is immediately recognizable by tall skyscrapers, the neon lights at night and the very high density of buildings, traffic and people. The CBD is usually highly accessible. …

Words 719
Pages 3
The Advantages of City Life

The Advantages Of City Life Some people prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which place would you prefer to live in? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. The Advantages of City Life ?? …

Words 588
Pages 3
Geological Hazard

Geological Hazards are naturally occurring or man-made geologic conditions capable of causing injuries or other health impacts, loss of property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic disruption, or environmental damage. It had been divided into many types. The two main types of …

Air PollutionFirePollution
Words 678
Pages 3
Acetone Research Paper

Acetone is an extremely popular solvent that is used in rubber, resin, plastics, lacquers, varnishes, and rubber cements. It is also used in the creation of fats, oils, and waxes where is a primary component. Acetone has many uses in modern technology including those that …

EcosystemNatural EnvironmentPollutionWater
Words 808
Pages 3
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Find extra essay topics on Essays on Pollution by our writers.

Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change. Pollution can take the form of any substance or energy. Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or naturally occurring contaminants.


Particle pollution, also known as particulate matter or PM, is a general term for a mixture of solid and liquid droplets suspended in the air. The air we breathe indoors and outdoors always contains particle pollution. Some particles, such as dust, dirt, soot, or smoke, are large enough to be seen with the naked eye.


If You Don't Kill pollution, It Will Kills You. Let's Push Towards Green To Keep The Planet Clean. Join The Revolution And Stop The Pollution. Talking about pollution, nobody's holy.

Polluted lakes

  • Lake Victoria
  • Onondaga Lake
  • Taihu Lake
  • Lake Karachay
  • Caspian Sea

Pollution organizations

  • United States Environ...
  • Plastic Pollution Coalition
  • Union of Concerned Scientists
  • Greenpeace
  • Natural Resources Defense...

Frequently asked questions

What is pollution short essay?
Pollution is the release of harmful substances or products into the environment. It can cause damage to the environment, human health, and quality of life. There are many different types of pollution, including air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, and noise pollution.Air pollution is one of the most serious forms of pollution. It occurs when harmful gases, such as carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide, are released into the air. These gases can cause respiratory problems, such as asthma, and can also lead to other health problems, such as heart disease.Water pollution occurs when harmful substances, such as chemicals and sewage, are released into bodies of water. This can contaminate the water, making it unsafe to drink. It can also harm the plants and animals that live in the water.Soil pollution occurs when harmful substances, such as pesticides and herbicides, are released into the soil. This can contaminate the food that is grown in the soil, and can also harm the animals that live in the area.Noise pollution occurs when loud noises, such as from traffic or construction, are released into the environment. This can cause hearing loss, and can also lead to other health problems, such as stress and anxiety.
What is 150 word pollution?
There are many types of pollution, but in general, pollution is the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment. This can happen through human activity, such as factories emitting harmful gases into the air, or it can happen naturally, such as when a volcano erupts and sends harmful ash and chemicals into the air. Pollution can also occur in water, when harmful substances are introduced into waterways.There are many different effects of pollution. It can cause health problems for humans and animals, damage the environment, and make the air, water, and land unusable. Pollution is a major problem that needs to be addressed to protect the planet and its inhabitants.
What can I write about pollution?
Some possible topics include:-The different types of pollution-How pollution affects the environment-How pollution affects human health-What causes pollution-How to prevent pollution-How to reduce pollution-What are the consequences of pollution
What is 60 word pollution?
The first type is air pollution, which is caused by emissions from factories, cars, and other sources. This pollution can cause respiratory problems, and it can also contribute to global warming. Another type of pollution is water pollution, which is caused by chemicals and sewage runoff. This pollution can contaminate drinking water supplies, and it can also cause fish and other aquatic creatures to die.

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