Pizza has gained popularity all over the world. They cook it at home, order it with home delivery and eat it with pleasure! There are many types of this dish - "Magarita", "Calzone", "Four Cheeses" and others. It is a flatbread made of yeast dough with a meat or vegetable filling. The main ingredient is cheese, which gives the dish a special flavor. It's hard to find someone who hasn't tried pizza, but few know the history of its origin.
The history of the dish goes back to antiquity. Bread was found on the island of Sardinia, which is about 7500 years old. Ancient Jews also baked flatbread in clay ovens - they are considered relatives of modern pizza. In ancient Rome, focaccia, which means "baked in the hearth," was prepared. These first "attempts" are far removed from modern pizza, but it's hard to deny that they made history and were the founders of the popular dish.
Today, pizza is popular in many countries, and accordingly, cooking secrets and new recipes are emerging. Today, pizzerias are in short supply even in small towns. In addition, the dishes can be ordered with delivery to your home, and on the pages of the site you can see exactly what you order.
How did the word "pizza" come about?
Facts say that the history of pizza began to form in the south of Italy, as evidenced by the first written mention, dating back to 997 AD. It was found in the city of Gaeta, located between Rome and Naples. The document mentions the word "pizza": as an annual tribute, the son of a feudal lord bequeathed 12 pizzas a year to the local bishop. We can conclude that the term originally had more to do with finance than with cooking. On the island of Sicily, there is still a tradition of calling the word "pizza" the tribute paid by small business owners to the Mafia for unofficial "patronage".
There are several theories about the origin of the word pizza:
The Italian Etymological Dictionary cites the word pizza, which translates as "to grind."
Other studies suggest that its origin is Lombard bizzo, meaning "to eat at once."
From the Greek pitta means "flatbread."
In any case, the word "pizza" is among the most frequently used words in the Italian language.
Naples, home of the famous dish.
Naples is the only real home of pizza. In this country, in the heart of the city, the first restaurant opened in 1830. Today, pizza is the queen of dishes in many countries. The story of its success can be compared to the fairy tale of Cinderella. Originally, it was the food of the poor. But it is known that King Ferdinand I of Naples had a weakness for this dish and so secretly visited the quarters of the poor, in defiance of the queen's prohibition. She was strongly against the inclusion of stuffed flatbread in the diet of the nobility, as she considered it the food of commoners. And as the king did not try to introduce pizza to the royal menu, he failed. The situation changed under his grandson, Ferdinand II, who also liked pizza. He secretly gathered chefs to decide how to ennoble pizza and what appliance to eat it with. It was all timed to coincide with the Queen's birthday.
Mozzarella cheese made from buffalo milk is very important for the emergence of modern pizza, as it is a low-calorie product. It is produced from the milk of black buffalo in Campania (the capital of Naples). This type of cheese is different from the goat's milk based mozzarella that we buy today. The characteristic features of buffalo cheese are its delicate consistency and excellent flavor.
Largely due to the pizza came the famous work "Corricolo", after the French writer Alexandre Dumas-father (in 1843) visited Naples. It was in "Corricolo" that he recounted his impressions and described the dish in detail.
Moreover, a great role in the discovery of the famous dish was played by a succession of Great Geographical Discoveries. After the discovery of the New World, tomatoes of the pomo d'oro variety, which means "golden apple," arrived from the United States. They were considered poisonous because of their bitter aftertaste, and it took more than two centuries before they were included in the diet, first as a filling.
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY During the past four decades Pizza Hut has built a reputation for excellence that has earned the respect of consumers and industry experts alike. Building a leading pizza company has required relentless innovation, commitment to quality and dedication to customer service and value. …
Abstract: This paper will examine the high employee turnover rate in Domino’s Pizza. Employee turnover attributes to bad culture and defective human resources management within the company. Yet, this paper proposes strategies that could lead to an increased in employee retention rate, recommends to aid …
1. OVERVIEW Domino’s Pizza is the No. 1 Pizza Delivery Company in the world and the undisputed pizza delivery expert. The Company has a unique business and operation model and is a pioneer in the fast food industry. Since 1960, Domino’s Pizza has successfully expanded …
Introduction Yum Yum Pizza group comprises 10 pizza shops scattering in different areas in Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, and New Territory as shown on the map below. Staff in each shop are basically organized with order receptionist, baker, and delivery workers. On top of these …
To provide recognition to an employee, it is really important to let him know what he is capable of. In Dominos Pizza, this is done by sending trained staff member for a further development course such as MDP(Management Development Program ), AMC, Effective supervision etc. …
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Management Name Institution Professor Question 1 Make a list of pizza delivery attributes that are important to you as a customer. In order to understand the significance of a customer, one should come up with a list of likes and dislikes that are perceived by …
Changing Culture at Pizza Hut and Yum! Brands, Inc. The concept of corporate culture has captured the imagination of executives for years. For executives struggling to manage organizational change, understanding their organization’s culture has become paramount before undertaking such a change. They realize that significant …
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In 1990 Nestle Refrigerated Food Company, NRFC, subsidiary of Nestle S. A, had to decide about the launch of a refrigerated pizza, under the name of Contadina pizza, continuing the build of the refrigerated food category it started few years ago with the launch of …
Domino’s Pizza is the world’s leading pizza delivery company and one of the largest of all quick service restaurants chains in the world. It was founded in the United States in 1960. Domino’s Pizza Group Limited (“DPG”) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Domino’s Pizza …
I. Introduction Arrowmark Vending has the contract to supply pizza at football games for a university. The operations manager, Tom Kealey, faces the challenge of determining how many pizzas to make available at the games. We have been provided with demand distributions for pizza based …
Papa John’s Pizza Analysis Executive Summary These recommendations will enable Papa John’s to increase their market share and grow their customer base. These recommendations are based upon in-depth analysis of the company’s dominant economic forces, macro-environment, The detailed findings, resulting from this analysis, are contained in …
ANGELO’S PIZZA ANSWER #1. The expansion of stores and eventually franchising while focusing on serving only high quality fresh ingredients should include the following three resource management implications: (1) BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS – This implication represents the importance of the company’s general and competitive environment. …
Give name of organisation Domino’s Target audience Describe gender, age, characteristics eg secondary school teachers of ICT The leaflet isn’t restricted to a specific age group or gender. It is geared mostly towards people who enjoy eating pizza. Purpose When you have read the document …
KFC/Pizza Hut makes efficiency gains with Zap Business Intelligence Businesses become more agile, responsive and performance-focused Situation There are over 120 KFC and Pizza Hut outlets in Singapore, employing about 5,000 staff. Both brands also offer Singapore-wide delivery services. In the face of rapid business …
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We started with Porter’s Five Forces analysis. We found out that the Intensity of Industry Competition was low to medium, Availability of Substitutes was low to medium, Potential Entrants were High, Buyer Power was low and Supplier Power was low-medium. This was followed by primary …
Environmental and internal analysis of pizza hut During our visit to Pizza Hut, we conducted research on PEST (Political, Economic, Social, and Technological) Analysis. In the internal analysis of Pizza Hut, we have considered the SWOT of the Company. Pest (Political, Economic, Social & Technological) …
Executive Summary The America frozen pizza market is the largest in the world; the US pizza market represents 43% of the global market. The magnitude of this market therefore, increases the Americans spending on frozen and fresh pizza to about $39. 8 billion each year. …
Pizza Hut dominated the fast food market in the world both in sales and number of restaurants before 1986. In 1986, the company announced to start the home delivery market, which would especially target the children, two-career families, and parents with small children, etc. Segmentation …
The unique concept of designer pizzas with an unconventional menu flourished, and by 2007 there were 213 stores worldwide in seven countries. COP had various sources of revenue, including company owned restaurants, franchising and a partnership with Kraft foods to sell COP frozen pizzas in …
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Today, people found that the most popular branded food stores are performed well in worldwide included such as KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell. Based on these three well-known restaurants, their company’s objectives are show a different higher expectation or need. Whereby, the company’s objectives …
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