Culture of New Zealand

Category: Culture
Last Updated: 27 Jul 2020
Pages: 3 Views: 179

British and European Custom interwoven with Maori and Polynesian tradition. Maori tradition dominated the beginning of human existence in New Zealand and has stayed around even as the culture modernized. Maori established separate tribes, hunted and fished, traded commodities, developed agriculture, arts and weaponry, and kept a detailed oral history. Regular European contact began approximately 200 years ago, and British immigration proceeded rapidly during the nineteenth century.

Colonists affected the Maori tradition by introducing religion, technology, and the English language. European New Zealander’s, despite being far from Europe, kept strong ties to the “mother land. ” These ties were weakened by the demise of the British empire and their loss of special access to British meat and dairy markets. More recently, New Zealand culture has been broadened by globalization and immigration from the Pacific Islands, East Asia, and South Asia. European and Maori remain the two largest ethnicities

Maori and Kiwi: Language has evolved to two major languages, Maori and English. The two have influenced each other Maori demeanor: Maori are friendly and place great value on hospitality They are easy to get to know and will say hello to strangers. They often break into speech or song and even if they don’t know each other they may close conversations with a song. Maori will know the same songs so they are able to sing together even if they just met. New Zealand’s indigenous people (Maori) have tattoos covering their face.

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This art stands for warriors. Some New Zealanders are still representing these tattoos today. Kiwi demeanor: . New Zealanders are friendly, outgoing, somewhat reserved initially yet polite, and enjoy extending hospitality. . They are quite easy to get to know as they say hello to strangers and will offer assistance without being asked. . Because they do not stand on ceremony and are egalitarian, they move to a first name basis quickly and shun the use of titles. Kiwis dress casual. There are no dress codes in restaurants.

Even business men may take off suit jackets and roll up shirt sleeves. Modern New Zealanders live very casually and laid-back. Environmentalism: Kiwis are extremely concerned with the environment and keeping their counties beauty. One of the major local issues is importing of predators. Boarder controls are very tight and there are huge fines for importing food or other natural products such as wood, cane, etc. The local attitude about the environment comes from the indigenous people, the Maori. . They believe that all things have a 'mauri' - a life force. Damage to this life force, or human attempts to dominate it, result in the mauri losing its energy and vitality, which affects the lives of people as well as the resilience of ecosystems. . Maintaining the mauri of the environment and ecosystem resilience are equally important for sustainable development Egalitarianism: New Zealand has no formal class system. They take pride in individual achievement and wealth and power are not extremely important. As a ‘welfare state’ unemployment and health benefits are available to those who cannot afford it.

New Zealanders believe that everyone is equal regardless of race or social status. Etiquette: Traditional Maori greetings consist of a handshake and they often touch their faces to each other. Kiwi meetings are casual and move quickly to first names. Greetings consist of a handshake and a smile New Zealanders can be somewhat reserved with people they do not know. Rugby is the largest sport in New Zealand. The Kiwi (New Zealanders) are very competitive when it comes to rugby. The All Blacks are a favorite Rugby team. The all blacks have won 75% of games since 1903.

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Culture of New Zealand. (2017, May 25). Retrieved from

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