Critical and Financial Analysis of Facebook

Last Updated: 25 May 2023
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Facebook is the social network which is used worldwide. It has been famous among the people within short period of the time.

It links people from one place to another through easy access. Like Hotmail, G-mail, Yahoo; they are also the web based email service but face book is fast way to transfer any message and information among the people.

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More than “600” million of the people have been using this website which was launch in February 2004.

In this website user open their personal profile, add other users as friends and join different page or user group according to their interest. They update their pictures, status according to their mood plus they will get automatic notification when they update their profile.

The beginning of the face book was started from student, where they were given service stems from colloquial for the book by university administrations in the United States so they can know each other through this service. This helps students to communicate among the students regarding different subject matter.

To have a face book account the user must be 13+. Then only they can have their accounts. Now we can use face book in every gadget where there is an internet access commonly are mobile, iphone etc we can know any information that is happening among our friends, family and the latest news wherever we go.

Despite of our busy life this face book has been so popular even a single day without using it people won’t stay. In other word, face book have made our busy life easier by connecting people.

History of facebook

The founder of the face book is:”Mark Zuckerberg” who was the student of the “Harvard” and; had stolen the idea and some of the computer source code from his roomate. Before this website was used among only students of Harvard but was gradually expanded to other university later on. With the support of the students face book was officially launch for school and college level also.

On the based on it is assume that there were 7.5 million of the childern who join face book when it was legal for the childern for 13+.

On Janauray 2009 face book was the most popular social networking service within month. When Mr. Zuckerberg launch this site he was charged by administration for copyright and was close for few days later on he expanded this project by creating a study tool. Again after when it was launch he was accused by his friend Cameron Winklevoss, Tyler Winklevioss and Divya Narendra by misleading them in a fake dream so he can help them to build a social network called There were a lot of investigation regarding this so finally he was charged against that. Within first month the student were restricted to use this accounts but the expansion of site was so fast mostly in canada and united state.

On 26 september 2006 the face book was for everyone of age 13 with an vaild email id. Now we can see how it’s been among us in our day to day life. Every second we can found people comments and launching new page with new idea.

Now it’s the 3rd largest US web company after Google and Amazon.


Total active User

Date user (in million)days later monthly

  • August 26,20081001,665178.38%
  • April 8,200920022513.33%
  • Sept 15,200930015010%
  • February 5,20104001426.99%
  • July 21, 20105001664.52%
  • January 5, 20116001683.57%

The above data has been collected for the internet through the help of the google. It shows how many user are been increased in a particular date. Like in august 26,2008; 100 millon people were using face book which is really alot. This shows how it was so popular among the student since the beginning of this web site was started from students. We can find the increament of the user around 2009 and 2010 alot and alot so finally around 2011 january 5 the total user of face book were 600 million people and estimation is more for the coming year.


(estimated in millions US$)

Year Revenue Growth


This table shows how the revenue has been increased with the increasing user. Mostly the revenue has come from the advertisement. It serves microsoft as bannner adverstisement and only those company who exist in the microsoft ‘s advertisement inventory.

The above bar graph shows the age group who has used face book so often. It’s shows the clear diagram about how often we are using face book. As per the diagram the age group 18-25 they are using the face book in large amount and the least user are from 55-65. But over all we can see the user of face book is mostly femal user who is using face book so often.


As we know it is an social networking service where user open their account with particular profile picture information about them,contact information and their interest.

User should have their valid email address which is needed when they are login and a password for the privacy so you can only open your accounts. When they open it shows notification, new changes happening in there, message and friends request.

Whatever notification user gets like comments, friends request, message and other stuff. User can accept the friend request according to their wish, they can look at their information and can add or ignore them. They can upload their new pictures,share the music video,comments and can join different other groups according to their interest

There is notification section over the top where you can see the all notification who comment on your status, pictures. Who tag you in which picture everythings which are linked with you. Also you can change your status according to your mood and interest. On the side you can see how many friends you have got and you can even classifiy them into relationship as brother, sister, mother, husband etc..

There is privacy setting also which allows the user to do private setting for the account where he/she can make the setting in a such a way where the another user can not view their profile until and unless they are theirs friends. User can block the person whom they do not like and who are doing something beyond the limitation like abuse so they can report as abuse when they are going to block that person. They can even hide the personal information about them through the help privacy setting. They can even chat with their friends online like Yahoo and Messanger which is shown in the corner of the web page. Its shows how many people is online over that tab with their names of face book. You can even use different name as your wish and desire. The other facilities of this web is we can search for the person which is member of face book but not your friend and send a friend request as well as a message. Its’ true wonderfulness is that it makes every ceremony more rejoicable like birthdays, anniversery since whole world participates in wishing you.

You can create many album to put the picture. And can tag those picture to your friends and even kept the one as your profile picture. So people can recognize you and can add you in their face book. Some times this website work as medium to transfer the news. Although we don’t have time to watch news but the news feed over the face book page so that you are always updated.


Due to its popularity face book has been the matter for debate. Where we can see this website is the mostly use by young generation as the above diagram shows it. Where different activities has been accorded after joining it. Several countries has been blocked such in Iran, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Bangladesh etc because it is judge as anti-Islamic and something about the religious discrimination. Some of the work place has been banned using the face book because the workers are busy using facebook rather than working. Newly arised debate about face book is regarding it’s having no privacy since any hackers and phishers and top most thing face book does not hold accounts which is clearly written in contract but user do not bother to read them.


Being a face book user there a lot of impact which has been caused in our day to day life. Although it has been use worldwide but it shows a lot of impact in society, economic and media. There are been alot of case which cause as distruction in a family and society.

As a example: in nepal we found a case where a married guy take his wife picture and with the help of photoshop he cut done his wife n put it into the another picture where a girl is totally naked. He shared this picture to all of this friend as per result when his wife came to know about it there was a lot of conflicts between them. Another case was found in the capital city of nepal where 19 years boy backmailing a girl age 25 to put her naked picture in facebook although the boy was caught but still we can see this problem in our day to day life. Even in uk we can hear a lot of news regarding sucide because their friends are making their fun in face book which they can not tolerate. Its all because we are using it so frequently in our life and it became as a part of our day to day rota. People are afraid to face any situation although it will be wrong but still will be famous when they are kept in face book and in a few moment all user will become to know about it.Another problem is created by parents it’s self who open there children accounts as we can know we are not allowed to open account until and unless we are 13 but still we can find their accounts of face book. Even we can find hackers who can do whatever with our accounts which are not using offen.

As a major problem the youth are been more addict with this,where the most important think is their future but they forget this and become busy with picture, comments, status in face book. Even this is happening with the workers who focus in face book rather than doing some work.

But for the company they are using face book in different way for adveristment, where they get benefit and plus the owner of facebook is also getting the benefit. And face book are more often use for sending message and giving news which is really positive point. Before it was used as a medium to transfer the notes to other student but now it has been use as a communicating other stuff.

One thing is for sure whatever we post in face book it’s easy to spread them among the friends rather than sending email.


This new technology has change so many things in our life with new mobile, iphone we get chance to use face book and even chat from there. This new technology has change our life so hard even a second it’s hard to manage with out it. Because we are so addict with it even a single day we can’t stay without openning it. Over all we can make a figure through which we can know the girls are more addict with face book no matter what’s there age. Face book is the 3rd largest company who earns alot of money. It has make life easy by making easy access to comunicate with people. Within short period so time it became so popular among the people but it got advantage and disadvantage also. People who are new with it can not figure it out what it is. But it depends upon the ourselves whither we want to misuse it or use in correct way.

Its all about our view althought it is huge matter of discussion but no matter how long it will be going on the user of face book is increasing in every second and minute.



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Critical and Financial Analysis of Facebook. (2019, Mar 16). Retrieved from

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