Compare Contrast Essay
It is unfathomable to think about a time when all the knowledge on Earth was ;t a t our fingertips. Even worse is a planet where we can't even reach others in seconds. The inter net allows us to experience the world from the comfort of our homes. As farfetched as a world d without the internet may sound, none of the above existed only ten years ago. Even though h life without internet may seem unimaginable, there are advantages and disadvantages to the life we live today with Internet and life before the internet. One advantage to the internet is the fact that research has become much ease ere.
Details, facts, and figures on any topic can be found with a few movements of our Finn errs. The internet has not only made research easier, but it has also allowed more information f mound on the internet as compared to a local library, the main source of information before the intent rent. Also, we can now affirm the accuracy of information by having various different sources. AH though this was possible before the internet, it is much easier to do this with this amazing NV mention. However, there is one major drawback to this luxury we have because of the internet. N Thing online is trustworthy.
Even websites that are supposed to be trusted and are supposed to be reliable are not full of reliable information. Even major websites that are run by big companies s are using writing firms to write their websites. These writing firms are simply hiring the cheap SST freelancers to do their work for them. It is true that the Internet has made it easier to find out b Asia facts such as the location of places, but even that information is commonly incorrect (as Go ogle Maps will readily prove). Long gone are days when people would spend hours on end in the library try Eng to figure out the Dewey Decimal System.
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It is as if we must solve a tricky puzzle just to unlock information. Simply locating information was a hassle and trying to find multi peel so recess to prove a statement was very time consuming. In order to find information, we must decide what information is the most important in a book and summarize this information. Although we have to do this even with information being so easily accessible on the internet, the internet provides useful summaries that assist in figuring out what information is actually imp rattan.
Also, it obviously took either a car ride or a walk to get to a local library in order to fin d this information fore the internet. However, this wasn't always possible. Clearly, there were plenty of drawbacks to life before the internet. However, there is one major advantage to researching prior to the advent of the internet. When one found sources at a library, it is definite e that the sources are reliable because books are edited, revised, and backtracked by many differ rent people. One can definitely be more confident that the information in a library is way more reliable than the information on the internet.
Another advantage to life after internet is the fact that communication has b come simple, easy, and convenient. Social media has allowed for people to remain n contact with their high school friends even after those people are married and have kids. This is beneficial because the more people we know, the more connections we can make, and the easies rite is for us to accomplish our goals. Also, an increased connection with other people allows for people to foster ideas together. For example, when a rare surgery is performed, the surgeon will sometimes broadcast the surgery through a Live Stream or a Google Hangout.
If something Eng did go wrong during the surgery, surgeons can easily input their ideas and perhaps help the surgeon. The disadvantage of this is some people use the Internet too much and forgo real life contact. It may now be easier to keep in contact with friends, but it has removed any incentive e to visit those friends. People pay fewer visits to others because of their contact online. Face toffee contact is almost arguably necessary for people to maintain healthy social relationships. Also, the argument that online relationships may not be as strong as real life bonds could be mad e.
It is really easy for a supposed friend online to not be who they appear to be. Even though the sees kinds of friends existed before the internet, this kind of fake relationship was unprecedented. Before the internet, people couldn't necessarily keep in touch with as many p people. Previously, the only way to reunite with high school friends was to meet at high h school reunions, which wasn't very convenient. However, the high school relationships that we re fostered were definitely more genuine than online relationships.
If one was truly friends wit h someone before the internet came into play, one would put effort into phone calls and face to face visits. The advantage to life before the internet is that people got together more often a ND had to visit each there in order to talk. This fostered a more friendly environment than a strict y online relationship. This also allowed people to develop social skills in real life and b e able to communicate adequately with others factored. Another advantage to life be fore the internet is that it is much harder for people to be mean in person than online.
On social media, it is easy to quickly type a post and click send without feeling any guilt or remorse. However ere, before the internet existed people talked factored, so one could see the reaction of an other when one says something hurtful. This makes people consider if what they are doing is c erect. Lastly, the internet IS advantageous because one can literally see the world an d experience everything from the comfort of our homes. Video software like Y tube allow us to literally feel like we are also experiencing what the video is showing.
This is try Lully amazing because people who aren't fortunate enough to travel can see what Also, grog cry shopping and other errands can now be done on the internet. This saves a lot of time and e effort. This convenience truly does make life easier. Life after the internet really doesn't r quire leaving the house. The internet has allowed people who normally wouldn't be able to Lear about and experience this incredible planet we live on to do just those things. It truly is a amazing. However, the drawback to this is that there are less people in the world actually seeing t Hess things.
There is no comparison to the real thing and what we see online. It looks as though the same thing is totally distinctive from the other. The advantage to life before the internet is that people were encouraged to g 0 out and see the actual beauty of the world and not on a computer screen. Fewer people w ant to this now because everything that these places offer can is supposedly found on the into rent. Before the internet, people had a truly authentic appreciation for nature and the beauty of our world. It was easy to escape from reality and seek comfort in the vast outdoors.
Going outs did was like emptying a bag full of bricks that one is forced to carry around. With the inter net, people are too involved in their technology to realize that the outdoors could perhaps relieve some of the stress that the internet is supposed to relieve. Also, life before the internet was diva montages because people set goals to visit places and do the things that internet simulates today These locations that can now be visited virtually motivated people to excel in their careers an d gain financial security in order to one day visit those places.
The disadvantage to this is that less people get to experience the extraordinary Earth and everyone on this planet deserves to s e this beautiful planet. In conclusion, the advantages and disadvantages for life before and after the I internet are distinctive, but there is no way to pick one lifestyle over the other. It is import ant to exploit the advantages of the internet, but we must also remember to not let our lives re love around the internet.
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