Climate change and carbon reduction

Category: Chemistry, Environment
Last Updated: 29 Jun 2021
Pages: 7 Views: 285

Climate alteration is arguably one of the greatest environmental challenges confronting the universe today. The addition in atmospheric nursery gases has driven a rapid rise in the planetary temperature. Emissions ensuing from human activities are well increasing the concentrations of the nursery gases, C dioxide ( CO2 ) , methane ( CH4 ) , CFCs ( CFCs ) and azotic oxide ( N2O ) and are doing nursery gas consequence. Carbon dioxide has been responsible for over half the enhanced nursery consequence in the past and is likely to stay same in the hereafter (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2007) . The Stern Review study suggests that a 25 % decrease below current degrees of emanations is required in order to stabilise planetary CO2 concentrations at degrees that will non hold really inauspicious impacts. And what we besides find out from the Stern Review is that the costs of non moving on clime alteration are greater than the costs of moving ( Stern Review 2006 ) .

It has been recognised that developed states are chiefly responsible for the current high degrees of atmospheric GHG emanations ; the Kyoto Protocol places a heavier load on developed states and sets adhering emanation decrease marks of up to an norm of five per cent emanations reductionA compared to 1990 degrees over the five-year period 2008 to 2012. In Doha, Qatar, on 8 December 2012, the Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol was adopted. This launched a 2nd committedness period, get downing on 1 January 2013 until 2020 ( United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 2013 ) . So, the motive for this research comes from the widely-accepted demand to greatly cut down the C dioxide ( CO2 ) and other nursery gases ( GHG ) emanations in order to extenuate anthropogenetic clime alteration. The societal, environmental and economic costs associated with C emanations could be immense and world can confront inauspicious effects. Therefore, the demand to cut down CO2 emanations has been recognised as a cardinal portion of the on-going attempts to battle clime alteration.

Carbon decrease in the United Kingdom: national context

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The UK histories for less than 1.5 % of planetary nursery gas emanations ; the authorities has a clear national involvement in guaranting that the universe tackles climate alteration together as it is a planetary job and it requires a planetary solution. ( HM Government 2011 ) . The UK authorities has had a turning committedness to sustainable development over the last 15 old ages, foremost establishing a scheme for sustainable development in 1994. Its current scheme, `` Procuring the FutureaˆY was launched in 2005 and focused on four cardinal countries: ingestion and production, natural resource protection, sustainable communities and clime alteration ( Her Majesty 's Stationery Office 2005 ) . The current alliance authorities besides raises a motto of the 'greenest authorities of all time ' , although it has non been followed through unfavorable judgment, and shows its strategic committedness towards low C economic system. The planetary jussive mood of clime alteration has been translated into national C decrease marks.

The UK authorities has strongly agreed for C decrease after its Kyoto Commitments and has developed Climate Change Act 2008 which is the universe 's first long-run lawfully adhering model. It aims to promote the passage to a low-carbon economic system in the UK by puting ambitious C decrease marks of at least 80 % by 2050 and at least 34 % by 2020 against a 1990 baseline ( HMSO 2008 ) . The UK is committed to play a prima function in order to procuring planetary action to cut down C emanations which is consistent with restricting planetary temperature additions to below 2A°C ( HMSO 2010 ) . The UK clime alteration act develops a new attack of pull offing clime alteration through puting institutional marks, doing schemes for accomplishing them, beef uping institutional models and regular answerability.

Carbon decrease in public sector: higher education context

The mounting grounds of planetary clime alteration is one of the most of import issues for concerns. Carbon decrease is traveling up the corporate docket and administrations now understand the demand to manage their emanations and it must be embedded within their concern patterns ( Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 ) . The UK populace sector has long been taking the manner when it comes to cutting energy costs andA C emanations and the research has revealed that the populace sector is the most committed to carbon decrease as compared to the private and 3rd sectors ( The Carbon Trust 2012 ) . Camco ( 2011 ) found that the entire nursery gas emanations emitted by public sector organic structures from the usage of electricity and fossil fuels in 2009/10 including for administrative concern conveyance are estimated to be 16.7-23.5 Million tCO2. Against this background, proactive actions are required by all of the populace sector administrations to cut down C and other nursery gases emanations.

The Higher Education ( HE ) sector, due to the nature of its operational activities, preponderantly and straight emits C and to a much lesser extent other nursery gas emanations, frequently indirectly, such as methane ( CH4 ) ( Higher Education Funding Council for England 2010 ) . The Higher Education ( HE ) sector has a important societal and economic impact and is non exempt from disputing C decrease marks, in fact, it is argued, should be showing leading in the field. A research was carried out by Camco ( 2011 ) and was presented to the Department of Energy and Climate Change ( DECC ) , which suggests that the most cost effectual chances to accomplish the C decrease marks exist within the Further and Higher Education sectors.

In 1990, sum HE sector C emanations were 2.445 million metric tons of C dioxide ( MtCO2 ) and in 2006 they were 3.288 MtCO2, a rise of 34 % ( HEFCE 2009 ) . The HE sector is being encouraged to take in C decrease as it is a important subscriber of C emanations in the public sector but besides because of the privileged place universities occupy in being Centres of research excellence and in cultivating 'thought leaders ' for the hereafter ( HEFCE 2009 ) . HE is a turning consumer of energy and resources and generator of C emanations. In 2008-09 the UK Higher and Further Education sector administrations consumed 7.7 TWh of energy ( all fuels ) bring forthing emanations of 2.6 million metric tons of C dioxide equivalent ( Hopkinson and James 2011 ) . So, there is a demand to understand that how Higher Education Institutions ( HEIs ) can strategically cut down their increasing C emanations through an integrated and comprehensive attack.

In National Carbon Strategy, HEFCE encourages higher instruction establishments to follow similar marks ( HEFCE, 2010a ) . Carbon decrease mark and scheme for higher instruction in England has besides been formulated in order to supply guideline for HE establishments to put their ain marks inline with the UK marks and so develop action programs through C direction programs. The lone marks do non run into consequences ; they need to be supported with the schemes. Within the following 10 old ages the higher instruction sector in this state will be recognised as a major subscriber to society 's attempts to accomplish sustainability through the accomplishments and cognition that its alumnuss learn and set into pattern, its research and exchange of cognition through concern, community and public policy battle, and through its ain schemes and operations ( HEFCE ) . Capital support for higher instruction establishments in England is linked to carbon decrease from 2011 which makes higher instruction 's senior direction concern about their energy ingestion and C emanations.

Research purpose and aims

There is an ongoing demand to analyze and measure the procedure of C direction in the higher instruction sector and to suggest a clear route map for a strategic attack to better C direction. It is surprising that empirical research analyzing the strategic attack and committedness to carbon direction within the higher instruction establishments is comparatively thin ( Chapter 2: Literature Review ) . A research inquiry was formulated that `` How higher instruction sector establishments can strategically pull off their C emanations from all of their organizational activities? ''


The purpose of this research is to develop a strategic C direction model for cut downing higher instruction sector establishments ' C emanations in the context of the broader public sector.

Specific aims

  • To consistently reexamine and measure the literature, paperss, schemes and C direction programs of the Higher Education ( HE ) sector establishments.
  • To analyze the current province and effectivity of C direction within the higher instruction sector establishments.
  • To place the drivers and barriers for C direction within the higher instruction sector establishments.
  • To place and understand the characteristics and procedures for implementing effectual C direction schemes ; peculiar attending will be paid to the function of procurance and other range 3 emanations.
  • To develop, suggest and formalize a Strategic Carbon Management ( SCM ) model for cut downing overall C emanations for the higher instruction every bit good as the broader public sector administrations.

Novel part to the cognition

The PhD research will bring forth a coherent set of findings on a strategic attack to carbon direction and will hold the undermentioned original parts to the bing cognition.

Contribution in the bing theoretical cognition of strategic C direction.

Substantial/practical part for a strategic attack to carbon direction in the higher instruction sector every bit good as the wider populace sector. Strategic Carbon Management ( SCM ) model will be proposed for bettering HE C direction and implanting C direction in corporate scheme.

It will research how range 3 emanations, peculiarly procurance can be incorporated into universities ' C direction procedure.

Novel methodological part with qualitative and quantitative informations integrating.

Thesis construction

The thesis will hold nine chapters and the staying chapters are outlined below:

Literature reappraisal

This chapter will present the theoretical background for the research through the reappraisal of bing literature around assorted facets of C direction.

Research methodology

This chapter will detail the overall design of the research and sketching the chosen research methodological analysis in order to run into research purpose and aims.

Systematic analysis of secondary informations

This chapter will run into the first aim by consistently analyzing the secondary informations. It will chiefly dwell of universities ' C direction programs and schemes, other strategic paperss and relevant policies.

Policy context, drivers and barriers to carbon direction

This chapter will turn to C direction drivers and barriers with for higher instruction establishments. It will besides turn to policies sing C decrease in general and higher instruction in peculiar.

Preliminary research findings

This chapter will analyze and bring forth first stage preliminary research findings based on the explorative interviews carried out with higher instruction sector directors in order to inform more structured attack in the 2nd stage of the research.

Survey questionnaire

This chapter will supply public sector analysis based on the questionnaire study consequences. It will analyze the current province and effectivity of C direction within the higher instruction sector establishments, besides comparison between different sector organic structures in C direction leading.

De Montfort University case study

This chapter will supply descriptive instance survey of De Montfort University to happen out what is presently go oning in relation to strategic C direction. It will assist in placing and understanding assorted characteristics and procedures for implementing effectual C direction in a university. It will besides research the function of procurance and other range 3 emanations in C direction.


The treatment chapter will take the research findings from in-depth DMU survey and see in the context of wider higher instruction every bit good as the broader public sector administrations. It will integrate the development and proof of strategic C direction model for pull offing C emanations.


This chapter will summarize of the cardinal research findings and the original part to knowledge originating from this research, followed by way to future work.

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Climate change and carbon reduction. (2018, Aug 15). Retrieved from

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