Comparison of BPR and Business Modeling in Improving Business Processes

Category: Business Process
Last Updated: 31 Mar 2023
Essay type: Analysis
Pages: 14 Views: 261

Difference between reengineering and making a new procedure


In this study we are discoursing the two attacks related to the concern procedure it is fundamentally a critical determination that every good and come oning endeavor has to take in short or long tally.

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The BPR ( Business procedure reengineering ) and the concern mold ( making a new procedure ) and the difference in between, is the subject in this study.

Business Procedure Modeling ( BPM ) represents the activity of procedures of a concern. Aim to implement a concern procedure theoretical account is analyze and better the endeavor ' activities sing the nucleus concern. It is normally performed in an endeavor by expert concern analysts and concern line directors, who seeks uninterrupted procedure betterment and efficiency. Three major types of procedures involved in a concern are:

I. Management Procedures

two. Operational Procedures

three. Supporting Procedures

Business Procedure Reengineering ( BPR ) is a sort of method of direction practicians to better concern efficiency. The basicss of Business Process Reengineering are to look at the concern processes from a `` clean slate '' position and to happen out how to retrace these procedures to increase the efficiency of the concern. Reengineering is redesigning, revising and rethinking of concern procedures to accomplish cost, quality and velocity or service oriented efficiency. Business Process Reengineering ( BRP ) consists of sequence schemes to advance the invention and ensuing excellence in competition, market topographic point and profitableness of the endeavor. A simple concern procedure reengineering is best described in following four stages of the rhythm i.e.

a ) Designation of a Procedure

B ) Review, Update and Analyze ‘AS IS '

degree Celsius ) Design ‘TO BE '

vitamin D ) Testing and Execution

DEFO theoretical account, and all other methodological analysiss related to BPR are discussed so their execution stages, consequences so the treatment on consequences and the decision in which the difference between both of these have been highlighted.

1. Introduction / Background

Business procedures are the indispensable portion of any sort of concern. They are created by the aid of concern theoretical account and demo the way towards which a concern flows.

In this study, two basic concern theoretical accounts are discussed in item, difference in the attack is explained and what and how to continue with these theoretical accounts has been described. The two concern theoretical account which are discussed here are:

a ) Business Process Reengineering

B ) Business Process and Model

1.1 Business Process Reengineering

Business Procedure Reengineering ( BPR ) is a sort of method of direction practicians to better concern efficiency. The basicss of Business Process Reengineering are to look at the concern processes from a `` clean slate '' position and to happen out how to retrace these procedures to increase the efficiency of the concern.

Reengineering is redesigning, revising and rethinking of concern procedures to accomplish cost, quality and velocity or service oriented efficiency. Business Process Reengineering ( BRP ) consists of sequence schemes to advance the invention and ensuing excellence in competition, market topographic point and profitableness of the endeavor.

A simple concern procedure reengineering is best described in following four stages of the rhythm i.e.

vitamin E ) Designation of a Procedure

degree Fahrenheit ) Review, Update and Analyze ‘AS IS '

g ) Design ‘TO BE '

H ) Testing and Implementation

1.2 Business Process Modeling ( Making a new procedure )

Business Procedure Modeling ( BPM ) represents the activity of procedures of a concern. Aim to implement a concern procedure theoretical account is analyze and better the endeavor ' activities sing the nucleus concern.

It is normally performed in an endeavor by expert concern analysts and concern line directors, who seeks uninterrupted procedure betterment and efficiency.

Three major types of procedures involved in a concern are:

four. Management Procedures

v. Operational Procedures

six. Supporting Procedures

These procedures can be farther bomber divided into legion bomber procedures and sequence of activities. These sub procedures have their ain properties and besides contribute to accomplish the aims and end of the major procedure.

2. Problem Area / Scope

This study deals with the difference between two concern procedures i.e. Business procedure reengineering and concern theoretical account ( making a new procedure ) .

2.1 Problem Area

Report investigates the undermentioned debatable countries:

- How to cover with concern procedure reengineering?

- How to implement it in an endeavor?

- How to plan a concern theoretical account for a new procedure?

- What is the difference between the attacks?

- How to better a concern utilizing these theoretical accounts?

2.2 Scope

Report trades chiefly with the concern procedure theoretical accounts specially concentrating the attack of the two theoretical accounts i.e. Business Process Reengineering and Business Modeling ( making a new procedure ) .

Business Procedure is a huge field with legion methods and accounts. Report lone trades with the Business Process Reengineering and Business Modeling ( making a new procedure ) and how does it impact the working of an endeavor.

3. Methodology

I studied literature related to my subject. Internet 's part was besides at that place I surfed the encyclopaedia to acquire more information related to my subject and the intent to read more or to cognize more was that in the terminal I had to warrant my point of position related this subject. I besides gone through some of the international publications as good which were related to my subject.

As I had a job related to the plagiarism every bit good ( because of non cognizing how to utilize the fears decently ) I had to travel through some information related to the mentions ' handling every bit good. So I studied what I could and seek to acquire the things related to my subject and eventually wrote my study once more ; besides made the necessary alterations which were compulsory for the study composing

4. Consequences

Procedure reengineering emerged as an intelligent and really successful technique to review the current running procedures in an organisation ; because concern can be used as a common term, Business Process Reengineering BPR is now a celebrated term plus technique in an organisation who is seeking to resuscitate the current processes whether it 's a service organisation or consumer merchandise maker.

4.1 Reengineering Procedure

“Reengineering is the simple rethinking and extremist redesign of concern procedures to accomplish singular betterments in decisive, modern-day steps of public presentation such as cost, quality, service and speed” .

BPR advocates that endeavors go back to the rudimentss and review their really ancestry. As for consequences: BPR is clearly non for companies who want a 10 % betterment, it is for the 1s that need a tenfold addition. The last but the most of import of the four key words is the word-‘process. ' BPR more focal points on procedures and non on undertakings, occupations or people. It endeavors to redesign the strategic and value added procedures that surpass organisational boundaries.

4.2 Implementing Reengineering Procedure

Harmonizing to many in the BPR field reengineering should use energies in right way and concentrate on procedures and non be limited to believing about the organisations.

Presently people in an organisation think separately about the peculiar section. So companies should call the procedures instead utilizing the section names that they do such that they express the beginning and stop provinces. These names should connote to all the work that gets done between the start and finish points. i.e

, “order fulfilment can be called order to payment process” .

Talking about the importance of procedures merely as companies have organisation charts, they should besides hold what are called procedure maps or workflow diagrams to give a image of how work flows through the endeavor.

Procedure function aids in placing your current ‘As-Is ' concern procedures and can be used to supply a 'To-Be ' roadmap for reengineering your merchandise and service concern endeavor maps ; gratuitous to state it logically helps to hold a thorough expression on the whole procedure rhythm and of class it can besides be used to supervise the reengineering every bit good. It is the important nexus that your reengineering squad can use to better understand and radically better your concern procedures and bottom-line public presentation. Possessing identified and mapped the procedures, make up one's minding which 1s need to be reengineered and in what order is the million-dollar inquiry. By and large they make their picks based on three standards:

1. Dysfunction: which procedures are working the worst or which procedure is the “bottle-neck” ?

2. Importance: which are the most critical and influential in footings of client satisfaction ;

3. Feasibility: which are the procedures that are most likely to be successfully reengineered?

This subdivision will give an overview of making a new concern procedure ; this subdivision provides a usher to making an initial, 'as is ' or baseline theoretical account, in other words - the current state of affairs.

4.3 Components of Business Process

An 'as is ' or baseline theoretical account gives an overall image of how the procedure works, now. Any structural, organisational and technological weak points and constrictions can so be identified, along with possible betterments at the following phase.

You will necessitate the undermentioned information before you start to make a new concern procedure:

* The coveted result of the procedure.

* The start and terminal points ( client demand and client fulfilment ) .

* The activities that are performed.

* The order of activities.

* The people who perform the activities.

* The paperss and signifiers used and exchanged between maps and from clients and providers.

Five methodological analysiss are summarized after the basic BPR apprehension. A few BPR methodological analysiss from modern-day literature are as follows ;

Methodology # 1

1. Develop vision & A ; scheme

2. Make coveted civilization

3. Integrate & A ; Improve endeavor

4. Develop engineering solutions

Methodology # 2

1. Determine Customer Requirements & A ; Goals for the Procedure

2. Map and Measure the Existing Procedure

3. Analyze and Modify Existing Process

4. Plan a Reengineered Procedure

5. Implement the Reengineered Process

Methodology # 3

1. Set Direction

2. Baseline and Benchmark

3. Make the Vision

4. Launch Problem Solving Undertakings

5. Design Improvements

6. Implement Change

7. Embed Continuous Improvement

Methodology # 4

1. Motivating Reengineering

2. Justifying Reengineering

3. Planing Reengineering

4. Puting up for Reengineering

5. As Is Description & A ; Analysis

6. To-Be Design and Validation

7. Execution

Methodology # 5

1. Preparation

2. Designation

3. Vision

4. Technical & A ; Social design

5. Transformation

4.4 First stage

The first stage of the procedure will affect a batch of positioning and shifting of events and activities, so make sure you use a method that is flexible and easy changed. Use ocular AIDSs ; if you 're working with a group of users, it must be communicated to each user.

4.5 Second stage

Once you have established an in agreement sequence of events, you can make it as a flow chart on generic package or on specialised proprietary package.

At this phase, need to look into your theoretical account with the users by transporting out 'live ' observations of the sequence should be in pattern.

4.6 Symbols and notation

The diagrammatical representation of Business Process is normally 'notation ' .

There is no unequivocal system for Business Process creative activity notation, although attempts persist to standardise one.

The Business Process Notation system is an illustration of an effort to set up a standard BP notation system.

Organizations may develop their ain notation systems or utilize the notation of their chosen own/different manner.

4.7 Explaination

A combined methodological analysis has been extracted from the five methodological analysiss antecedently presented and an IDEF0 theoretical account was developed and for the interest of briefness, we have shown merely the major activities in the IDEF0 theoretical account in Figure 1. In the undermentioned subdivision, we deal with the inside informations of the methodological analysis.

4.7.1 Activity # 1: Prepare for Reengineering:

“If you fail to be after, you plan to fail” . Planning and readying are critical factors for any activity or event to be successful and evidently in reengineering it is done excessively. Before put to deathing reengineering, the inquiry, ‘Is BPR necessary? ' There should be a notable demand for the procedure to be reengineered. The proof of this demand marks the beginning of the readying activity. This activity begins with the development of executive consensus on the importance of reengineering and the nexus between progress concern ends and reengineering undertakings. A cross-functional squad is established with a game program for the procedure of reengineering. While organizing the cross-functional squad, stairss should be taken to guarantee that the organisation continues to work in the absence of several cardinal participants. Another of import factor to be considered while set uping the strategic ends for the reengineering attempt is to do it your first precedence to understand the outlooks of your clients and where your bing procedure falls short of run intoing those demands. Create or analyze the bing vision of the endeavor as a chiseled vision will prolong a company 's resoluteness through the emphasis of the reengineering procedure.

4.7.2 Activity # 2: Map and Analyze As-Is Process

Before the reengineering squad can continue to redesign the procedure, they should understand the bing procedure. While some organisations which are in desperate passs might travel the other manner, try a new procedure design while wholly disregarding the bing procedures, most organisations need to map the bing procedures it helps to analyse and better on it to plan new procedures. The of import characteristic of BPR is that the betterment should supply dramatic consequences.

Many people do non understand the value of an ‘As-is ' analysis and instead prefer to pass a larger ball of their valuable clip on planing the ‘To-Be ' theoretical account straight.

The chief aim of this stage is to place bottle cervixs ( anything that prevents the procedure from accomplishing desired consequences and in peculiar information transportation between organisations or people ) and value adding procedures. Creation and certification of Activity and Process theoretical accounts initiates it. Then, the sum of clip that each activity takes and the cost that each activity requires in footings of resources is calculated through simulation and activity based costing ( ABC ) . All the terms required holding been completed ; the procedures that need to be reengineered are identified.

4.7.3 Activity # 3: Design To-Be procedure

The aim of this stage is to bring forth one or more options to the current state of affairs, which satisfy the strategic ends of the endeavor. Benchmarking is the initial measure in this stage. “Benchmarking is the comparison of both the public presentation of the organisation 's procedures and the manner those procedures is conducted with those relevant equal organisations to obtain thoughts for improvement.” Other organisations need non be rivals or even from the same industry. Advanced and effectual methods should be appreciated irrespective of the beginning.

Having identified the possible betterments to the bing procedures, the development of the ‘To-Be ' theoretical accounts is done utilizing the assorted patterning methods available, bearing in head the rules of procedure design. Then, similar to the ‘As-Is ' theoretical account, simulations are performed and ABC to analyse factors like the clip and cost involved. This activity is an iterative procedure and it takes a batch of forbearance and clip.

4.7.4 Activity # 4: Implement Reengineered Process

The execution phase is where reengineering attempts run into the most confrontation and hence it is by far the most hard one. If we expect that the environment would be contributing to the reengineering attempt we are unhappily mistaken. The inquiry that confronts us would be, ' If BPR promises such breath taking consequences so why was n't it adopted much earlier? ' When so much clip and attempt is spent on analysing the current procedures, redesigning them and be aftering the migration, it would so be practical to run a civilization alteration plan at the same time with all the planning and readying. This program must back up the organisational construction, information systems, and the concern policies and processs with the redesigned procedures. The IDEF theoretical accounts that were created in the ‘As-Is ' can be mapped to those created during the ‘To-Be ' and an initial list of alteration demands generated. Extra demands for the building of the ‘To-Be ' constituents can be added and the consequence organized into a Work Breakdown Structure ( WBS ) . Recent developments in BPR package engineerings enable automatic migration of these WBS activity/relationships into a procedure patterning environment. Using prototyping and simulation techniques, the passage program is validated and its pilot versions are designed and demonstrated.

4.7.5 Activity # 5: Improve Process Continuously

A procedure can non be reengineered nightlong. A really critical portion in the success of every reengineering attempt lies in bettering the reengineered procedure continuously. Monitoring, foremost and of import measure here. Two things have to be monitored - the advancement of action and the consequences. The advancement of action is measured by seeing how much more informed the people feel, how much more commitment the direction shows and how good the alteration squads are accepted in the broader position of the organisation. This can be achieved by carry oning ‘attitude studies ' and distinct ‘fireside confabs ' with those ab initio non straight involved with the alteration. As for supervising the consequences, the monitoring should include such steps as employee attitudes, client outlooks, supplier reactivity etc. Communication is strengthened throughout the organisation, ongoing measuring is initiated, squad reviewing of public presentation against clearly defined marks is done and a feedback cringle is set up wherein the procedure is reviewed and redesigned. Therefore uninterrupted betterment of public presentation is ensured through a public presentation trailing system and application of job work outing accomplishments. Continuous betterment ( TQM ) and BPR have ever been considered reciprocally sole to each other. But on the contrary, if performed at the same time they would complement each other wondrous good. In fact TQM can be used as a tool to manage the assorted jobs encountered during the BPR attempt and to continuously better the procedure.


This is my second study another study was made before on the same subject but due to non managing the mentions correctly it got the ailment of plagiarism ; I went to discourse this thing with my teacher and my class coordinator and eventually made this 2nd one. To compose this sort of study one must analyze the literature related to the subject and so if we use the ball of that literature or discourse any thought from it the mentions must be taken attention in a systematic manner otherwise it can make a job.

While working on this study entirely I got to larn many things, foremost of all I would wish to state that I got to cognize how should I utilize the fears if I use some literature and mention it in my study. In add-on it was hard to cover with many things together i.e. my portion clip occupation and my surveies etc. and sometimes I learnt the importance and demand of working in a squad because sometimes I faced troubles to take some determinations as I was entirely to cover with.

A avid client focal point, superior procedure design and a strong and motivated leading are critical ingredients to the formula for the success of any concern corporation. It is the key that every organisation should get to carry through these requirements to success. It advocates demanding difficult work and activates the people involved to non merely to alter what they do but marks at changing their basic manner of believing itself. And on the other manus the new procedure is more or wish same to the BPR but in new mold there is no old or bing procedure to be considered and in patterning the more focal point is on the theoretical account if the theoretical account is apprehensible come-at-able so further its execution and concern can be created consequently.

6. Decision

So by specifying both of the facets the inquiry once more lingers that what is the difference in between and harmonizing to the all survey and research and by looking at the existent life instance surveies, I came to a point to state that it all depends on the state of affairs the endeavor is traveling through or the nature of the organisation.

As the HP company reduced their assembly clip by making the reengineering, but the chief thing was the company spent infinite hours and a batch of money foremost to come on the point and take the determination that the company will make the reengineering and so by making intense procedure flow analysis and by analyzing the work interrupt down constructions the endeavor took the determination which type of reengineering technique should be used.

The bottom-line is it ever depends on the company 's nature, the concern state of affairs it is traveling through. The endeavor direction 's experience how they take a state of affairs and how right they do the surveies instead homework necessary to take the right determination.

As we look the proficient facet of both procedure reengineering and making a new procedure ; both of the sides needs sound direction and proficient expertness and yes the adequate financess to travel through them.

In reengineering we have to model the bing procedures but making a new procedure is to come up with a entire new thought which will be the portion of chief procedure watercourse of the endeavor. But I think it 's a long argument sometimes the reengineering is more hard so to make a new procedure because if one procedure is reengineered the endeavor has to make other alters every bit good to aline the reengineered side with the whole watercourse and this may be more than the company expects. Its true that reengineering proved to be a success all-over the universe among every industry service or production. But many companies could non do it with it.

New procedure is sometimes necessary like it is necessary if there is a entire new scope of merchandise line, engineering alteration etc. so a thorough survey to repair the new procedure in the bing procedure watercourse.

7. Recommendations

Business procedure reengineering is an effectual tool for direction practicians. It helps in concern betterment and farther enhances concern procedure efficiency.

Continuous betterment procedure includes the procedure reengineering and encompasses all the parametric quantities with in the procedure rhenium designing and reengineering.

This method can give immense returns. This method began as a private sector technique to assist organisations basically rethink how they do their work in order to dramatically better client service, cut operational costs, and go first rivals.

Proper resources should be utilized to take the right determination when there comes the point where at that place has to be choose one.


1. Feldmann Clarence.G, ( 1998 ) , The Practical Guide to Business Process Reengineering utilizing IDEF0. , Dorset House Publishing, New York.

2. Modeling and analysis of concern procedure reengineering 2002, vol. 40, no. 11, 2521±2546 GUNASEKARAN and B. KOBU

3. Business Process Reengineering, The Creation and Implementation of a Methodology Brian Fitzgerald and Ciaran Murphy 1996.


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Comparison of BPR and Business Modeling in Improving Business Processes. (2018, Aug 24). Retrieved from

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