The Important Constituents Of Task Environment
The important constituents of task environment are: CUSTOMERS- it is the customer who absorbs organizational outputs. They represent potential uncertainty to an organization, their taste can change, they can become dissatisfied with organization's reduce or service. Therefore various organizations are making efforts to improve the quality of their products and services, stay close with the customers, listen to the customers about their needs and wants. COMPETITORS- refer to those organizations that either offer or have a potential to offer rival products or services.
It means that not only the existing rivals are threat to the success of organization but the potential new comers could be disastrous also. Organizations cannot afford to ignore is competitors. Managers must be prepared to respond to competitors policies guarding pricing new products, services offered and other incentives it is giving to customers. SUPPLIERS- Organizations need different resources such as raw materials, goods, services etc. To conduct their operations. Therefore they purchase these resources from various individuals and organizations known as suppliers. Such as banks, insurance companies, pension funds etc) and labor inputs (such as labor unions, universities, local labor markets etc) It is the responsibility of each manager to ensure the steady flow of needed inputs at the lowers price available in order to maintain the effectiveness of an organization. . G financial institutions are provider of money ,colleges are suppliers of human resources/ Managers need to have steady and reliable flow of input to meet the goals.
GLOBE's objective is to support ambitious political leadership on issues of climate and energy security, land-use change and ecosystems. Internationally, GLOBE is focused on progressive leadership from 620 leaders and the leaders of the major emerging economies as well as formal negotiations within the United Nations. GLOBE shadows the formal 68 negotiations and allows legislators to work together outside the formal international negotiations. Without the burden of formal governmental negotiating positions, legislators have the freedom to push the boundaries of what can be politically achieved.
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At an international level GLOBE consists of senior cross-party members of parliament from the 16 major economies - the 68 countries, European Parliament, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, South Africa and South Korea. Also, GLOBE facilitates regional policy dialogues amongst legislators. GLOBE believes that legislators have a critical role to play in holding their own governments to account for the commitments that are made during international negotiations.
Mission GLOBE's mission is to promote international cooperation among legislators to strengthen their role in protecting and enhancing domestic, regional and global environments Membership GLOBE is comprised of three membership categories: 1. National Membership comprising National GLOBE Chapters; 2. Individual Membership comprising national legislators (where a national GLOBE organization does not exist); 3. Regional Membership comprising Regional GLOBE Chapters The admission of membership to GLOBE under any of the three membership categories is by application to the President of GLOBE.
This application can be accepted by the President subject to formal ratification by the GLOBE Board. Members (under any of the three categories) are not required to pay any membership fees to GLOBE. National GLOBE Chapters Notational Morsels Is restricted solely to National snappers constitutes In accordance with the provisions set out in Annex 1 . Members of National GLOBE Chapters must be active parliamentarians in office within their respective national legislature.
Individual Membership Individual Membership is restricted solely to active parliamentarians in office within their respective national legislature, and where a National GLOBE Chapter does not exist. Individual Membership is instantly rescinded when a member ceases to be in office within his or her national legislature, for whatever reason. Regional GLOBE Chapters Regional Membership is restricted solely to Regional GLOBE Chapters constituted in accordance with the provisions set out in Annex 2.
Members of Regional GLOBE Chapters may include both National GLOBE Chapters and Individual Members within the region. GLOBE Europe may accept the GLOBE organization in the European Parliament as a member. GLOBE's International Commissions GLOBE International supports two International Commissions on Climate and Energy Security; and Land Use Change and Ecosystems. International Commission on Climate & Energy Security GLOBE's International Commission on Climate ; Energy Security was launched in the US Congress in Washington DC on Monday 30 March 2009.
This Commission comprises senior legislators from each of the major economies. The Commission met for two days under the Chairmanship of US Congressman De Marker and Lord Michael Jay of the I-J House of Lords. The Commission was launched with the support of the Danish Prime Minister, the I-J Prime Minister and the Italian 68 Presidency. The aim of the Commission was to produce a major report to the GLOBE Copenhagen Forum in October, presenting its conclusions to the Danish Prime Minister and the major economies. GLOBE national chapters are now advancing these recommendations.
The commission's report was adopted by the GLOBE Copenhagen Legislators Forum and submitted to the UNFROCK and leaders of the major economies ahead of COOP 5. International Commission on Land Use Change and Ecosystems GLOBE's International Commission on Land Use Change and Ecosystems was initially announced in June 2008 by the British Foreign Secretary, Art. Hon. [David Mainland] PM, and the Chief Scientist to the Japanese Cabinet, Dry Oshkosh Krakow, and armorial supported by the 68+5 Legislators Forum of one hundred senior legislators.
With the support of the Global Environment Facility (KEF) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEVEN), the Commission was launched in November 2008 in the Mexican Congress. The Chairman of the International Commission is Mr. Ian Johnson, former Vice President for Sustainable Development at the World Bank, and the political co-chairs are Barry Gardener PM (I-J) and Senator Ornate Greensand (Brazil). In 2005, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) concluded that human actively Is rapport Ana extensively aggregating ecosystem services In order to meet rowing demands for food, fresh water, timber, fiber and fuel.
Extensive land use change and ecosystem transformation have contributed considerably to economic development. However, these gains have also created barriers to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (Meds) and significantly depleted the Earth's natural capital. The International Commission on Land Use Change & Ecosystems was established in order to initiate a step change in the way that policy makers value the ecosystems that are being degraded at a rapid rate.
The International Commission on Land Use Change & Ecosystems has three ann. work streams; Forest policy, Marine environment policy and Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Policy. Forestry Policy The International Commission met twice during 2009 to develop a policy framework to address tropical deforestation, first in July at UNEVEN Headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, and then in the sidelines of the 620 meeting in Pittsburgh, USA, in September.
The Commission, consisting of 20 legislators from both developed countries and rainforest's nations along with a panel of expert economists and scientists, agreed to a set of "Forestry Policy Proposals" that included recommendations on how to reduced missions from deforestation and forest degradation (REED) as part of the post-2012 climate change agreement and measures to prevent illegal logging and to address the demand-side drivers of deforestation. These policy proposals were endorsed by the GLOBE Copenhagen Forum in October 2009.
Marine Environment Policy The International Commission aims to coordinate simultaneous parliamentary debates on the marine environment in the major economies of the world on World Oceans Day, 8 June 2010. Prior to this event, the International Commission, consisting of 20 legislators from the major fishing nations and an expert panel of marine scientists and economists, will convene in US Congress in April 2010. At this meeting, the International Commission will develop a "Marine Ecosystem Recovery Plan", which will outline the policy framework that is necessary to set the oceans on a path to a sustainable future.
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Policy GLOBE's Programmer on Ecosystems Services and Biodiversity aims to mainstream biodiversity and ecosystem services within the world's parliaments by a creating an international leadership group of parliamentarians from the finance or audit committees of a select group of countries. By developing a common framework for economic and environmental information, GLOBE believes that governments will be able to more accurately gauge the contribution of the environment to the economy and the impact of the economy on the environment.
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