British Airways organizational structure
Figure: British Airways Organizational Structure British Airways has a unique organizational structure led by a general manager, who is answerable to the Board of Directors. Being a global company, the British Airways has several branches across the globe. These branches are led by branch managers, who are in turn answerable to the general manager. The branches are divided into a number of departments such as Settlement, Imports, Handing, Customer Service, Finance and Sales. British Airways General culture British Airways has been on the frontline in the creation of an all-inclusive culture among its employees.
The culture envisioned by the airline is aimed at understanding and respecting individual differences among its employees. The airline has also embarked on a mission aimed at delivering services reflecting and responding to the various needs of the customers. The company has strived to remain competitive by integrating diversity in all aspects of its services. Since the airline operates globally, it has embarked on a venture aimed at attracting and retaining talented employees capable of reflecting on its customer base.
The airline has employed a mixture of people from different backgrounds in order to boost innovation and potential new ideas. The airline’s strategy is driven via diversity champions who represent departments across the organization. Moreover, the airline has a culture where employee groups usually meet regularly with an aim of discussing various issues about ethnicity, sexual orientation, flexible working, disability and religion. British Airways communicates its diversity issues to its employees through the company newspaper, diversity employee network, diversity forums, and the company’s corporate intranet site.
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The airline also owns monthly newsletters titled ‘Religious Festivals and ‘Diverse Times’ that also help in the communication of diversity to the company’s employees. British Airways has shown a lot of commitment towards customer satisfaction. Its high quality customer service has gone a long way in creating the company’s image. Although the customer service department is presenting the entire airline’s branches, its employees are also trained to serve its customers in the best way possible.
British airline’s management has been described as autocratic with very few people dominating the making of decisions that involve billions of pounds. For instance, the airline’s top executive Willie Walsh was once perceived as being at the centre of major decisions by the company. Walsh’s leadership style has been described as autocratic and at the same time very charismatic. British Airways marketing features British Airways marketing is mainly through methods such as covert advertising, television commercials, infomercials, celebrity advertising, commercial advertising and newer media forms of advertising.
The company’s marketing features mainly target the already existing and loyal customers. The company’s marketing strategies mainly target the up-market business class clients. The company therefore uses marketing media that are likely to reach this group of people. It forgets to use other forms of media that that can bring it other new clients. The airline should start targeting a wider audience; it should also target the lower-end market since it may get some new clients from this market end. The company should also put more investment in the latest technology in its marketing ventures.
It should reduce its investment in the older forms of marketing in favour of the newer forms. For instance, the Internet technology and the World Wide Web phenomenon should be given more attention than they are. This is the best way of reaching the new generation of clients, who are in their large numbers and still growing. Conclusion The paper analysed various aspects of two companies- Virgin Atlantic and British Airways. From the PESTEL Analysis and SWOT Analysis of Virgin Atlantic Airways, many strengths and opportunities were discoveries alongside a few weaknesses and threats.
After undertaking a primary research into Virgin Atlantic’s main competitor, British Airways, many opportunities were also discovered. The two companies generally have strong points with only a few areas in need of improvement. Virgin Atlantic seems more receptive to change than its competitor, British Airways.
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