An Argument Against Gun Control Because It Will Not Reduce Violent Crime
The Second Amendment "Our greatest strength lies in the fact that so many of our people not only posses weapons but also understand their use, and above all they are prepared to defend them selves against any sudden attack by an enemy. You will remember that we won are freedom because we were armed. We were not a simple peasantry unused to weapons. The men who wrote our constitution knew our people would be safe as long as they were armed." Louis L'Amour "The Lonesome God". This quote goes to show that people should own guns to defend them selves from people who have not been approved to own weapons. That is why I believe gun control will not reduce violent crime.
In the mid-1980's congress passed a law titled the "Brandy Ban". This ban put a waiting period on all weapons bought in the US. This ban was both a good thing and a bad thing. It was bad due to the fact that people who needed guns." If people really want a gun for family defense, they will get one regardless of any law." (Lee). It was good because it did a background check on any people who want to buy any weapons. Crimeless will get there hands on weapons not matter what laws are put on them. The "Brady Ban" ended in 1998 and congress ounce again put a waiting period on all weapons sells.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shell not be infringed". These are the words of the second amendment. I believe these words should be imposed to the fullest. To many gun owners in the US gun control is unconstitutional. They all believe they should be able to keep any forms of weapons in their homes to defend their families and the country if need be.
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There is a new ban that has been taken up by congress and that is the "Assault Weapon" Ban. I believe this is a waste of taxpayer money. There are 19 firearms and 184 different types of models as well as any new guns that fit the description. The most noticing part of an "assault weapon" is that it has a muzzle brake, and a pistol grip stock, and a high captsaity mag., most often these weapons are uses military weapons. Many of the weapons that fall in to this list are the Ak-47, M-16/AR15, SKS the mini-14 and the M-14. Also the weapons on this list are said to have a bayonet lug or the sport on the gun where a fighting knife may be hooked on to the weapon. Assault weapons are also talked about due to the fact that they are slim to none used in violent crimes. In fact only 10% of all violent crimes have assault weapon.
Gun ownership is an effective means of self-defense because 1 out of every 4 hand gun owners have used there weapons to defend them selves from crimals. When crimals meet guns 1 out of every 100 is wounded and 1 out of every 1000 is killed. I also believe that people should have the right to carry laws so they may carry weapons. For the states with the right to carry laws 1 out of every person with a permit to carry a weapon is a female.
In 1991 the fatal accident rate in children between the ages of 0-14 the list is as follows: Motor vehicle 3,100 (42%), drowings 1,150 (16%) suffocation 330 (5%), fires and burns 1,250 (17%) firearms 230 (3%) all others 1,240 (17%). The NRA has stated many programs to help children with guns. This program is called "Eddie Eagle". This program is introduced to kids in the 6th grand and junior high.
This are why I think gun control laws should be taken away due to the fact that many people own guns and are not willing to give there rights up. Many people believe that the rights they have can not be taken away. Many of them will fight the government to get gun control laws taken away. Some of these people have came up with slogans like "Guns cause crime like spoons made Rose O'donolle fat" and Goon Control not Gun Control" "Gun Control means hitting your target".
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An Argument Against Gun Control Because It Will Not Reduce Violent Crime. (2023, Feb 20). Retrieved from
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