A Problem Faced by Immigrants

Category: Immigration
Last Updated: 16 Feb 2023
Pages: 7 Views: 162

To Whom it May Concern: “ 440,000 immigrants detained by ICE although some holding green cards and employment and raised a family in the USA get put in detention centers or jail and not provided with a lot of health care just basic treatment”( The Hill.) The issue that immigrants face when it comes to health is that they can't afford the bills and they don't have insurance because they can't get health care because they don't have papers and they live in fear that they will be deported without being able to get the papers even if they have lived here for so long or the fact that they can't get citizenship. I can relate because i have seen a lot of my uncles struggle with the fact that they cant get citizenship or papers and when they do it doesn't mean they have amazing health care it's so bad it seems like they don't have it at all but like they say something is better than nothing.

The goal I have for this is that we stop thinking of immigrants as aliens something foreign and nothing like us but a people that can get as sick as us and see it as someone that is just as in need as any other person. They call immigrants illegal aliens and this is offensive to some immigrants but I also know that the law calls them this because they are foreign to the country they are in. Although some people think that undocumented shouldn't get healthcare, It would be better to help them get care because health should be the most important thing to people because they shouldn't be in fear of getting healthcare because of the fear of deportation. For one thing, my sources say that “In addition, the ability to obtain health insurance dropped from 78 percent among all Mexican adults to between 47 percent and 60 percent after crossing the border” and there are “15,00 people of migrant flows” .

This proves how many people come to the United States looking for a better life and don't get health care and “ 68 percent of immigrants and migrants reported having a usual source of care before leaving Mexico, compared with 42 percent of those who returned” ( The Nation’s Health.) this is the percent of Mexicans that had health care in Mexico and now they don’t but in fact there are so many immigrants from so many places like chinese immigrants that have been here since 1850’s people come here for work and opportunities and education but they have been here since so long that they are practically not illegal aliens they are citizens they have so many marks in this country they have so much impact in this society that they should at least get health care they shouldn’t live in fear of being deported because they don't have a citizenship or papers and yes.

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There might be free clinics and all but for free clinics you need to have papers and register and for so many migrants this is scary because if they want a call back they need to put their real name and information which for them they think that if they don't have this and can't do that they will be called to deportation and so have families or they are making money for their families here but what we don't understand is that mexico might be a happy place they have a lot of poverty that US says “lessening the economic need that pushes the poor north.” (New York Times company) this is what the US is doing for mexico is pushing all the poor to mexico not giving anything about what is happening and why the immigrants are trying to come to the US to have a better life.After all we have said about immigrants or hated on immigrants, don’t we owe it to them to help them with something simple as health they have helped us.

They have lived here for a long time haven’t they for years they have families and yet they haven't assured their healthcare for their children that have been born here. Don’t we owe them at least that their children that are citizens help with their healthcare we assure them if they do this for use like risk being deported just to have a fake pretence to get healthcare but still we say that they steal are jobs but in reality, they can’t get good jobs because their not citizens or documented yet we blame them because they take are jobs or if they get an education earn a better scholarship but in reality, they don't have the best jobs and sometimes can’t even go to college but we blame them if we could do one thing to help them and take everything back is to give the health care wouldn’t it be that one thing? Yes you do blame us because some of us have false pretenses or come here to do something bad but that is rare not like the news puts us hipics or immigrants as like gangsters or abusers or drug dealers maybe we do owe you to but another thing is that we name americans yes we are sometimes those things but that's not our reality some of us are just normal and not these horrible things and that's what you guys blame us for and you take away are health because of the image that society puts of us.

In fact, growing up hipic was amazing seeing my culture and learning pish and just having my experiences in the hipic world but not all in the hipic culture was perfect because there was so many factors that lead up to the point that we don’t have hope when we were growing up in the culture because there were some things that made us unhappy like hospital was the last option because we didn't have enough money to pay the expensive bills that came with a visit to the hospital and I know from other stories and experiences that it’s not only my family suffering with poor health care for weak reasons. Many families have suffered with this problem of not having healthcare more specifically “ For the children in those communities, and for the sake of the health and safety of all of us, health-care providers, officeholders and law enforcement must join to draw a clear line” (The Washington Post) we have been fighting this for so long because of so many families and children that need healthcare because their parents don’t have the best jobs and they need a little help.Although, some might think that why should we help them if they only break the system?

In so many ways we break it yes but we make it so much stronger even though society might think that we come here to do bad things and destroy but in reality we dont we are looking for better opportunities then we have in our countries which says a lot because with this we need to face the fact that we are here undocumented and that we don't have healthcare like in our country and that we can never really get as much money then other people because we don’t have papers but we come because we think we have a chance to get better and have a life that can make something of ourselves because some might take the risk of illegal education of course it won’t be easy to do this but in all v\belif some might say that we come here to ruin but in reality we come here to better ourselves “42 percent”

They made it here and are trying to survive with the money they have and trying to get through with their health problems because sometimes they also come for health problems.Another, thing that they say that what the president says should be followed the president that we have now president Trump has gave so many hate speeches about mexicans and how they are and what it is in reality they do but what we don’t realize this is a hate speech is why he hates immigrants so much, especially the Hipic culture like when he calls us “ undocumented immigrant animals” yes some of us do support what he is putting out but hate never solved anything right that's what we all say then why can't it be that we all get together and help those who are in need.

That need extra support in being able to be healthy because they want to live and be able to live their life in full health they just need a little support with this. Furthermore, The solution to the problem to would be to set up some clinics that would not need past information and need papers and or citizenship which help the people that have not been here for the longest time. Something that could help if is that that the immigrants that have been here for over 10 years or more because I have seen that the people that have been here more years they are more scared to get health care and it is more crucial because they are older people that will need more help and care to people.

The Idea would be that immigrants should get decent health care not lose it because that is something that happens to many people that the get healthcare that helps them with their bills for health. Immigrants just want the law to be aware of all the problems there are in the support for healthcare and the problems of how they dont support them as much as it seems like it does.   Thank you for reading my letter about how immigrants should have healthcare Although some people think that undocumented shouldn't get healthcare, It would be better to help them get care because health should be the most important thing to people because they shouldn't be in fear of getting healthcare because the fear of deportation. I have high hopes that you will consider helping immigrants not fear to get care because they would get deported and I hope that I will see a reply back to my letter thank you.

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A Problem Faced by Immigrants. (2023, Feb 16). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/a-problem-faced-by-immigrants/

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