External Influence on Ayam Brand

Last Updated: 18 Jun 2020
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Reference groups have a high influence to the primary target audience, which are the housewives. The closest groups of people to housewives are the husbands and the children. Since housewives are the mothers for the children, they need to decide on which product of food or fruit to buy for their children for consumption. According to Gourmet Retailer (2008), mothers are concerned with feeding their little one the most nutritious diet possible. Thus, they sake the decision to purchase "Maya Brand" canned fruits because it contains no preservatives and MS (Maya brand, 2009). Maya Brand" also provides a large variety of fruits, which are mainly pineapple fruits, mixture of fruit cocktails like peach, pears, grapes, cherries and fruits snacks as well. Children are usually very fond of all these, because what children want Is different products throughout the time of consumption, and not the same or similar product over and over again. Social class is the hierarchical categorization of people into distinct status classes, so hat members of each class share similar values, Interest and behavior (Chaffinch, et al. , 2008). Social class Is divided into upper class, middle class and lower class.

It Is determined by a complex set of variables: household Income level, occupational prestige and educational achievement. Income directly affects ones attitude towards a particular purchase. For upper class people, they usually work in a big company, meaning they will have a busy working hours for almost everyday. Due to their occupation, they will not have time to shop for fresh fruits in the market. With once of health at the same time, they will purchase 'Maya Brand' canned fruits as It's a very popular brand, with no preservatives and MS, and Is available In almost all convenient store or embitterment, Tort example, "Gallant Hypermarket".

Meanwhile, for the lower class people, they usually have a lower household income level. As 'Maya Brand' canned fruits are cheap in price and it is value for money, they will choose to purchase it to satisfy basic needs. For instance, Gap, Ralph Lauren and United Colors of Benton understand how parents reflect the brand choices in the children's market (Koala, 2007). Parents especially are influential in apparel purchases because children are unable to pay for their own expenses of a purchase due to high cost. In addition, social group and peer influences are considered as the significant reference groups.

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Research shows as the age of a child increases, peers become more influential on apparel decision- making and not their parents anymore (Bridges & Burgess, 2010). Teens nowadays, make the purchase decision on their outfit, based on the interaction within the peer group. They enjoy making decision on themselves, while taking consideration into there friends' opinion (Grant and Stephan, 2006). 2. 2. 2 Social class that members of each class share similar values, interest and behavior (Coffman, et al. , 2008). Social class is determined by a complex set of variables: household income level, occupational prestige and educational achievement.

Income directly affects of ones attitude towards a particular purchase. Thus, the motivation of people in upper class is stronger in owning the latest fashion trends compared to the motivation of people in middle and lower social class (Peter & Olson, 1999), Upper lass people are concern on the body image and self-image whereas middle or lower class people tend to evaluate products in terms of functionality rather than the style of the garments. Higher social class associates clothing as wealth and luxury thus, they tend to dress in expensive and high in quality of apparels (See & Lee, 2008).

Such high fashion retail store includes, Gucci and Airman Exchange. In the contrary, people in the lower class will consider whether the clothing is comfortable, reasonable in price whereas fashion trend is the least important aspect (Kennel, 1976). It) Message framing ii) advertising appeal Advertising can help companies develop consumers' awareness to an unmet need or introduce a product that consumers may see as valuable. This influence is often present when new products enter the market. Customer awareness is often low for these items until companies promote them and attempt to drive customer demand through advertising.

Companies may also need to use advertising to stave off the popularity of a competitor's products in the economic market. This will result in advertisements that will influence consumers to change their buying behavior and witch products for specific reasons, such as cost or quality. (Vitae, 2010) "Maya Brand" advertise its' company on Faceable to enhance its' fame to the public as well as the people around the world. As Faceable is a social networking service. It allows "Maya Brand" to market Its prattle Ana products to lots AT networks . En AT ten advertising appealed used by "Maya Brand" is by organizing a 'Community Care Campaign 201 1', which one free canned food is given with Just one "like" button (Diagram 5. 1). Their mission is to provide donation of canned food to 40 charity home in 2 months. They have successfully supplied 3663 cans for the moment. In this case, its generosity will result in its brand name sinking in consumers' mind. As housewives are mothers of the children, they tend to be attracted to this brand as the campaign is helping the children who need strong support in terms of food.

They understand how children will be without care. Besides, if "Maya Brand" can sponsor its products to so many charity homes, meaning its products have trusted quality. This is because if it does not have the required quality, it might spoil its own image by doing so. Thus, housewives or mothers will feel that "Maya Brand" is more trusted in terms of its quality. Www. Oho. Com For example, advertising on faceable. Read more: The Influence of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behavior I oho. Com http://www. Oho. Com/facts_6948058_influence-advertising-consumer-buying- behavior. HTML#sizzle Alfonzo behavior. HTML#sizzle Ladings 'v) Humor in advertising. Www. allaboutmedicalsales. Com Some Definition of Humor in Advertising: 'Humor' in the dictionary means a quality - being amusing or comic but in advertising it is serious business. In advertising, humor is more than Just making a munch of people laugh. Some of the best brands in India have leveraged humor to such an extent that the viewers look forward for newness in humor each time they see a new commercial from that brand. To illustrate, Officio has been one of those brands which have used humor so intelligently and subtly that it remains in people's minds.

Here again one needs to closely view the product and the category before applying humor to sell your product. According to David Googol 30 per cent of advertising is based on humor. Humor sells if used creatively with a strong idea and great execution. Claude Hopkins, the father of modern advertising had a different view on this. He was of the opinion that people don't buy from clowns. But in India over the last two decades humor has been drawing lot of attention for communicating a product. Also the conventional wisdom of thinking among our people is that when you buy products it should deliver some value and benefits.

These could be nutritious for a health beverage, labor saving for a washing machine or a dishwasher. Humor in the dictionary means a quality of being amusing or comic but in advertising it is serious business. In advertising, humor is more than lust making a Duncan AT people laugh. Humor tenant a strong idea and great execution. (.NET. COM) Using Humor In Advertising Advertising Is Not A Funny Business s uses creatively Walt First, a warning. Professional Advertising does not recommend that you use humor in your advertising. A lot of people simply don't have a sense of humor.

You lose them immediately, and the potential size of your market shrinks. And humor is in the eye of the beholder. It is commonly misinterpreted. Many people will not get the Joke. Your market size Just shrunk again. And humor often insults someone. They may simply get angry because they don't get the Joke. This is fire we are playing with. Your market Just shrunk again. Is it worth the risk? Laugh Out Loud - Advertising Humor Yes, humor in advertising is risky. It can also be devastatingly effective. When done right, humor works - really, really well. Advertising is about getting attention.

The best ways to get attention with advertising are with strong visuals, sex, powerful headlines, and humor. Let's look at how to use [or not use] humor in advertising. Advertising humor is wonderful for getting attention. As you look at some of our ample ads, we hope you get a good idea of what we mean. Advertising humor can be extraordinarily effective when it is used correctly. People will actually look for your ads, and talk about them if they are good. But there are rules about using humor in advertising to represent your company, and following them is probably a good idea. First, people like funny things.

They relax and pay attention when they know you have a sense of humor. It puts them in a good mood, and it creates a more comfortable atmosphere and a more positive image for your company. It makes you easy to approach, and easy to remember. Advertising humor works best with established and commonly purchased products. Humor in advertising works for business services, familiar items, and products we all know. But corporate image and industrial advertising are serious business. Unknown, KY, expensive, or sensitive products are not normally salute to ten lighter toucan AT advertising humor.

Advertising humor also needs to be well suited to its audience. If your customers don't get the Joke, then the Joke will be on you. A sophisticated audience will understand your irony, satire, and puns, but a young audience may only understand lipstick comedy or a silly cartoon caricature. Inside Jokes can be effective if the recipient understands that it was done for them, but nobody else will get it. And advertising humor can backfire. If you make a Joke at the expense of any one group, you will surely alienate them.

Everyone loved the "Where's the Beef" commercials done by Wendy - everyone, that is, except the senior citizens who did not like being portrayed as grumpy old people. Advertising humor also needs to be product specific. We have all seen funny ads we liked so much that we forgot what was being sold. Advertising humor must relate erectly to your business or products if you want to be remembered. And advertising humor has a relatively short life. The first time we see it we may laugh out loud. But after a while, although we still may smile at the Joke, it's not so funny any more. Funny ads need to be replaced periodically.

Will advertising humor work in your ads? Absolutely - if you can make it appropriate to your products and customers, if they understand it, if it is related to your business or message, and if you change your ads frequently enough so that they don't wear out. K, here's the punch line. Advertising humor definitely gets attention. And if your ads don't get attention first, they will be anything but funny. But when done right, advertising humor can send your ads light years ahead of the competition, and that's what Professional Advertising is all about. Www. myprofessionaladvertising . Mom Power of humor in advertising V Sympathy, GM 20:20 Media The role of humor dates back to many years when all of us used to view films like the Charlie Chaplin, Laurel and Hardy. These actors and characters really made all of us laugh when we sat and watched their movies. Even all our Hindi and regional ivies in India always had a comedian to play a very important role and provide the movie a touch of humor to give the audience some fun and Joy. Every Hindi movie had an actor like Method, Seepage, Devon Versa or an Saran who played a very important role in making the movie entertaining and thrilling.

The same strategy is used by many advertisers in India into their advertising to get noticed and stand out in the clutter with memorable humor which remains sticky in ten blower's Milan. In Tact news papers Like ten Limes AT IANAL nave made every reader smile early morning with R. K. Legman's cartoon. Even individual personality or celebrities try and use humor to position themselves differently in the people's minds. One such example that is top of mind is our Railway Minister Aloe Parkas Hydra. His witty and funny speeches and replies have positioned him differently amongst other politicians.

So humor as a tool has been a strong weapon for many brands to draw the customers' attention. Different view on this. He was of the opinion that people don't buy from clowns. But or a dishwasher. Role of Humor: With more and more channels mushrooming, clutter has become a significant problem for most brands. Hence to beat the clutter and break the ice, humor has been used by many brands to answer the problem. Over a period of time humor has been proved to be one of the best techniques to keep the customer laughing and grab his attention with some sticky and creative idea.

The proof of the pudding for any humor based on advertising remains in forcing the audience watch, laugh and most importantly is able to recall the brand easily. Brands must ensure that if they are using humor to sell a product then the connect and the equity of the brand should not be diluted. According to some research humorous ads are recalled fast ND easily and it also elevates the consumer's happiness and mood. Finally humor captures the viewer's attention, cuts through the ad clutter and enhances recall. If not crafted properly humor can also backfire at times.

Product and Brand connect: It sometimes so happens that a Joke in an advertisement is so powerful that the consumer tends to forget the brand. Hence it is important that there should be a strong connect between the product and the humor that you are trying to convey. The Pizza world ad showing a hosepipe being used to cool off someone who Just had a spicy plaza Is a good Ana relevant example wanly connects Walt ten Drain Ana really communicates that when you ask for a spicy pizza we deliver it with full pride. Understanding the nuances of the brand and the audience is very important.

Overindulgence of humor can put down the audience and the brand if not executed in the right taste. The Maul undergarments ads which tried to use humor and sex to sell their brand never went off well with many consumers. The brand did get some publicity due to controversy but did not win the hearts of the target audience. Hence it is important to base your Joke on the core values of the product and the service proposition the brand is offering. No product connect means no effectiveness. All these results in huge wastage of the marketing budget.

Types of Humor in advertising: Using a comedian: Here instead of building humor in the advertising one can use a comedian actor to promote the brand. One's choice of comedian has to match the values of the brand. One of the most memorable advertisements that have used a comedian well has been Charlie Chaplin for Cherry Blossom shoe polish. The most recent one in this space using an Indian comedian which has been noticeable and successful is Domino's Pizza which has plugged in Parses Rival very cleverly. Capitalizing on the current topics : Use the current hot topic in all walks of life which is funny, sticky, memorable and controversial.

Maul Butter has been doing these for several years. The advertising deployed has been very humorous and are always based on the current topics with a tongue-in-cheek approach. People never get fatigued watching the Maul ads. People eagerly wait for what Maul Butter outdoor campaigns by constantly looking at the prime hoarding points where Maul butter is visible. Strong idea based humor: Here the strong creative idea is carefully blended with subtle humor. The case in example is Officio. The powerful idea with humor helps in beating the clutter.

Centre Shock electric gum is another good example where a strong advertising idea (Idea sprung up from the product) with the help of humor helped in translating into a great piece of campaign. Saint Goblin glass is another wonderful example of how humor has been used subtly. The restaurant advertisement (where the water is thrown) created by the company is so refreshing that one never gets bored of viewing it. Using the right type humor in advertising will be determined by clearly defining your objectives and positioning of your product.

This, supported with a strong idea ill further help you to create good advertising which can be sticky and memorable for a long time. Humor will help if it is relevant: Mostly humor is used in products which is low in investment and which has high impulse purchase. (Candy, beer and mosquito repellents). One cannot totally generalize this, as consumer durable products have also used humor effectively. Humor may not work in category like condoms, sanitary napkins as tense products need to explain ten Detentes AT ten product more clearly. Similarly cars and diamonds may also not use humor as the decision process to purchase is long.

Finally we need to remember that humorous campaigns are difficult to design and create. Over exaggeration of humor may have negative effect on the brand. People may remember the Joke but not the message and the brand. It can upset individuals if not done tastefully. Products can also flop and brand equity may erode. While humor is a strong and interesting route to create a great advertising campaign, one must also keep in mind that the imagery, core values of the brand and the positioning does not deviate. If your positioning is perfect then humor with a great idea can do wonders for the brand. Www. .NET. Com

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External Influence on Ayam Brand. (2017, Oct 25). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/external-influence-on-ayam-brand/

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