Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned

Last Updated: 21 Mar 2023
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According to certain people, violent video games should be banned; they feel that violent video games are the source of today’s violence amongst children. I strongly disagree with them. Video games, like movies, music and any other form of art, are there to entertain people and to enjoy, not restrict. What most people fail to realize is that the video game industry, like the film industry, is heavily regulated with a strict code of parental guidelines already in place. Even the game consoles to play these violent games have parental controls.

What I fail to understand is that some parents believe its okay to give their children 18+ rated games even though they are well under that age, and say that these games are the sources of violence between children. If parents would not let a 10-year-old watch 18+ rated horrors movies, then why would parents let a 10-year-old play Gears of War, or Grand Theft Auto with its gang, crime and sexual content? Today, the debate to ban violent video games is drastically increasing in popularity.

Video games that have violence in them such as Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto, or Gears of War, might be banned for showing mature content. Video games sold in the United States reach retail sales of twenty one billion dollars a year. If they are banned, the economy can lose a tremendous amount of profit, and not to mention almost every mature adult around the world would be extremely furious. When people say that video games are very influential on the youth of today, they are probably right.

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However, the youth of today probably shouldn't be playing violent video games to start with, just as they shouldn't be watching violent movies. Violent video games have an age rating on them for a reason. If parents want buy their under aged children violent video games, then they should not complain that the video games are causing their children to become violent. Before complaining, they should actually pay attention to the age ratings posted on the games themselves and not ignore it, and then to make things worse; try to ban the games that other people might enjoy playing.

Today’s game consoles (Sony's Play station 3and Microsoft's Xbox 360) are both aimed at mature adults, with the consoles having parental controls, and age warnings on the game boxes. Personally, I couldn't think of anything worse if violent video games get banned. The last thing that I want to do is go into any store and only be able to buy games that are aimed at 3-year-olds, such as Kung fu Panda or Dora the Explorer.

In conclusion, I can say that violent video games have become one of the most favorable forms of entertainment to any teenager or adult around the world in the 21st century. And if they were to get banned, many people would get extremely furious. Violent video games are aimed strictly at mature teenagers and adults (as indicated on the game box itself), not children. Parents that complain that some video games are too violent and should be banned should stop and think; because after all, they are the ones who bought their kids the violent video games.

Do Voilent Video Games Cause Violence in Children?

Carolina Hernandez Do Violent Video Games Cause Violence In Children? 1. Introduction A. Attention Catcher: Imagine you’re in your room, all the lights are off, and you TV is on, you sit there holding a game controller, the words GAME OVER are flashing on the screen. The game was hard, you killed as many zombies as you could, and this is what you get?! A game over screen?! You play the level again. Mid-way through the level, someone opens the door to your room.

The light stings your eyes, momentarily forgetting about the game, your character dies because a zombie ate his brains. You get so angry; you punch the person who made you lose the game! B. Listener Relevance Link: Most of you in this room play video games, right? Do you ever feel…angry after playing a violent video game? If you’re one of the people who don’t, it’s mostly because of your personality. If you’re an angrier person by nature, these video games should affect you more if you are. C. Speaker Credibility Statement:

Let me start this off by saying I love video games. I have a video game in my backpack right now. Most of the video games I play are adventure games that involve fighting. Usually I’m not affected by them, unless I get competitive about it. My brother and I used to fight after playing a game if one of us lost, and sometimes it would result in fist fighting. My brother and I don’t play video games together that much anymore. Still, after playing a particularly violent game, I will not be angry, but my brother will.

This is because we’re different types of people with different personalities, which results in different reactions. Video games never made me want to kill someone. D. Thesis Statement: All this results in one questions, do violent video games affect the player’s violent tendencies? E. Preview: In this speech, I’ll talk about the research done on this topic, and it’s results on how it affects children and teen’s violent tendencies. 2. Body A. First Main Point These days, video games about violence are the most popular types of games.

The rating system the games are put through should be the answer, but when states have tried to keep underage children from playing “M” games, they are often challenged in court in favor of the said child who wants to play the game. Though video games DO cause violence, they are over-dramatized to how MUCH violence they cause. In one of my sources, the mild-manner personality types were least affected, while angry people by nature where affected more. 1. Sub Point Professor Patrick Markey Says “Their personality made a big difference.

People who are extremely angry tend to be much more affected by violent videogames than people who are not angry and of course the opposite is true that people who are not angry are virtually unaffected by violent videogames. So it’s both the person and, in essence, the situation. " B. Second Main Point In 2003, teenager Devin Moore shot and killed 3 people in a police station in Alabama. After being found and caught by the police, Moore told them in a police interview “Life is like a video game. Everybody’s got to die sometime. This resulted in a lawsuit against the advertisers of Grand Theft Auto, the game that two of the families of the victims claimed compelled him to do what he did. (The game is like a simulated cop-killer. ) 1. Sub Point What I just told you was an extreme case of violent video games gone wrong. Most of the people who do play Grand Theft Auto play it for fun. Nicholas Hammer, a law student at the time who was demonstrating the video game for the source, says he, like every other person who plays violent video games, plays them for fun.

But did you ever think that the reason a person did this was not just the video game, but the person itself and their environment? 2. Sub Point Moore was compelled to do what he did is based on his environment. Moore came from a troubled home and bounced from foster family to foster family. When you are a teenager, the part of your brain that manages things like impulse control and urges, is under development during teen years, not fully developed until our early twenties.

David Walsh, a Children’s psychologist says "… when a young man with a developing brain, already angry, spends hours and hours and hours rehearsing violent acts, and then, and he's put in this situation of emotional stress, there's a likelihood that he will literally go to that familiar pattern that's been wired repeatedly, perhaps thousands and thousands of times," So it was not really the video game in this scenario, but the type of person and their respective environments.

C. Third Main Point Many states have tried to ban sales of rated “M” video games to those under 17; Minnesota even tried to make a law that would fine children caught with “M” video games that was unsuccessful. I believe that there should be certain laws made against minors buying “M” video games. 1. Sub Point I believe that there should be a law that prohibits minors from buying rated “M” games unless there is a parent or guardian there with them.

This would make it harder for children to buy video games that are “M” because their parents would most likely not approve of them. 2. Sub Point Demos of the video game should be offered to parents for the parent to play before buying it for their child. If a parent is offered a demo, they are more likely to play it to see if they want their child to be playing this before they give them the actual game. 3. Sub Point

Video game stores should have a mandatory ID or Driver’s License check when a minor is buying a rated “M” video game. 3. Conclusion A. Thesis Restatement Video games don’t really have a large part in violent tendencies, but it still depends on the type of person or their environment. But there should still be laws not allowing minors to buy rated “M” games. B. Main Point Summary These main points are all about how video games, and how to stop minors from buying rated “M” games. C. Clincher

Whether or not, in the end, video games have a large affect on a certain type of person’s mindset, something should be done to stop minors from playing games that are inappropriate for their age. 4. References Campell, Colin. "Games Do Cause Violent Behavior (But Not Much). " business week. 25/4/07. Web. 22 Nov 2009. <http://www. businessweek. com/innovate /content/apr2007/id20070425_615390. htm>. "Can A Video Game Lead To Murder?. " 60 Minutes, Web. 22 Nov 2009. <http://www. cbsnews. com/stories/2005/03/04/60minutes/main678261. shtml>.

Positive and Negative Effects of Gaming

Video games are frowned upon by parents as time-wasters, and worse, some education experts think that these games corrupt the brain. Violent video games are easily blamed by the media and some experts as the reason why some young people become violent or commit extreme anti-social behavior. But many scientists and psychologists find that video games can actually have many benefits – the main one is making kids smart. Video games may actually teach kids high-level thinking skills that they will need in the future.

Positive Effects of Video Games

When you play video games, it gives the brain a real workout. In many video games, the skills required to win involve abstract and high level thinking. These skills are not even taught at school. Some of the mental skills enhanced by video games include: o Following instructions

  • Problem solving and logic
  • Hand-eye coordination, fine motor, and spatial skills.
  • Planning, resource management, and logistics.
  • Multitasking
  • Quick thinking, making fast analysis and decisions.
  • Accuracy
  • Pattern recognition
  • Estimating skills
  • Memory
  • Concentration
  • Improved ability to rapidly and accurately recognize visual information
  • Teamwork and cooperation when played with others
  • Management
  • Video games increase your self-confidence and self-esteem as you master the games.

In many games, the levels of difficulty are adjustable.

As a beginner, you begin at the easy level and by constant practicing and slowly building skills, you become confident in handling more difficult challenges. Since the cost of failure is lower, you don’t fear making mistakes. You take more risks and explore more. You can transfer this attitude to the real life.

Negative Effects of Video Games

Most of the bad effects of video games are blamed on the violence they contain. Children who play more violent video games are more likely to have increased aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and decreased prosocial helping, according to a scientific study (Anderson & Bushman, 2001). The effect of video game violence in kids is worsened by the games’ interactive nature. In many games, kids are rewarded for being more violent. The act of violence is done repeatedly. The child is in control of the violence and experiences the violence in his own eyes (killings, kicking, stabbing and shooting).

This active participation, repetition, and reward are effective tools for learning behavior. Indeed, many studies seem to indicate that violent video games may be related to aggressive behavior (such as Anderson & Dill, 2000; Gentile, Lynch & Walsh, 2004). However, the evidence is not consistent and this issue is far from settled. Many experts including Henry Jenkins of Massachusetts Institute of Technology have noted that there is a decreased rate of juvenile crime which coincides with the popularity of games such as Death Race, Mortal Kombat, Doom and Grand Theft auto.

He concludes that teenage players are able to leave the emotional effects of the game behind when the game is over. Indeed there are cases of teenagers who commit violent crimes who also spend great amount of time playing video games such as those involved in the Columbine and Newport cases. It appears that there will always be violent people, and it just so happen that many of them also enjoy playing violent video games.

  • Too much video game playing makes your kid socially isolated. Also, he may spend less time in other activities such as doing homework, reading, sports, and interacting with the family and friends.
  • Some video games teach kids the wrong values. Violent behavior, vengeance and aggression are rewarded. Negotiating and other nonviolent solutions are often not options. Women are often portrayed as weaker characters that are helpless or sexually provocative.
  • Games can confuse reality and fantasy.
  • Academic achievement may be negatively related to over-all time spent playing video games. Studies have shown that the more time a kid spends playing video games, the poorer is his performance in school. (Anderson & Dill, 2000; Gentile, Lynch & Walsh, 2004). A study by Argosy University's Minnesota School on Professional Psychology found that video game addicts argue a lot with their teachers, fight a lot with their friends, and score lower grades than others who play video games less often. Other studies show that many game players routinely skip their homework to play games, and many students admitted that their video game habits are often responsible for poor school grades.
  • Although some studies suggest that playing video games enhances a child’s concentration, other studies, such as a 2012 paper published in Psychology of Popular Media Culture, have found that games can hurt and help children's attention issues — improving the ability to concentrate in short bursts but damaging long-term concentration.
  • Video games may also have bad effects on some children’s health, including obesity, video-induced seizures. and postural, muscular and skeletal disorders, such as tendonitis, nerve compression, carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • When playing online, your kid can pick up bad language and behavior from other people, and may make your kid vulnerable to online dangers.
  • A study by the Minneapolis-based National Institute for Media and the Family suggests that video games can be addictive for kids, and that the kids' addiction to video games increases their depression and anxiety levels. Addicted kids also exhibit social phobias. Not surprisingly, kids addicted to video games see their school performance suffer.
  • Kids spending too much time playing video games may exhibit impulsive behavior and have attention problems. This is according to a new study published in the February 2012 issue of the Journal of Psychology and Popular Media Culture. For the study, attention problems were defined as difficulty engaging in or sustaining behavior to reach a goal.

Video Games Impact and Young People

With constant advances in technology, children are finding new ways of spending their afternoons. Instead of playing catch outside or riding their bikes to a neighbor's house, many children have resorted to sitting in front of a television and playing their favorite video game.

Some people believe that video games do not have a serious effect on young children. However, research has repeatedly proven that violence in video games is having a negative effect on kids and the way they behave. Some of the games can increase a person's aggressive thoughts and make them behave very violently.

Video games provoke violent thoughts and actions as the games are becoming too graphic for the kids and they're giving them knowledge about the utilization of guns and fighting skills. The video games are making kids act out violent crimes and making them very aggressive because sometimes they think it's acceptable to do what the characters do. Violent video games also have an immediate effect on a child's mood, mind, and their brain development.

Many kids enjoyed playing violent games because they were very entertaining to play and there was a lot of action and excitement in them. Also it was a rush for the kids to shoot people and blow things up. In a study that was done, which researched video game playing among 357 seventh and eighth grade students? The kids were asked to pick their favorite type of video game among five categories.

The category that was most preferred was games that involved violence. Nearly 32% of the kids said they liked violent video games over any other type of game. Less than 2% of the children enjoyed playing educational games. (Funk, 86-90) The reason the students gave for liking violent video games more was that there is so much action in them and you can never get bored.

Although video games are designed to be entertaining, challenging, and sometimes educational, most include violent content and many have very explicit graphics. The problem is that even though they are games, the ones involving shooting can teach some real skills about using weapons. A person who becomes good at handling a pistol or shotgun to kill fake enemies on a television screen can very easily turn those skills onto real people.

And, in the process of playing the game, one becomes desensitized to the horror of real killing. Thus, if the killing ever does become real, it is carried out with a complete lack of empathy for the victims. There was an analysis done which showed that 89% of games showed some sort of violence (Children Now, 5-6), and that almost half of the video games that are out in the stores showed some extreme violence to other characters in the game. (Dietz, 425-42)

Therefore, most of the games being bought by children contain some sort of violence in them. So violent video games are now becoming more popular and research has shown that these games are having negative effects on children. Kids sometimes don't realize that these games are only for fun and they shouldn't imitate what the game does. Thus, games sometimes can confuse reality with fantasy.

For example, in games like Goldeneye 007 bad guys no longer disappear when they are killed. Instead they get killed in a very violent way with blood going all over the place. For example, those shot in the neck fall to the ground and blood squirts out their necks that cause them to grab their throats. Games like Unreal Tournament and Half-Life are very explicit and are very gorier.

When characters get shot blood goes all over the place and when they fall there is blood surrounding the dead body. Also sometimes explosives are used and when they throw it at characters they blow up into small pieces. (APA, 78/4) Even though these games are so graphic, violent video games are the most popular games to be sold today.

When these games came out kids were very addicted to them and some people believe that because the games are so graphic and violent the gamers are showing more aggressive tendencies after playing these violent games.

There are many kids in which are becoming very violent and aggressive over the video games. In a study by Karen E. Dill violent video games increase aggression more then violent movies or television shows due to their interactive and engrossing nature. The two studies showed if a child is already aggressive they are now even vulnerable to violent video games and even if they get a brief exposure to the games it can increase their aggressive behavior. (Dill)

There has been some research that has been done which demonstrates individual differences in response to the effects of violent video games. For example, a couple of studies showed that trait hostility might moderate the effects of playing video games.

Lynch has found that the physiological effects of playing violent video games may be even greater for children who already show more aggressive tendencies. Adolescents who scored in the top quintile for trait hostility showed greater increases in mean arterial pressure, epinephrine, and nor-epinephrine levels in the blood than those in lower quintiles. (Lynch, 152)

Therefore video games cause aggression and violence in children because they are interactive, realistically portray violence, and dangerously appeal to children. Violent video games also have an immediate effect on a child's mood, mind, and there brain development. Because they have encountered so much warfare, and gun-use in video games, children act as if they have to always be on-guard. Through many studies, scientists have observed that children develop a defiant attitude. They come to believe that every one is against them and consequently take advantage of every opportunity to create conflict.

Obviously, violence is not an acceptable way of solving conflicts, especially for young children. The violence can also affect children's minds when they sleep. The article, "Media Violence" states that video games have significant effects on children such as nightmares when sleeping and fear of being harmed (Gentile, 19-37).

The violence comes back in their dreams and severely scares them. For example, a seven-year-old boy, John Paul, played a violent video game every day after school for a month last year with his older brother. Every night, around 10:30pm, he would run into his parents' bedroom crying because he had seen the images from the game trying to attack him in his dream.

These effects on a child's mind are powerful. With video games, children are repeatedly exposed to excessive violence and subconsciously fear the consequences of the enemies in their games. For young children, this fear of harm is real. In their still undeveloped minds, virtual violence is no different that actual violence. Video game violence is the most dangerous and influential in children under eight years old because their memories recall the violence as actually occurring. The first eight years of a child's life are the most important years of brain development (Gentile, 19-37).

Studies have shown that during this time, their minds cannot distinguish reality from fantasy when the events become memories (Gentile, 19-37). Therefore, when a child plays violent video games, those memories are stored in his mind as a vivid reality.

"Because children younger than the age of 8 cannot discriminate between fantasy and reality, they are uniquely vulnerable to learning and adopting as reality the circumstances, attitudes, and behaviors portrayed [by video games]," (Anderson, 772-90). The violence affects children heavily, causing nightmares, anti-social attitudes, and an exaggerated fear of harm (Gentile, 19-37).

Many games are limiting the amount of violence they put in their game and also many games are being banned from the shelves because they are too violent.

Also parents are setting guidelines for the types of video games their children play and being aware of the content in their children's video games. Because the younger the child, the more impressionable he or she is, and less experienced in evaluating content." Even though a child may be chronologically a certain age, their social and emotional level of maturity may be different. Parents need to decide what is in the best interest of their children."(Anderson, 772-90) Thus there have been many strides made, to try to restrict some of the violence in these video games and limit what is children play.

As children grow up in their household, they are sometimes rewarded for kind and caring behavior. Many parents expect their children to treat one another with respect and love. By constant exposure to gruesome violence, the nature of video games makes this peaceful environment impossible to achieve.

Video games cause aggression and anti-social attitudes in children because they are interactive, realistically portray violence, and dangerously appeal to children. They are having such a negative effect on kids and are becoming a major problem in America. Society must become aware of these effects caused by video games so that we can promote a peaceful and loving generation of children that respect everyone and everything.

Works Cited:

Anderson, C.A., and K.E. Dill. Video Games and Aggressive Thoughts, Feelings, and Behavior in the Laboratory and Life. "Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 78 (2000): 772-790.

Children Now. Fair Play? Violence, Gender and Race in Video Games. Los Angeles, CA: Children Now, 2001. 5-6

Dietz, T.L. (1998). "An Examination of Violence and Gender Role Portrayals in Video Games: Implications For Gender Socialization and Aggressive Behavior. Sex Roles 38 (1998): 425-442.

Funk, J.B. "Reevaluating the Impact of Video Games." Clinical Pediatrics 32, 2 Feb. 1993: 86-90.

Violent Video Games Should be Prohibited

The following statement, that violent video games should be prohibited, is one of the most controversial subject nowadays. Throughout the history, mankind has always been searching for different ways of entertaining. Since the development of computer technology and the internet, society has been face-to-face with many incisive problems, such as violent games, which alienated humanity from reality.

Besides the fact that, the word 'violent' indicates something harmful and disastrous people still follow them and the number of people playing violent games' is gradually increasing. This essay will provide arguments for and against the "violent games should be prohibited", in order to help the reader identify his/her opinion on the topic.

First and foremost, violent video games interrupt human personality. Those kinds of games have an ability to successfully transform psychologically well-developed people to psychically damaged ones, in other words, human nature is the victim of violent games. Those sorts of games emerges aggressiveness, increased heart rate, hostility and negative dependence on the environment where people are living. ''People who have higher levels of trait anxiety, aggressive behavior and neuroticism, are at a higher risk for video game addiction"(Mehroof, 2010).

  1. Those people who are permanently playing violent games have aggressive responses and are troublesome. ''Researchers suggest that playing violent video games increase aggressive behavior, which leads to aggressive responses in children" (The parliamentary office of science and technology, 2012).
  2. Furthermore, children who are addicted to video games, have a lack of sleep which gradually leads to impulsive behavior, depression, paranoia, suicidal thoughts and so on. A 2012 study held by Flinders University found that participants who played video games for 150 minutes or more at night experienced a delay in falling asleep of 39 minutes, according to their sleep journals. They also lost an average of 27 minutes in total sleep loss during the night.
  3. Secondly, violent games impede mental development. When children and adults are spending a lot of time in playing violent games, they are not able to develop themselves, it means that they are not eager to learn new skills and attain success. "Students addicted to video games have lower academic grades than their non-addicted peers"(Chiu, 2004).
  4. Video games limit human mental capabilities, they decrease the ability of analyzing and consequently human beings lose the capacity of decision-making. The four –year study by West and Veronique Bohbot, an associate professor of psychiatry at McGill University, looked at the impact of action video games on the hippocampus, the part of the brain that plays a critical role in spatial memory and the ability to recollect experiences. The study says 85% of gamers who play six or more hours a week have been shown to rely more heavily on this brain structure to find their way in a game. The researchers expanded on their finding: ''A problem is, the more they use the caudate nucleus, the less they use the hippocampus, and as a result the hippocampus loses cells and atrophies". Additionally, the hippocampus is a well-understood biomarker for certain neuropsychiatric diseases, West explained.
  5. Another important factor that should be considered is human alienation from reality. For those people, who are permanent consumers of violent games, it's quite hard to distinguish virtual life from reality. Children and adults attribute their self-consciousness to video games and then their life belongs no longer to them but to the object, called as 'violent games'. According to NPD, 91% of U.S children ages 2-17 play video games (64 million). More interesting, these numbers are up nearly 13% from a 2009 study. The number of kids in the U.S has increased by 1.54 percent in that time.
  6. Young children are extremely confused in identifying fantasy violence from real world violence, moreover, they're imitating fake characters and have the same mimics what they're watching in games. Child Development and Early Childhood Education expert Jane Katch, MST, stated in an interview with Education Week, "I found that young children often have difficulty separation fantasy from reality when they are playing and can temporarily believe they are the character they are pretending to be".
  7. US Supreme Court Justice Stephen Brayer wrote in his dissent in Brown v. ESA that "the closer a child's behavior comes, not to watching but to acting out horrific violence, greater the potential psychological harm".
  8. The fourth argument includes psychosocial problem. Those people who are constant users of violent games are mostly isolated from social environment. As it was mentioned, violent games cause aggressiveness and this is directly expressed in violent tendencies and the willingness to bully. At this current time, adolescents tend to have competitions among the people and they're searching for the opponents. Society is on the one side and addicted people are on the other, in other words people have hostile situations. For instance: Critics of violent games argue that playing violent games desensitize players to real-life violence and is responsible for the increasing rates of bullying. In 2007, 32% of students aged 12-18 reported being bullied at school, compared to 5% in 1999. The teenage shooters in the 1999 Columbine High School massacre of 13 students played violent combat games. Many mass shootings have been achieved by avid video game players. James Holmes in the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting (2012); Jared Lee Loughner in the Arizona shooting that injured Rep. Gabby Gifford and killed six others(2011); and Anders Breivik, who killed 77 people in Norway(2011) and admitted to using the game Modern Warfare 2 for training.
  9. The opposite party of this idea, that violent video games should be prohibited, claim that violent games support economic development. A new study from Economists Incorporated reports that violent games industry added $4.95billion to U.S. Gross Domestic Product last year-and the entertainment side of the software world is growing considerably faster than other sectors of economy. On average, industry employees receive an annual compensation of $89.781, with the industry total hitting $2.9billion.
  10. On the contrary, proposers of this idea, that violent video games should be prohibited, argue that this is not sufficient reason to accept violent games in society. If economic advancement increases with the help of video games, healthy life is gradually ruining. They claim, that economic should not be developed by sacrificing humankinds' health. Human well-being is the most significant thing, which should be always considered.

To conclude, what had been mentioned above, essay strongly supports the idea, that violent games should be prohibited. Those kind of games have negative health consequences. Besides the fact that intelligence level is limited, it is also declining and cause tense relationships within society. In addition, violent games have some features of incurable diseases, which emerge in humans and then it's getting extremely hard to vanish.


  1. http://www.techaddiction.ca/video_game_addiction_statistics.html (03.06.2018)
  2. https://www.ukessays.com/essays/young-people/violent-video-games-children-and-young-people-essay.php (03.06.2018)
  3. https://sleepjunkies.com/blog/video-games-sleep-habits/ (03.06.2018)
  4. http://www.techaddiction.ca/video_game_addiction_statistics.html(03.06.2016)
  5. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/shooting-video-games-health-1.4237361 (03.06.2018)
  6. https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/91-percent-of-kids-play-video-games-says-study/ (03.06.2018)
  7. https://videogames.procon.org/ (03.06.2016)
  8. https://videogames.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=006520 (03.06.2016)
  9. https://www.cnbc.com/id/38644484 (04.06.2018)

Related Questions

on Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned

Why gaming should not be banned?
Gaming should not be banned because it can be a great source of entertainment and can help people develop problem-solving skills. Additionally, it can be a great way to socialize with friends and family, as many games are designed to be played with multiple people.
Do video games have positive effects?
Yes, video games can have positive effects. Studies have shown that playing video games can improve problem-solving skills, increase hand-eye coordination, and even help with mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. Additionally, video games can be a great way to socialize and connect with friends and family.
Do violent video games relieve stress?
It is possible that playing violent video games can provide a temporary relief from stress, as it can be a distraction from the source of stress. However, it is important to note that playing violent video games can also increase aggression and lead to further stress in the long run.
What are the benefits of video games?
Video games can provide a variety of benefits, including improved cognitive skills, increased problem-solving abilities, improved hand-eye coordination, and increased social interaction. Additionally, video games can be a great source of entertainment and can help reduce stress and anxiety.

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Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned. (2017, Apr 08). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/why-violent-video-games-should-not-be-banned/

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