Why Travel Alone is a Great Idea

Category: Experience, Time Travel
Last Updated: 31 Jan 2023
Pages: 3 Views: 166

From the time that I was old even to realize what a dream was I had many. I had dreamt to become so many things year after year, as I grew. It became a different dream every time. Sometimes I dreamt to become a doctor or lawyer, pediatrician, teacher, and even a famous business woman who traveled across the world and worked for the president.

Growing up, seeing my two elder sisters graduate from high school with almost straight A's and go to Cal States even though they had gotten accepted to UCS, I dreamt a little bigger dream than theirs. I dreamt to go straight to a University and to try the hardest I ever have. I dreamt to do more than anyone in my family when it would come to educating myself. I dreamt to live my life to the fullest and to learn everything I can about the things I love, to become knowledgeable on all that I could.

Even though, I was in a hard to learn environment, parties, movie nights, concerts, I tried my best to stay away from all relationships and other distractions. When I moved to Port of Los Angeles High School, from Carson Senior High School, my ideas on everything completely changed. The environment was beautiful and clean, the teachers were nice and cared about teaching their students. There was this indescribable feeling I got as I entered into this school. I became a little more interested and became a little more interactive with the teachers. I communicated with almost all my fellow peers.

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They say not to be picky about choosing a school to go to because education is the same everywhere you go. I disagree, changing schools made a huge difference for me, a better difference. By going to POLAHS and being involved in clubs and programs I got plenty of chances to go on trips to colleges, preform in the talent shows each year, and an opportunity to go on a trip during spring break of May 2010 with school to New York, Washington DC, and Virginia.

Traveling around the world, studying abroad, visiting historical places has always been a dream of mine and thanks to my hard working parents I got to begin living my dreams, at age 16. This experience, to travel alone for a week to Washington DC, New York, and Virginia, showed and taught me so a lot that I didn't know. I saw many different types of environments and the way people from cities outside of California were.

I got to ride on an air plane after 10 years, this time alone, I got to stay at hotels with my roomates and have sleepovers every night. I got to visit monuments, universities, historical buildings and got to eat at places I never thought I would. One place I went to for lunch was called Bens Chili Bowl in New York. I sat where President Obama sat. I got a chance to be kind of independent; I was given the chance to show how responsible I am to my teachers and to my parents.

My mother and father are considered to be modern compared to their parents. They believe that their daughters and son should be educated and should all have successful careers. They showed my siblings and we that we can achieve anything and everything that we want or hope to achieve. They showed us that we have it in ourselves to be successful adults. My parents have always supported me in every decision I've made and will always continue to do so. I want to make my parents proud of me with whatever goals and careers I choose to accomplish. I want to grow up successful and be able support them the way they have always supported me.

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Why Travel Alone is a Great Idea. (2023, Jan 13). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/why-travel-alone-is-a-great-idea/

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