Understand the expected pattern of development for children
As a baby between 0-3 months they go from being only able to move their hands, arms and eggs in a limited movement, to by the age of 3 years being able to run, have hand co- ordination I. E. Throwing balls etc. Social and emotional development is slower, with interaction with adults slowly building up I. E. Recognition of mother/father in the first few months, but by 12 months, they will have show affection to careers, although be wary of strangers. Generally during the latter stage of this development they will start to have a sense of self and independence including impulsiveness by the age of 3.
The language development in this stage is slow - with only gurgles and babbling for he first few months, with laughter not really developing until 6-12 months. Together with intellectual development children between 2-3 years should be able to put together a simple sentence of words, ask questions and even scribble & mark paper with pencils and crayons. The sequence of development, as earlier mentioned, differs from child to child. In the O - 3 years category, a baby may have developed stronger neck muscles earlier so can hold up its head within a few weeks, others may take longer.
Other physical examples are with crawling and walking. Some children will continue to crawl until hey are 15 months before they take their first steps, whilst others may commence those early steps at 11-12 months. I en majority AT centre, unless tense are meals/mental Doctors, wall reach years milestones but at their own rate. Age range 3-7 years is when children start to become individuals. They start to learn, take interest in their environment and their social and intellectual development starts to increase. Physically a child's hand-eye co-ordination progresses. Hand skills I. E. Encircle skills, threading laces through objects, using scissors etc all increase. In the later stages of his age group more complicated skill sets become apparent e. G. Writing words and numbers, learning to tie shoe laces etc. A sense of balance comes more into being - many children begin to learn to ride a bike without stabilizers. The social, intellectual and language rate increase, especially from age 4 years, when children start pre-school or primary school. At school, children start to build friendships with their peers, learn about caring for one another and they start to understand parameters, as a daily structure is put in place.
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Language becomes more complex. Use of vocabulary increases so children can start o read simple books which allows their imagination to expand. The sequence in this age group is probably more apparent in the language/ intellectual side of development. Children will learn to read and write at different rates and this therefore has a knock on effect with vocabulary. For example a child aged 4, who has been to pre-school and Just starting school may already be able to write their name, where as others, are still trying to develop their pen holding skills and therefore may take longer to learn.
The 7 - 12 years group is a key stage of development, especially the latter ages, who re reaching towards puberty. All areas of development increase rapidly. Physically, by this age, children's hand-eye co-ordination and foot skills are very much in place. This is primarily through children starting to play sports in schools which homes in on particular skills. Older girls in this age range, may also start to notice changes to their bodies I. E. Breasts developing, body shape becoming more curvy. Social and emotional development becomes central.
Children start to become aware of their own gender/sex. This leads to them beginning to play and interact with their win gender peer groups. As pre-teenagers their characters develop so they may also start to become arrogant and bossy, or alternatively shy and uncertain. Girls, due to the physical changes may particularly become embarrassed about their bodies, as although they may start looking like a teenager, they are still only children inside. Intellectual and language rates show a large expansion. Children are able to read to themselves and start to participate in class or clubs.
Vocabulary begins to grow as they start to have conversations with adults, as well as having more complex spellings to tackle, Ana y start to understand ten Territories In grammar Ana tenses. The sequences here, again, are up to the individual child. Some children will love to read so their vocabulary and language skills develop much quicker than those children, so prefer other activities I. E. Sports, math etc. Physically, especially with girls due to their genetic makeup may develop a lot quicker than their peers, which has an effect on how they develop emotionally and socially.
The last stage of development is 12-19 years, otherwise known as 'adolescence'. This is a key stage when teenagers start to become independent from their parents, are Turing and starting to know their own strengths and weaknesses. This, in turn, can cause conflict between a teenager and their parent(s). It is also a key time for schools to help and guide them through this stage of their development. At this age, physical development in children's bodies occur due to going through puberty, so the sequence rate of growth does differ between boys and girls.
Girls tend to reach maturity between 14-15, whereas boys can greatly differ between themselves. Due to these variations and developments, there is a strong sense of social and motional changes. Teenagers are aware of their changing body shapes. Girls develop breasts and pubic hair, whilst boys voices deepen, muscle tone becomes more apparent and pubic/bodily hair grows. From a social and emotional aspect, teenagers tend to look to their peer groups for support and advice rather than adults.
They also start having relationships between genders and start to mature sexually. They become more self conscious of their body changes I. E. Body doors, possible acne due to oily skin, all that require assurances that this is part of their development. They also start an intense phase of questioning - they no longer accept everything they are told without question. This makes parents fearful. Educationally, their intellect development requires guidance between what they are learning and how this works and relates to the real world.
A code of duty, both moral and social should start to evolve, and form the basis of an individual identity. They are now developing their own thoughts and views and start to think ahead to future occupations, relationships etc. The sequence of growth at this stage does differ and so teenagers develop physically such quicker than others, but this sometimes down to genetics, or if a child is very sporty , their muscle tone etc will develop quicker than those who do not participate in any sporting activity.
Socially and intellectually, sequence rate depends on how quickly a teenager unearths tenet environment Ana gall tens apneas also on ten level AT support they receive at home and at school. Overall, a child's development, although can be mapped out and put into stage groups, will develop at its own rate, and but it is also dependent on how it is nurtured, taught and supported
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