The Turner Construction International
The Turner Construction International is century old and specializes in commercial and office buildings. The company became, The Turner Corporation, a corporation, in 1984 and it was acquired by HOCHTIEF AG, Germany’s largest construction firm in 2001. The company mission statement stresses on the company’s intent to become the leader in construction field by delivering highest quality results to its clients. The company upholds high ethics in all its dealings. The company offers employment-at-will. Employee status is regular or temporary (both full time and part time).
Full time regular employees are entitled to maximum benefits. Employees are categorized as construction, admin/finance and support staff. Each category has several levels (not explained). Working hours - 45 hours/ week (full time) and less hours for temporary worker. The complete data related to all employees is stored centrally with limited access to concerned individuals, to ensure privacy. The termination of employment can be voluntary or involuntary i. e. employment-at-will. A severance pay is given for 3 months for terminations other than resignation / disciplinary action.
The employee compensation includes basic salary, accommodation and transport allowance and other allowances wherever applicable. Salary is paid once a month. Yearly bonus paid. Employees are given free medical insurance while the dependents are charged 50%. Medical bills and lost wages due to accidents are covered. Life insurance for the employee is free. Employees up to the level of 7 are entitled for bonus on employee referrals. Regular full time employees are entitled for tuition reimbursement with conditions. The company partially reimburses the cost of professional license or certification.
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Service awards are given in every 5 years. Economy class ticket for self and family, on annual leave, once in a year. Employees are entitled for 30 days annual leave in 12 months, and other leaves include paid disability leave, paid maternity leave, bereavement leave, leave for visa or work permit Compensation for mobilization, temporary/permanent relocation etc: includes shipment allowance, accommodation, food and laundry allowances. Renewal of visa and work/residential permits are done at company cost. Business travel expenses born by the company, provision for inconvenience pay.
The performance evaluation is done on yearly basis. Employees are provided orientation training. Online courses are offered by The Turner Knowledge Network. Personal conduct: On top of the agenda. Harassment at work place in any form is not tolerated. Substance abuse, work place violence etc are strictly dealt with, including termination of employment. The IT inventory is meant to be used only for official purpose. Work and safety rules are the holy canons of the company. Media contacts and solicitations are restricted. There is a dispute resolution mechanism in place.
Executive Summary – Projacs
The company was established in 1984 in Kuwait and now has a presence in Middle East, Europe, America and Asia. It employs more than 500 professionals from 24 countries. Mission: to become the leading builder in Middle East. The company proclaims its dedication to excellence and commitment to clients and employees. Employment conditions: Employment at will. Age limit: between18-65. Termination can be voluntary or involuntary. Termination on one month notice, except for immediate cases. Employee categories: Technical and supporting staff. Status: Probationary (100 days), Regular full/part-time, Temporary full/part-time.
Grades and levels clearly mentioned. Separate grading structure for technical and support staff. Both have 4 levels. New employee: Supervisor-assisted orientation training for 3 days. Promotions are merit based. Centralized data base of employee with limited access. Employee can review the information through the online ProMIS network. Employment reference given only on written request/assent from employee. Work schedule: 48 hours a week. Special timing during Ramdan. Compensation: Basic salary, accommodation and transportation allowance and other allowances. Pay once in a month. Overtime: maximum 4 hours a day and 35 hours a month.
Bonus, paid regularly. Individual to monitor renewal of their work permits. Employment of relatives not encouraged, but not prohibited. Performance review: Carried out once in year. Training and development: Compulsory training, on company expenses; conditions apply. Leave: 30 days annual leave. Other types of leave permitted. Medical insurance: free for permanent regular staff. Life insurance: free. Company also provides free, partial/total disability insurance. Air travel/ hotel accommodation: Economy class and 4 star hotel for grade 4-9 and business class and 5 star for above 9.
Transfer: common between various sites, refusals result in termination. Allowance paid for shipment of goods and 10 days temporary accommodation provided. Loan: personal loan and housing loan are available. Email is preferred choice for communication. Use of hired car allowed. Profession code of conduct and communication channels to be followed. Proper dress code, personal hygiene: important. Wearing of identification badges must. The company provides ample provisions for upward and downward communications. Regular publication of company newsletter. The employees to desist from activities or associations that hurts the company’s interests.
Violation of company rules or guidelines, substance abuse, absenteeism, workplace violence, sexual harassment etc will lead to termination. Progressive discipline followed by the company. Safety: General disaster and fire prevention/ alarm plans are in place.
Comparison of handbooks Employment Conditions
- Staff Handbook: The Projacs hand book provides much more details than the Turner.
- Employment-at-Will : Both offers employment-at-will. The company or the individual can terminate the contract on one month notice.
- Employee Status: Both have the same status for employees. Probation, Regular (part / full time), and Temporary (part / full time)
- Position Designation & Level: Turner hand book talks about the grading, but does not give details. Projacs gives all the details about the 4 levels and 11 grades.
- Probation Period: For turner, 3 months and for Projacs 100 days
- Working Hours: Turner – 45 hours a week. Projacs – 48 hours a week.
- Privacy of Employee Records: Projacs is more progressive (they can peruse the profile online – ProMIS - and do some editing). In Turner, the perusal and amendment done on prior written applications.
- Employment References: Both are treating the request for employment reference in equally professional way.
- Termination of Employment: Same conditions for both companies. The difference being the progressive discipline, followed by Projacs, before affecting a termination.
Compensation & Benefits
- Compensation: Both companies give basic salary, there are other allowances also.
- Salary & Allowances: Included basic salary, accommodation and transport allowance. Overtime in Projacs is limited to 4 hours daily and 35 hours monthly. Turner has not mentioned such limits.
- Compensation Procedures: Same for both: by cash or through bank account
- Bonuses: Regular bonus is being given in December, every year.
- Medical Insurance: Turner provides free medical insurance to the employee and bears 50% of insurance cost of spouse and 2 children of below 18 years. Projacs offers medical insurance only for employee and spouse is covered only conditionally (if specially mentioned in offer letter).
- Workmen’s Compensation: Turner: Medical bills and lost wages resulting from an accident on the job covered, based on the country. Nothing for Projacs employee.
- Life Insurance: Free of cost at both companies. Projacs - has spelt out the amount. 24 months basic salary on death and to be paid within 24 hours. Special feature of Projac: free insurance for Permanent total / partial disability
- Employee Referral Program: Turner offers bonus for employee referrals.
- Tuition Reimbursement: Available only for the Turner employee.
- Professional Certification /Licenses: Turner bears part of the expenses of a regular full time employee. No such provision for Projacs employee.
- Service Awards: Given at every 5 years for full time regular employee at Turner. Projacs offers only 3 days leave
- Air Tickets: Turner provides economy class ticket for employee, spouse and 2 children below 18 years (for annual leave not less than 15 days). Also on business travel, travel for visa/ permit renewal, mobilization and relocation. Projacs- for leave (once in 11months), business trip, relocation, mobilization etc. For grade 4 to 9: economy class, grade 9 and above:– business class
- Taxes: To be paid by individual, as usual Leave & Absence
- Leaves & Absence: Both has almost similar rules. Overstaying of leave or absence for 3 consecutive days is considered as resignation.
- Annual Leave: 30 days for both. Cannot be carried over to next year.
- Medical/ Sick Leave: Turner offers short term disability leave up to 3 months with full pay. Projacs: Depends on the host country and the leave will be deducted from total sick leave pool.
- Maternity Leave: Turner offers paid maternity leave for employee having 12 months or more service and unpaid leave for others. Projacs offers 30 days maternity leave.
- Bereavement Leave: Both companies offer 3 days leave with an additional day for travel.
- Visa Leave: Turner gives up to 7 days leave. But Projacs gives leave on weekends.
- Company Holidays: As per the holidays of host country.
- Unauthorized Leave: Unauthorized leave leads to termination.
- Unpaid Leave: Turner: conditional. Projacs usually allows up to 10 days unpaid leave. Mobilization, Relocation & Travel
Mobilization & Relocation
Turner: Mobilization: Economy air fare for self and dependents. Shipment allowance up to $ 500 for single and $ 1000 for married staff. Reimbursement of food, accommodation and laundry expenses up to 30 days. Taxy or in lieu allowance for 7 days. Relocation: Same as mobilization. Temporary relocation: economy airfare, $ 250 for shipment, and accommodation, food and laundry expenses for the entire period. Projacs: On relocation, allowance for shipping items and 10 days temporary accommodation at new location provided.
Visas & Permits
Turner: Renewal visa and resident permits of self and dependents at company cost. All other types born by the individual including the fine, if any.
Company bears all costs including travel for renewal of visa and permits. But, employee to monitor the time of renewals
Business Travel
Turner: To and fro air travel and visa expenses. Reasonable travel expenses. Projacs: Provide accommodation on bed and breakfast basis, all extras paid by the individual from the out of town allowance. All other expenses reimbursed against actual receipts.
Inconvenience Compensation
Turner: When travelling outside the assigned country. (Firday $ 30 and other days $ 15). Projacs: Out of town allowance given. Rates not mentioned.
Career Development
- Orientation: Turner: 3 days orientation programme, Projacs: 2 days
- Performance Evaluation: Done every year. Employee assessed on job proficiency, discipline, loyalty, motivation, attitude, communication etc. Chance for improving performance given.
- Training & Career Development: Turner is better off: Turner university conducts online distance learning courses for its employees through Turner Knowledge network. Projacs: Career development training is compulsory, and given at the company’s expense. But the employee is to serve the company for one year after that or the expenses are deducted from final settlement Personal Conduct.
Personal Conduct Guidelines
While Projacs give general guidelines, Turner is more detail and specific in its guidelines for personal conduct.
- Harassment: While Turner proclaims its stand against all types of harassment at workplace, Projacs talks only about sexual harassment. Punishment includes termination.
- Substance Abuse: Tuner prohibits all types of substance while Projacs is pre-occupied with alcohol abuse. Both warn about serious consequences
- Workplace Violence: Both companies have spelt out their intolerance of workplace violence.
- Computer & IT Systems: Turner limits the access to computer and IT systems for official work. But, allows employees to use fax, copier etc for personal use at some rate. Projacs is progressive in disseminating information. They have set up a network called ProMIS, can be accessed by employees for reviewing personal records. All employees have company email ID and company encourages communication using email for efficiency.
- Dress Code: Tuner is very particular about dress code. Professional business dress at all times. Both specifies the types of dress that can be worn and not to be worn. Projacs is advising less use of jewelry.
- Work & Safety Rules: Safety is highlighted for individual and the company, by both. Severe consequences, including termination, on violation of safety rules. Projacs also talks about the fire safety and fire alarm and other disaster plans.
- Media Contacts: Turner: No employee other than the authorized by company should contact media. Projacs: Queries from the media concerning a client/project should be referred to Corporate office.
- Solicitation: Solicitation in any form during working hours or at work places is prohibited by both companies.
- Confidentiality: Confidentiality should be on top agenda for the employees. Both companies are serious about that.
- Dispute Resolution: Turner: Dispute resolution mechanism is in place for both companies.
- Attendance & Time Keeping: Attendance and time keeping scrutinsed strictly. Projacs allows entering attendance and time sheet through networked computers.
Projacs is progressive in implementing the online information system – ProMIS. Every employee has an email ID. The grading and levels of the employees are clearly mentioned, Company also follows an explicit progressive disciplinary policy. The company provides free insurance for disability. It also gives personal and housing loans. But, Turner has made the employee more valuable to the company. The working hours is 45 against 48 hours of Projacs.
It offers 3 months severance pay on normal termination. Offers medical insurance to the spouse and two children up to the age of 18 at 50% company cost. At Projacs this is allowed only if mentioned in contract. Turner allows tuition reimbursement for employees, and The Turner university conducts online courses for the benefit of employee. Company also bears part of cost for acquiring professional license / certificate. No such provision at Projacs. Turner employee gets 7 days leave for visa / permit renewal against weekend holiday provided by Projacs. Turner: Family visa renewed at company cost.
The family gets free air ticket on annual leave. The compensation and rates for mobilization, relocation, accommodation policy etc provided by Turner is far better than that of Projacs. Turner is more considerate to the family of employees. Turner also gives temporary disability leave up to 3 months with pay. Every employee is entitled for service awards (in cash) in every 5 years, but Projacs restricts such awards to just 3 days leave which cannot be clubbed with annual leave. Though Projacs is very progressive more professional in its outlook, Turner is better for the employees in many areas which count.
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The Turner Construction International. (2018, Mar 25). Retrieved from
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