The Science of Eating: Examining Popular Diets and the Psychology Behind Our Food Choices
Weight and eating right are constantly thrown at us today. Many diet and exercise plans claim to be based In scientific fact, that the findings have been completed In a lab under controlled circumstances to produce results. Some of these articles are titled "Weird Reasons We Gain Weight" and "The Psychology of a Restaurant Menu. " These articles are everywhere on the Internet, and make various claims behind the science of eating, food and things it can do to our bodies.
I will examine the popular science behind the psychology of eating, the popularity of diets proven by "science" and how science drives our eating habits as a society and culture. David A. Kessler is a Harvard trained doctor, lawyer and former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration. Kessler Is also the author of the book "The End of Overeating" which examines why people cannot resist or stop consuming certain foods. Kessler believes that overeating begins In our brain, not In our bodies.
He has developed a theory that claims that foods high In fat, salt and sugar alter the brains chemistry In ways that causes people to overeat. L According to Kessler, rather than satisfying hunger the combination of salt-fat-sugar stimulate the brain to crave more of these foods. What happens is these foods cause the brain to release dopamine, the neurotransmitter associated with pleasure center, into the person's body. This causes the person to associate these foods with pleasure, causing a craving of the food.
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Over time, Just the thought or sight of the foods makes the dopamine pathways light up, causing an uncontrollable desire for the food. Once the person has eaten the food, the brain releases voids, which produces emotional relief. This combination of dopamine and voids create a pathway that activates every time the person thinks about the food. Deprivation, such as that caused when a person diets, only causes a person to crave the food more, this Is why diets don't often work. Kessler says that a rewiring of the brain Is required to stop this cycle.
Once this Is done, the body stops craving foods like It did before. 2 The difficultly will be changing how and what we eat as a culture, o that these foods are not as readily available. Much of the science behind diets is rooted in the proper nutrition needed for ones' body. Recently, Chris and Alexander van Tulle, identical twins and both physicians, decided to test the effectiveness of two different "popular diets. " Chris' consisted of super low fat, only 2% of his daily intake was fat, while Alexander diet was high-protein, that completely eliminated sugar.
They had a similar daily routine, and followed the exact same fitness regime every day. Both experience unwelcome side effects, from bad breath to constipation. Alexander felt sluggish and had issues keeping up with Chris on bike rides. Chris on the other hand, claimed he had a constant gnawing hunger that couldn't be satisfied without fats. While Alexander was the weight loss winner for the month, his high protein diet caused his body to go Into ketosis, a state In which the body burns fat but doesn't effectively provide the brain with the glucose (sugar) it needs for energy.
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The Science of Eating: Examining Popular Diets and the Psychology Behind Our Food Choices. (2018, Jan 03). Retrieved from
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