The Golden Age
Many parents and lawmakers argue that enforcing a law against physical discipline such as pking would be much too difficult to enforce. It would essentially be placing police in everyone's living rooms as they would need to investigate all cases of pking, no matter how minor. Police officers already have their hands full dealing with adults who beat, torture, and severely abuse their children. (pking should not be illegal) Parents are not stupid, they know the difference between abuse nd pking and can safely punish their child without falling into the classification of child abuse.
This is a valid argument, law enforcement really couldn't investigate every claim of corporal punishment. However by making pking illegal it would be easier to get help to children who are abused. Most of the time pking isn't severe enough to cause harm to the child. But in some cases where the parent is under a lot of stress or under the influence of drugs or alcohol pking can and does cause harm to the child, not Just physically but emotionally as well.
By making it illegal it gives law enforcement the opportunity to uncover cases of real abuse when before they couldn't investigate because it was Just pking. Not knowing to what degree of force is being used against the child. Many parents and lawmakers argue that enforcing a law against physical discipline such as pking would be much too difficult to enforce. It would essentially be placing police in everyone's living rooms as they would need to investigate all cases of pking, no matter how minor.
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Police officers already have their hands full dealing with adults who beat, torture, and severely abuse their children. (pking should not be illegal) Parents are not stupid, they know the difference between abuse and pking and can safely punish their child without falling into the classification of child abuse. This is a valid argument, law enforcement really couldn't investigate every claim of corporal punishment. However by making pking illegal it would be easier to get help to children who are bused.
Most of the time pking isn't severe enough to cause harm to the child. But in some cases where the parent is under a lot of stress or under the influence of drugs or alcohol pking can and does cause harm to the child, not Just physically but emotionally as well. By making it illegal it gives law enforcement the opportunity to uncover cases of real abuse when before they couldn't investigate because it was just pking. Not knowing to what degree of force is being used against the child. stress or under the intluence ot drugs or alcohol pking can and does cause abused. Most ot the time pking isn't severe enough to cause harm to the child every claim ot corporal punishment. However by making pking illegal it would be child without talling into the classification ot chil d abuse. This is a valid argument, should not be illegal) Parents are not stupid, they know the ditterence between abuse officers already nave their hands tull dealing witn adults who beat, torture, and force is being used against the child.
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The Golden Age. (2018, Jun 10). Retrieved from
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