The Box Tree Case
Strike always results to the loss of trust between the employer and striking workers. In the case of the Box Tree Restaurant, the workers went on strike after losing their trust on their former employer, Augustin Paege, who denied them of their commissions because he wanted to reduce his payroll expenses by $100,000. After the strike, these workers could be expected to hold back as far as trusting their employer is concerned. On the other hand, after what Baruch and her replacement employees went through at the hands of the striking workers, they are not expected either to easily trust the returning workers.
The most critical job for Gila Baruch, therefore, if she wants to “restore the once sterling reputation” of Box Tree, is to rebuild trust among all parties concerned. (Corsun, Young, & Shinnar, n. d. ) The situation, however, is not hopeless. Rebuilding trust is still possible. But they should do several things urgently. First, everybody should resort to “self-acceptance. ” This means that they should learn to accept who they are and be secured in their identity so that they could develop trust in others. (Messina, n. d.
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) For instance, Baruch should accept the fact that if not for the strike she would not end up owning a promising business. The replacement workers are on the same boat as Baruch. They have the strikers to thank for their jobs. If not for the strike, there would not have been any vacancy in the restaurant for them to fill. In addition, they should not forget that they, too, are workingmen like the strikers and as such, want to be fairly compensated for their time and effort - exactly what the strikers wanted in the first place.
Finally, the returning strikers should be aware that they are also indebted to Baruch and the replacement workers who made it possible for the Box Tree to stay in operation in spite of the work stoppage that they tried to instigate. Without them, the restaurant would have collapsed, they would have completely lost their jobs, and then their strike would have been an exercise in futility. Once they accept who they are and what the strike has done for their benefits, they should be able to trust each other because their livelihood, in fact, clearly depends on one another.
Another way by which trust could be rebuilt is for everybody to work hard for the establishment of “a healing environment. ” This means that Baruch, the replacement workers, and the returning strikers should adopt a “healing mode” which will enable everybody to employ “forgiveness, understanding, and healthy communication to resolve problems and issues. ” Once they are in this mode, they would be able to forget the insults and the animosities during the strike and heal the wounds they created, thereby allowing for an atmosphere conducive for the rebuilding of trust.
(Messina, n. d. ) They, particularly the replacement workers and the returning strikers, should also strive for a “reduction of a sense of competition. ” In other words, they should do away with their jealousies and stop being defensive with one another. Instead, everybody should start cooperating for the common good. (Messina, n. d. ) The replacement workers, specifically, should not make a big thing out of the seniority status afforded the returning strikers and instead accept the fact that they joined the company at a much later time.
The affected parties should likewise “let go of their fear. ” Fear is such a restricting feeling which impedes people from behaving normally and objectively towards one another. A person who fears another for any reason could never trust that person. (Messina, n. d. ) The replacement workers, for instance, should not feel threatened by the return of the strikers. They should find security in Baruch’s desire “to reward [their] hard work and loyalty” during the strike. (Corsun, Young, & Shinnar, n. d.
) The returning workers, on the other hand, should not be afraid that Baruch will be treating them with suspicion because of what they did. They should instead show Baruch that they mean no harm for her and the restaurant and that their only reason for returning to their jobs was to resume working and continue earning for their families. Reference Corsun, D. L. , Young, C. A. & Shinnar, R. S. (n. d. ). The Box Tree. Order #32096240 attachment. Messina, J. J. (n. d. ). Building Trust. Retrieved October 10, 2007 from http://www. coping. org/growth/trust. htm
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