Report on time management, SWOT analysis
It also takes a look at the problems of time management, and methods which you can use to practice time management. It then goes on to analyses SOOT analysis, discussing what it is, ivies an example of this and explains its purpose and the pros and cons of using it. There is then focus on the different learning styles available, and how to diagnose which of these suits users best. There are then examples of the tests to decide this, and a critical analysis of each.
The report then focuses on essay and report writing, the methods of each, and an analysis of each kind, followed by touching on alternatives to reports and essays.
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Report on Time management, SOOT analysis, learning styles and essay and report writing. As requested by Graham Poison on October oh 2013. The report is being written for the Borders business program module, professional development planning, to discuss and evaluate the above topics.
Time Management
Time management is working out how to use ones time, and how, at the same time, to use this time effectively. Time management is about making the most of the time that is available, in order to achieve what we think and feel is important. " (Clarke, 1993) There are two different types of time management used within the workplace: rational managerial and too much time management. Rational managerial management of your time means that management of your time at work is completely within your control, whereas too much time management is when management of time becomes too overpowering, leading to a bureaucracy.
Taking time management from a personal perspective, understand that we can become better at managing our own time when we take these four things into account:
- Being aware of the choices we have available
- Acknowledging the consequences of each choice
- Taking responsibility and control of ourselves and our decisions
- Learning from aware of the choices we have available means to know what options we have (for example: to study or to go to a bar) and between these choices, be able to choose which best would benefit you "Cut the crap and dedicate yourself to one thing and one thing only' (Template, 2005)
It is clear that in this situation one is expected to prioritize. "We wants it. We needs it. Must have the precious" Jackson, 2002) "Googol knew the value of proportioning. He knew what he wanted - to the exclusion of everything else. " ( When you begin to acknowledge that you are required to prioritize between these choices, it will become evident that each choice will come with a consequence. Knowing and understanding the consequences, or benefits, of choices can help you make the most of the time you have available. When weighing up the choices, it is advisable that you refer to past experiences to help aid in the decision making processes. "A career setback can be like a romance gone bad.
If you don't learn from your mistakes, you're doomed to repeat them" (Richardson, 2009) It can be greatly beneficial to you to practice time management in your personal life using it to create a balance between work and life. There are some tools widely used for doing this, such as planners, diaries and timetables. You can use a timetable to plan out your activities. As you can see the author has carefully planned their week to include everything they think is important to be done within that time frame. You may benefit from completing two tables: the first with what you think you do, the second with what you really do.You will notice here that the author has some changes, some quite significant.
It should be noted that, even when planning your time carefully, there will be huge differences in what you actually do with the time you have. These tables however are impel in layout, and can be easily compared to one another for future reference.
SWOT Analysis
A SWOT analysis is a form of situational analysis, which focuses on an organizations or persons: 1 Strengths 2 Weaknesses
To begin a SWOT analysis it is typical that first of all the internal factors would be reviewed (strengths and weaknesses) and then focus would shift to the external factors (opportunities and threats. ) See an example of SWOT analysis in fugues
Strengths Weaknesses
HEN Computing Edinburgh Napier certificate of credit 0 TOEFL certificate CICS intro to programming certificate Cabin crew direct certificate 5 years customer service experience 2 months' technical support experience Advanced internet knowledge Question asker Quick learner Eager Friends who own businesses Strong maritime interest Drive for the future Happiest when achieving Ability to keep calm Full, clean driving license Wide range of Job experience Experience using Sage/Cookbooks Dyslexic Previously left University Gaps in working Gaps in study Financial problems Debt from previous study Jump to conclusions Quick to assume things Like to be in control
Previously held back by friends, lack of money and stupidity with money Get frustrated when losing control Financially vulnerable Opportunities Threats Good Job Job provides opportunities Opportunity to work to help toward debt Maybe funded by a Trust fund Create a good life with my partner Possibility to marry my partner Living alone successfully while partner travels with the Armed Forces Advance well at work Work towards a degree Possibility of having help from the hardship fund Work toward a better credit rating Falling behind due to dyslexia Money holding me back in study Failing to cover all bills Spiraling into debt Debt takes over Not getting funded by trust Not getting help from hardship fund Losing Job Borrowing too much money from family As you can see the author has clearly stated all of their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The clear layout makes it easy to read, and easy to pick out certain points. The purpose of a SOOT analysis is to examine the environment affecting a business (or person), and to predict what is likely to change, what factors can be used to their advantage, what poses as threats and how to avoid/plan for these threats. Related the strength management program of the national guard
The reliability of the SOOT analysis depends not only on the information which is put into it, but how this information is then evaluated and then applied. There are both disadvantages and advantages to using the SOOT analysis.
Advantages Disadvantages
Makes strengths and opportunities clear Highlights positives Highlights areas that can be worked on and improved If something is missing it can be worked on Easy to compare past and future SOOT analysis Evaluate weaknesses Can be used on cover letters Can be used in interviews Opportunities can be taken Clear layout Highlights problems, which could knock self confidence People are not always honest
Answers could change rapidly Could become time consuming Could become illegible and messy Too much time could be spent analyzing opportunities/threats rather than getting on with progressing strengths Can be difficult to recognize you own strengths People may present themselves as what they see, not what others see Examining weaknesses could bring about limitations Thinking something is a strength could prevent it from being developed further Some people may not find SOOT productive Limited to four boxes Identifying the threats and opportunities is only the first step - they need to be fixed r worked on Can be difficult to define between boxes Can be a cause for dishonesty It is clear that there are great advantages of doing a SOOT analysis on a situation, but there are also some very clear disadvantages. "Analyzing the business environment is not a precise science and does not eliminate uncertainty for an organization, caused, for instance, by unanticipated events which do not follow the normal pattern" (Britton & Worthington, 2003) It goes without saying that any good and that he/she would be expected to rely upon their intuition.
It goes without saying that there are alternatives to using a SOOT analysis, such as the PESTLE analysis, but any good manager would use these in conjunction with each other, rather than have a preference for one over the other.
Learning Styles
The way in which someone prefers to learn or actually picks up information differs from person to person; the different ways in which this is done is termed a learning style. There are, according to advantaging. Com, seven learning styles; Visual (spatial): You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding. Aural (auditory-musical): You prefer using sound and music. Verbal (linguistic): You refer using words, both in speech and writing.
Physical (kinesthesia): You prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch. Logical (mathematical): You prefer using logic, reasoning and systems. Social (interpersonal): You prefer to learn in groups or with other people. Solitary (interpersonal): You prefer to work alone and use self- study. Taking time to understand your style of learning can help you to implement these into your everyday life. "A variety of teaching and learning approaches has the potential to enhance the learning and performance for a wider range of adult dents" (Hawk & Shah, 2007) The way in which to determine your learning style is to take one (or more) of the readily available learning styles tests. The VS.. Learning styles model suggests that most people can be divided into one of three preferred styles of learning" .
As you can see, the author has circled the answer which best suits them, they have then worked out which type of learner they are by adding up the number of a, b and co's they have - the user is an Auditory learner. There are, of course, more than Just the VS.. Questionnaire; there is the newer up to date PARK questionnaire.
As you can see, the author is now classed as being a multi-modal learner. There is also the Honey and Uniform learning styles questionnaire (Honey ; Uniform, Honey and Uniform learning styles questionnaire, 2000). See an example of the Honey and Uniform test in appendix
As you can see, this questionnaire is much more detailed and therefore more time consuming! It consists of 80 questions, and as a result of itching the questions and ticks/crosses you can determine whether you are one of the following types of learner:
- Activist
- Reflector
- Theorist
- Pragmatist
As you will see the user has determined that they are an Activist. There obviously advantages and disadvantages to each of the tests used
VS. PARK Usability Easy to use Time Quick to fill out Time consuming Quick Layout Simple layout Very simple layout Easiness to work out score Not easy, not too difficult either Difficult Quite difficult Thoroughness Simple, not very thorough Extremely thorough Simple Repetitiveness Does not repeat itself Repeats itself Clarity Simple and clear Can be confusing Clear and simple How well does it explain learning styles No great detail Goes into great detail. There are two written was to analyses; reports and essays. As described by Alma Graham, there are fundamental differences between reports and essays.
Seldom uses recommendations Seldom uses appendices Presents information/facts Usually scanned by the reader Uses numbers Uses headings/sub-headings Needs references Needs bibliography Short paragraphs Uses bullet points Uses graphics Uses a summary May use recommendations May use appendices It is clear to see that a report is comprised of much more information and information sources than an essay. For an example of an essay see appendix
As you can see the author has written in paragraphs, which are detailed, and link to the next paragraphs, unlike the example report in the appendix. Where there are detailed sections. The essay does not include images of any kind, and put forward someone's beliefs and opinions on sewing - this is not factual.
It is then fair to say that time management is a very effective tool, and can help to prioritize tasks. The methods explained to control time management are quick, yet very effective, and should be utilized when possible. Although SOOT analysis can be very effective, you should remember that it is not the only tool available, and ideally it should be used in conjunction with other tools, such as PESTLE analysis. Although oh can greatly benefit from predicting your learning style, the tests can be time consuming, messy and confusing. It should be noted that there are huge differences between essays and reports, and the task at hand should be read carefully before choosing which to use.
- Advantage. Com. (2013). Retrieved October 10, 2013, from Advantage. Com.
- Britton, C. , ; Worthington, l. (2003). The Business Environment. Headhunting: Stopping.
- Chapman, A. , ; Chilliest, V. (2005).VS.. Learning styles self-assessment questionnaire. Retrieved October 10, 2013, from businessman's. Com.
- Clarke, D. (1993). How to manage your time. Cambridge: National Extension College Trust Ltd.
- Hawk, T. F. , & Shah, A. J. (2007, January). Using learning style instruments to enhance student learning. Decision sciences Journal of innovative education, 5(1),
- 2. Jackson, P. (Director). (2002). Lord of The Rings :The Two Towers [Motion Picture].
- Richardson, B. G. (2009). To move ahead again, learn from career setbacks. Retrieved October 13, 2013, from career]erroneously. Com: career]erroneously. Com
- Template, R. (2005). The Rules Of Bannock, G. , Davis, E. & Baxter, R. E. (1972). Dictionary of Economics (Fourth deed. . London, England: Penguin Books.
- Machiavelli, N. (1906). The Prince. (C. J. Lepton, Deed. , & W. Marriott, Trans. ) Prohibition Publishing Ltd.
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